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Coming soon: "HACCP - The quality approach" by Evangelos Evmorfopoulos

 Coming soon: "HACCP - The quality approach" by Evangelos Evmorfopoulos

Food safety is the most important parameter that must be maintained at constant, high levels for the healthy operation of a food business. The pressure for safe food is not only exerted by the strict legal framework that governs these businesses, but also by the consumers themselves as well as the increased competition due to globalization.

This book is the result of the author's long-term and excellent collaboration, as a trainer on various food safety issues, with the World Health Organization (WHO), the British Foundation RSPH (formerly RIPH) and the Unified Food Control Agency (EFET). It covers the entire evolution of HACCP and focuses on qualitative approaches to hazard analysis and risk assessment. The applied real examples from the Greek and European area, which it contains, help to deepen the understanding of the application of HACCP in food industries. The reader can not only derive from it important information about food safety management systems and become familiar with the terminology of HACCP, but also use it as a practical guide to be able to design their own operational food safety management system.

It is mainly aimed at students, young scientists (food technologists, hygienists, agronomists, veterinarians, etc.), teaching staff, private and public sector inspectors, supervisors and managers of food businesses, who entering the field of quality control and management of a food business , they should be able to cope with its requirements, mainly in terms of their ability to design and/or maintain the safety management systems it has.