Aquaculture (Υδατοκαλλιέργειες - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)
From: John S. Lucas, Paul C. Southgate
Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants
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Product Code | 008406 |
ISBN Code | 9781405188586 |
Publisher | WILEY |
Author(s) | John S. Lucas, Paul C. Southgate |
Binding | Paperback |
Dimensions | 19 X 25 |
Pages | 648 |
Pub. Year | 2012 |
Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants
Author: John S. Lucas, Paul C. Southgate
The output from world aquaculture, a multi-billion dollar global industry, continues to rise at a very rapid rate and it is now acknowledged that it will take over from fisheries to become the main source of animal and plant products from aquatic environments in the future. Since the first edition of this excellent and successful book was published, the aquaculture industry has continued to expand at a massive rate globally and has seen huge advances across its many and diverse facets.
This new edition of Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants covers all major aspects of the culture of fish, shellfish and algae in freshwater and marine environments. Subject areas covered include principles, water quality, environmental impacts of aquaculture, desert aquaculture, reproduction, life cycles and growth, genetics and stock improvement, nutrition and feed production, diseases, vaccination, post-harvest technology, economics and marketing, and future developments of aquaculture. Separate chapters also cover the culture of algae, carps, salmonids, tilapias, channel catfish, marine and brackish fishes, soft-shelled turtles, marine shrimp, mitten crabs and other decapod crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, and ornamentals. There is greater coverage of aquaculture in China in this new edition, reflecting China's importance in the world scene.
For many, Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants is now the book of choice, as a recommended text for students and as a concise reference for those working or entering into the industry. Providing core scientific and commercially useful information, and written by around 30 internationally-known and respected authors, this expanded and fully updated new edition of Aquaculture is a book that is essential reading for all students and professionals studying and working in aquaculture. Fish farmers, hatchery managers and all those supplying the aquaculture industry, including personnel within equipment and feed manufacturing companies, will find a great deal of commercially useful information within this important and now established book.
Table of Contents
Preface to the Second Edition xiii
Preface to the First Edition xiv
List of Contributors xv
1 Introduction 1
John S. Lucas
1.1 What is aquaculture? 1
1.2 Origins of aquaculture and agriculture 2
1.3 Aquaculture and capture fi sheries production 4
1.4 The ‘Blue Revolution’ 6
1.5 An allegory 11
1.6 Diversity of aquaculture 12
1.7 Stock enhancement 12
1.8 New developments in aquaculture 14
1.9 Conclusions 16
References 17
2 General Principles 18
Peter Appleford, John S. Lucas and Paul C. Southgate
2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Structures used for aquaculture 18
2.3 Intensity of aquaculture 26
2.4 Static, open, semi-closed and recirculating (closed) systems 32
2.5 Plumbing and pumps 37
2.6 Site selection and development 42
2.7 Hatchery systems 44
2.8 Selecting a new species for culture 46
2.9 Developing a new cultured species 48
References 50
3 Water Quality 52
Claude Boyd
3.1 Introduction 52
3.2 Water quality variables 52
3.3 Effects of water quality on culture species 62
3.4 Water quality management 68
3.5 Effluents 80
3.6 Summary 81
References 82
4 Environmental Aspects 84
Martin Kumar and Simon Cripps
4.1 Public image 84
4.2 Impacts from land-based aquaculture 85
4.3 Impacts of aquaculture within large water bodies 91
4.4 General impacts on the environment 93
4.5 Impact assessment 99
4.6 Integrated wastewater treatment and aquaculture 101
4.7 Integrated resource management 103
4.8 Conclusions 104
References 105
5 Desert Aquaculture 107
Inland: Sagiv Kolkovski, Yitzhak Simon and Gideon Hulata Coastal: Sagiv Kolkovski and Nasser Ayaril
5.1 Introduction 107
5.2 The Israeli experience 108
5.3 Regional variation in Israel 108
5.4 Aquaculture in geothermal water 108
5.5 Water-limited aquaculture 112
5.6 Indoor aquaculture facilities 116
