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NEW CIRCULATION: "Poetry Exercise" by Panteleimon Hambidis

NEW CIRCULATION: "Poetry Exercise" by Panteleimon Hambidis

As a preface 
"The bold wins." That's what our people say. I dared. But where is the danger in poetic creation? The original sin of an artist, scientist, craftsman and the human race in general is self-confidence. "Believe in yourself" or "I believe in you" and other such slogans of a humanistic mentality of our century are heard in the cinema and in half-educated people, who have not learned to be optimistic in the right way.
Man needs advisers, who will help him not to break his face. They will check him. They will inform him of his weak points and possible ignorance, arrogance, hasty criticism, overlooking the "beam in his own eye". (According to Matt. 7, 3). I tried to avoid this disastrous and easy course. My poems testify to who I am.
I submitted the poem, titled To John Ritsos, to the 8th World Poetry Competition of the Amphictyonia Hellenism Society in 2019. Before I publish my works, let me see how others judge them. Finally, I was awarded first prize along with six other people out of four hundred contestants. Well. Let me keep writing...
The title Practice of Poetry is obviously not accidental, the most ripe fruits of a course are included. The impressions of a person on the path of life, an average Greek, whom someone will meet on the beautiful beach of Thessaloniki or in Omonoia Square in Athens walking at night, when the heat falls.