This modern textbook of biological oceanography is aimed at students taking oceanography, marine biology and marine sciences courses. It covers recent developments such as the molecular techniques (including sequence data) that have allowed a re-examination of the ocean's microbial ecology and the role of the various trophic groups in biogeochemical cycling, carbon flow and climate control.
• Major topics covered include phytoplankton bloom, microbial food web, marine biogeography, global climate change and an overview of fisheries oceanography.
• Difficult concepts are explained in a straightforward manner, making this book accessible to undergraduates, graduates and researchers alike.
• Features a chapter on important numerical models which have become indispensable in biological oceanography.
• Further details of key terms and important topics are highlighted in boxes
• Models, formulas, methodologies, and techniques are described and explained throughout.
Table of Contents
1. The spring phytoplankton bloom.
2. The phycology of phytoplankton.
3. Habitat determinants of primary production in the sea.
4. Numerical models – the standard form of theory in pelagic ecology.
5. The microbial loop – bacteria, bacteriovores, and viruses in the marine pelagial.
6. The zoology of zooplankton.
7. Production ecology of marine zooplankton.
8. Population biology of zooplankton.
9. Biogeography of pelagic habitats.
10. Biome and province analysis of the oceans.
11. Adaptive complexes of mid-water organisms.
12. The fauna of deep-sea sediments.
13. Benthic community ecology.
14. Submarine hydrothermal vents.
15. Fisheries oceanography.
16. Ocean ecology and global climate change.