5.7 Desert coastal aquaculture technology – the Saudi Arabian experience 116
5.8 Brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) production in Western Australia 120
5.9 Species for water-limited aquaculture 121
5.10 Conclusions and future directions 123
References 124
6 Reproduction, Life Cycles and Growth 126
John S. Lucas and Paul C. Southgate
6.1 Introduction 126
6.2 Reproductive physiology 126
6.3 Life cycles 129
6.4 Growth 133
References 137
7 Genetics 138
Rex Dunham
7.1 Introduction 138
7.2 Basic genetics 138
7.3 Domestication and strain evaluation 140
7.4 Selection 141
7.5 Inbreeding and maintenance of genetic quality 145
7.6 Crossbreeding and hybridization 145
7.7 Chromosomal techniques 149
7.8 Molecular and genomic techniques 155
7.9 Future developments 161
References 162
8 Nutrition 164
Sena De Silva, Giovanni Turchini and David Francis
8.1 Introduction 164
8.2 Feed intake, digestion and nutrient absorption 165
8.3 Nutritional requirements 166
8.4 Types of feed 177
8.5 Selecting feed ingredients and formulation 180
8.6 Feed management 181
8.7 Major feed-related issues confronting the aquaculture sector 182
8.8 Conclusions 186
References 186
9 Foods and Feeding 188
Paul C. Southgate
9.1 Introduction 188
9.2 Foods for hatchery culture systems 188
9.3 Microalgae 188
9.4 Zooplankton 194
9.5 Feeding strategy for larval culture 199
9.6 Compound hatchery feeds 200
9.7 Development of artificial diets for fish larvae 201
9.8 Harvesting natural plankton 202
9.9 Pond fertilisation as a food source for aquaculture 202
9.10 Compound feeds 204
9.11 Dispensing aquaculture feeds 210
References 212
10 Diseases 214
Leigh Owens
10.1 Introduction 214
10.2 General principles of diseases in aquaculture 214
10.3 The philosophy of disease control 216
10.4 Generalised disease management techniques 217
10.5 Major diseases 220
10.6 Conclusions 228
References 228
11 Post-harvest Technology and Processing 229
Allan Bremner
11.1 Introduction 229
11.2 Basic characteristics 229
11.3 Safety and health 230
11.4 Nutritional aspects 231
11.5 The balance between safety and nutrition 231
11.6 Aquaculture and fi sheries products 231
11.7 Harvesting 232
11.8 Live transport 232
11.9 Muscle structure: rigor and texture 234
11.10 Stunning and post-mortem processing 236
11.11 Effects of feed on the product 237
11.12 Specialised niche market products 238
11.13 Flavours and taints 238
11.14 Texture 239
11.15 Concepts: quality, freshness, shelf-life and quality index 239
11.16 Microbiology, specifi c spoilage organism (SSO) and other spoilage processes 241
11.17 Freezing and frozen storage 242
11.18 Packaging 246
11.19 Quality control, quality assurance, HACCP and risk assessment 248
11.20 Traceability, identifi cation and origin 249
11.21 Canning 249
11.22 Smoking 250
11.23 Concluding remarks 250
References 251
12 Economics and Marketing 252
Clem Tisdell
12.1 Introduction 252
12.2 Profi tability from a business viewpoint (farm models) 253
12.3 Markets and marketing 256
12.4 Economies of scale and similar factors 259
12.5 Allowing for and coping with business risk and uncertainty 261
12.6 Economic assessment from a social standpoint 264
References 266
13 Seaweed and Microalgae 268
Seaweed: Nicholas A. Paul and C. K. Tseng Microalgae: Michael Borowitzka
13.1 General introduction 268
13.2 Seaweed 268
13.3 Microalgae 284
References 292
14 Carps 294
Sena De Silva
14.1 Introduction 294
14.2 Aspects of biology 295
14.3 Artificial propagation 296
14.4 Nutrient requirements 299
14.5 Culture 300
14.6 Diseases 307
14.7 Genetic improvement 307
14.8 Economic viability 307
14.9 Culture-based fi sheries 308
14.10 Recent developments in carp culture 310
14.11 Conclusions 311
References 311
15 Salmonids 313
John Purser and Nigel Forteath
15.1 Introduction 313
15.2 Biology 315
15.3 Freshwater farming 317
15.4 Marine farming 327
15.5 Feeds 331
15.6 Grading and stocking densities 333
15.7 Maturation, sex reversal and triploidy 334
15.8 Fish health 335
15.9 Harvesting and products 336
References 336
16 Tilapias 338
Victor Suresh and Ram C. Bhujel
16.1 Introduction 338
16.2 Family, species and genetic variation 339
16.3 Ecology and distribution 343
16.4 Sex determination and reproduction 344
16.5 Control of reproduction 345
16.6 Seed production 348
16.7 Nutrition, feeds and feeding 350
16.8 Grow-out systems 354
16.9 Disease management 359
16.10 Harvest, processing and marketing 361
References 362
17 Channel Catfish 365
Craig Tucker
17.1 Introduction 365
17.2 Biology 365
17.3 Commercial culture 366
17.4 Culture facilities 367
17.5 Production practices 368
17.6 Water quality management 373
17.7 Nutrition, feeding and feed formulation 375
17.8 Infectious diseases 376
17.9 Harvesting and processing 380
17.10 The future of channel catfi sh farming 381
References 382
18 Marine Fish 384
John Tucker
18.1 Introduction 384
18.2 Early development 384
18.3 Environmental conditions for culture 387
18.4 Rearing systems 394
18.5 Fish for stocking 397
18.6 Nutrition of larvae 401
18.7 Larval culture types 406
18.8 Juvenile and adult nutrition 409
18.9 Health 413
18.10 Family accounts 417
References 443
19 Preventing Diseases in Fish by Vaccination 445
Andrew Barnes
19.1 Definition 445
19.2 History of fi sh vaccines 445
19.3 Fish immunology in a nutshell 445
19.4 Vaccinating fi sh 449
19.5 Types of vaccine 449
19.6 Routes of delivery 452
19.7 Adjuvants 456
19.8 Vaccination in practice 457
19.9 Research and development track for commercial fish vaccines 458
19.10 Conclusions 459
References 459
20 Soft-shelled Turtles 460
Qingjun Shao
20.1 Introduction 460
20.2 Biological characteristics 462
20.3 Commercial culture 463
20.4 Culture methods and facilities 464
20.5 Culturing the developmental stages 466
20.6 Water quality 469
20.7 Nutrition, feeding and feed formulation 469
20.8 Infectious diseases 471
20.9 Harvesting and processing 472
20.10 The future of soft-shelled turtle farming 474
References 474
21 Marine Shrimp 476
Darryl Jory and Tomás Cabrera
21.1 Introduction 476
21.2 Cultured species 478
21.3 Grow-out systems 481
21.4 Preparation of ponds 484
21.5 Reproduction and maturation 488
21.6 Hatchery design and larval culture 491
21.7 Seedstock quality and stocking 494
21.8 Production management and harvest 497
21.9 Nutrition, formulated diets and feed management 503
21.10 Emerging production technologies and issues 507
21.11 Responsible shrimp farming and the challenge of sustainability 510
References 512
22 Other Decapod Crustaceans 514
Chaoshu Zeng, Yongxu Cheng, John S. Lucas and Paul C. Southgate
22.1 Introduction 514
22.2 Cultured species 516
22.3 The Chinese mitten crab 517
22.4 Freshwater prawns 522
22.5 Freshwater crayfish 527
22.6 Mud crabs 533
22.7 Spiny lobsters 538
References 539
23 Bivalve Molluscs 541
John S. Lucas
23.1 Introduction 541
23.2 Aspects of biology 541
23.3 Cultured bivalves 545
23.4 Phases of bivalve aquaculture 547
23.5 Culture problems 554
23.6 Introductions and other environmental issues 558
23.7 Industry reviews 559
23.8 The future of bivalve aquaculture 564
References 565
24 Gastropod Molluscs 567
Laura Castell
24.1 Introduction 567
24.2 Abalone 569
24.3 Conchs 576
24.4 Trochus 577
24.5 Stock enhancement 579
24.6 Conclusion 580
References 581
25 Ornamentals 583
Daniel Knop (marine) and Jonathan Moorhead (freshwater)
25.1 Introduction 583
25.2 The aquatic ornamental industry 583
25.3 Trade in ornamental fish 583
25.4 Comparing the freshwater and marine ornamental fish trades 585
25.5 Tropical marine ornamentals 585
25.6 Aquaculture of coral reef fi sh 586
25.7 Aquaculture of marine invertebrates 588
25.8 Aquaculture of live rock 592
25.9 Culture versus fi eld collection of marine ornamentals 593
25.10 Tropical freshwater ornamentals 594
25.11 Commonly traded freshwater species 595
25.12 Aquaculture of freshwater ornamental species 597
25.13 Production and marketing goals 603
25.14 The future of the ornamental industry 603
References 603
26 The Next 20 Years 606
Rohana Subasinghe and Nathanael Hishamunda
26.1 Introduction 606
26.2 Recent trends in aquaculture development and major challenges 606
26.3 Aquaculture development slows down, but it continues to grow 609
26.4 Marine resources and aquafeeds 611
26.5 Environmental and social aspects 612
26.6 Diversifi cation and expansion 613
26.7 Communication and networks 614
26.8 Aquaculture insurance 615
26.9 Unexplored opportunities 615
26.10 Conclusions 615
Index 617
Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants
Author: John S. Lucas, Paul C. Southgate
The output from world aquaculture, a multi-billion dollar global industry, continues to rise at a very rapid rate and it is now acknowledged that it will take over from fisheries to become the main source of animal and plant products from aquatic environments in the future. Since the first edition of this excellent and successful book was published, the aquaculture industry has continued to expand at a massive rate globally and has seen huge advances across its many and diverse facets.
This new edition of Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants covers all major aspects of the culture of fish, shellfish and algae in freshwater and marine environments. Subject areas covered include principles, water quality, environmental impacts of aquaculture, desert aquaculture, reproduction, life cycles and growth, genetics and stock improvement, nutrition and feed production, diseases, vaccination, post-harvest technology, economics and marketing, and future developments of aquaculture. Separate chapters also cover the culture of algae, carps, salmonids, tilapias, channel catfish, marine and brackish fishes, soft-shelled turtles, marine shrimp, mitten crabs and other decapod crustaceans, bivalves, gastropods, and ornamentals. There is greater coverage of aquaculture in China in this new edition, reflecting China's importance in the world scene.
For many, Aquaculture: Farming Aquatic Animals and Plants is now the book of choice, as a recommended text for students and as a concise reference for those working or entering into the industry. Providing core scientific and commercially useful information, and written by around 30 internationally-known and respected authors, this expanded and fully updated new edition of Aquaculture is a book that is essential reading for all students and professionals studying and working in aquaculture. Fish farmers, hatchery managers and all those supplying the aquaculture industry, including personnel within equipment and feed manufacturing companies, will find a great deal of commercially useful information within this important and now established book.
Table of Contents
Preface to the Second Edition xiii
Preface to the First Edition xiv
List of Contributors xv
1 Introduction 1
John S. Lucas
1.1 What is aquaculture? 1
1.2 Origins of aquaculture and agriculture 2
1.3 Aquaculture and capture fi sheries production 4
1.4 The ‘Blue Revolution’ 6
1.5 An allegory 11
1.6 Diversity of aquaculture 12
1.7 Stock enhancement 12
1.8 New developments in aquaculture 14
1.9 Conclusions 16
References 17
2 General Principles 18
Peter Appleford, John S. Lucas and Paul C. Southgate
2.1 Introduction 18
2.2 Structures used for aquaculture 18
2.3 Intensity of aquaculture 26
2.4 Static, open, semi-closed and recirculating (closed) systems 32
2.5 Plumbing and pumps 37
2.6 Site selection and development 42
2.7 Hatchery systems 44
2.8 Selecting a new species for culture 46
2.9 Developing a new cultured species 48
References 50
3 Water Quality 52
Claude Boyd
3.1 Introduction 52
3.2 Water quality variables 52
3.3 Effects of water quality on culture species 62
3.4 Water quality management 68
3.5 Effluents 80
3.6 Summary 81
References 82
4 Environmental Aspects 84
Martin Kumar and Simon Cripps
4.1 Public image 84
4.2 Impacts from land-based aquaculture 85
4.3 Impacts of aquaculture within large water bodies 91
4.4 General impacts on the environment 93
4.5 Impact assessment 99
4.6 Integrated wastewater treatment and aquaculture 101
4.7 Integrated resource management 103
4.8 Conclusions 104
References 105
5 Desert Aquaculture 107
Inland: Sagiv Kolkovski, Yitzhak Simon and Gideon Hulata Coastal: Sagiv Kolkovski and Nasser Ayaril
5.1 Introduction 107
5.2 The Israeli experience 108
5.3 Regional variation in Israel 108
5.4 Aquaculture in geothermal water 108
5.5 Water-limited aquaculture 112
5.6 Indoor aquaculture facilities 116
5.7 Desert coastal aquaculture technology – the Saudi Arabian experience 116
5.8 Brine shrimp (Artemia sp.) production in Western Australia 120
5.9 Species for water-limited aquaculture 121
5.10 Conclusions and future directions 123
References 124
6 Reproduction, Life Cycles and Growth 126
John S. Lucas and Paul C. Southgate
6.1 Introduction 126
6.2 Reproductive physiology 126
6.3 Life cycles 129
6.4 Growth 133
References 137
7 Genetics 138
Rex Dunham
7.1 Introduction 138
7.2 Basic genetics 138
7.3 Domestication and strain evaluation 140
7.4 Selection 141
7.5 Inbreeding and maintenance of genetic quality 145
7.6 Crossbreeding and hybridization 145
7.7 Chromosomal techniques 149
7.8 Molecular and genomic techniques 155
7.9 Future developments 161
References 162
8 Nutrition 164
Sena De Silva, Giovanni Turchini and David Francis
8.1 Introduction 164
8.2 Feed intake, digestion and nutrient absorption 165
8.3 Nutritional requirements 166
8.4 Types of feed 177
8.5 Selecting feed ingredients and formulation 180
8.6 Feed management 181
8.7 Major feed-related issues confronting the aquaculture sector 182
8.8 Conclusions 186
References 186
9 Foods and Feeding 188
Paul C. Southgate
9.1 Introduction 188
9.2 Foods for hatchery culture systems 188
9.3 Microalgae 188
9.4 Zooplankton 194
9.5 Feeding strategy for larval culture 199
9.6 Compound hatchery feeds 200
9.7 Development of artificial diets for fish larvae 201
9.8 Harvesting natural plankton 202
9.9 Pond fertilisation as a food source for aquaculture 202
9.10 Compound feeds 204
9.11 Dispensing aquaculture feeds 210
References 212
10 Diseases 214
Leigh Owens
10.1 Introduction 214
10.2 General principles of diseases in aquaculture 214
10.3 The philosophy of disease control 216
10.4 Generalised disease management techniques 217
10.5 Major diseases 220
10.6 Conclusions 228
References 228
11 Post-harvest Technology and Processing 229
Allan Bremner
11.1 Introduction 229
11.2 Basic characteristics 229
11.3 Safety and health 230
11.4 Nutritional aspects 231
11.5 The balance between safety and nutrition 231
11.6 Aquaculture and fi sheries products 231
11.7 Harvesting 232
11.8 Live transport 232
11.9 Muscle structure: rigor and texture 234
11.10 Stunning and post-mortem processing 236
11.11 Effects of feed on the product 237
11.12 Specialised niche market products 238
11.13 Flavours and taints 238
11.14 Texture 239
11.15 Concepts: quality, freshness, shelf-life and quality index 239
11.16 Microbiology, specifi c spoilage organism (SSO) and other spoilage processes 241
11.17 Freezing and frozen storage 242
11.18 Packaging 246
11.19 Quality control, quality assurance, HACCP and risk assessment 248
11.20 Traceability, identifi cation and origin 249
11.21 Canning 249
11.22 Smoking 250
11.23 Concluding remarks 250
References 251
12 Economics and Marketing 252
Clem Tisdell
12.1 Introduction 252
12.2 Profi tability from a business viewpoint (farm models) 253
12.3 Markets and marketing 256
12.4 Economies of scale and similar factors 259
12.5 Allowing for and coping with business risk and uncertainty 261
12.6 Economic assessment from a social standpoint 264
References 266
13 Seaweed and Microalgae 268
Seaweed: Nicholas A. Paul and C. K. Tseng Microalgae: Michael Borowitzka
13.1 General introduction 268
13.2 Seaweed 268
13.3 Microalgae 284
References 292
14 Carps 294
Sena De Silva
14.1 Introduction 294
14.2 Aspects of biology 295
14.3 Artificial propagation 296
14.4 Nutrient requirements 299
14.5 Culture 300
14.6 Diseases 307
14.7 Genetic improvement 307
14.8 Economic viability 307
14.9 Culture-based fi sheries 308
14.10 Recent developments in carp culture 310
14.11 Conclusions 311
References 311
15 Salmonids 313
John Purser and Nigel Forteath
15.1 Introduction 313
15.2 Biology 315
15.3 Freshwater farming 317
15.4 Marine farming 327
15.5 Feeds 331
15.6 Grading and stocking densities 333
15.7 Maturation, sex reversal and triploidy 334
15.8 Fish health 335
15.9 Harvesting and products 336
References 336
16 Tilapias 338
Victor Suresh and Ram C. Bhujel
16.1 Introduction 338
16.2 Family, species and genetic variation 339
16.3 Ecology and distribution 343
16.4 Sex determination and reproduction 344
16.5 Control of reproduction 345
16.6 Seed production 348
16.7 Nutrition, feeds and feeding 350
16.8 Grow-out systems 354
16.9 Disease management 359
16.10 Harvest, processing and marketing 361
References 362
17 Channel Catfish 365
Craig Tucker
17.1 Introduction 365
17.2 Biology 365
17.3 Commercial culture 366
17.4 Culture facilities 367
17.5 Production practices 368
17.6 Water quality management 373
17.7 Nutrition, feeding and feed formulation 375
17.8 Infectious diseases 376
17.9 Harvesting and processing 380
17.10 The future of channel catfi sh farming 381
References 382
18 Marine Fish 384
John Tucker
18.1 Introduction 384
18.2 Early development 384
18.3 Environmental conditions for culture 387
18.4 Rearing systems 394
18.5 Fish for stocking 397
18.6 Nutrition of larvae 401
18.7 Larval culture types 406
18.8 Juvenile and adult nutrition 409
18.9 Health 413
18.10 Family accounts 417
References 443
19 Preventing Diseases in Fish by Vaccination 445
Andrew Barnes
19.1 Definition 445
19.2 History of fi sh vaccines 445
19.3 Fish immunology in a nutshell 445
19.4 Vaccinating fi sh 449
19.5 Types of vaccine 449
19.6 Routes of delivery 452
19.7 Adjuvants 456
19.8 Vaccination in practice 457
19.9 Research and development track for commercial fish vaccines 458
19.10 Conclusions 459
References 459
20 Soft-shelled Turtles 460
Qingjun Shao
20.1 Introduction 460
20.2 Biological characteristics 462
20.3 Commercial culture 463
20.4 Culture methods and facilities 464
20.5 Culturing the developmental stages 466
20.6 Water quality 469
20.7 Nutrition, feeding and feed formulation 469
20.8 Infectious diseases 471
20.9 Harvesting and processing 472
20.10 The future of soft-shelled turtle farming 474
References 474
21 Marine Shrimp 476
Darryl Jory and Tomás Cabrera
21.1 Introduction 476
21.2 Cultured species 478
21.3 Grow-out systems 481
21.4 Preparation of ponds 484
21.5 Reproduction and maturation 488
21.6 Hatchery design and larval culture 491
21.7 Seedstock quality and stocking 494
21.8 Production management and harvest 497
21.9 Nutrition, formulated diets and feed management 503
21.10 Emerging production technologies and issues 507
21.11 Responsible shrimp farming and the challenge of sustainability 510
References 512
22 Other Decapod Crustaceans 514
Chaoshu Zeng, Yongxu Cheng, John S. Lucas and Paul C. Southgate
22.1 Introduction 514
22.2 Cultured species 516
22.3 The Chinese mitten crab 517
22.4 Freshwater prawns 522
22.5 Freshwater crayfish 527
22.6 Mud crabs 533
22.7 Spiny lobsters 538
References 539
23 Bivalve Molluscs 541
John S. Lucas
23.1 Introduction 541
23.2 Aspects of biology 541
23.3 Cultured bivalves 545
23.4 Phases of bivalve aquaculture 547
23.5 Culture problems 554
23.6 Introductions and other environmental issues 558
23.7 Industry reviews 559
23.8 The future of bivalve aquaculture 564
References 565
24 Gastropod Molluscs 567
Laura Castell
24.1 Introduction 567
24.2 Abalone 569
24.3 Conchs 576
24.4 Trochus 577
24.5 Stock enhancement 579
24.6 Conclusion 580
References 581
25 Ornamentals 583
Daniel Knop (marine) and Jonathan Moorhead (freshwater)
25.1 Introduction 583
25.2 The aquatic ornamental industry 583
25.3 Trade in ornamental fish 583
25.4 Comparing the freshwater and marine ornamental fish trades 585
25.5 Tropical marine ornamentals 585
25.6 Aquaculture of coral reef fi sh 586
25.7 Aquaculture of marine invertebrates 588
25.8 Aquaculture of live rock 592
25.9 Culture versus fi eld collection of marine ornamentals 593
25.10 Tropical freshwater ornamentals 594
25.11 Commonly traded freshwater species 595
25.12 Aquaculture of freshwater ornamental species 597
25.13 Production and marketing goals 603
25.14 The future of the ornamental industry 603
References 603
26 The Next 20 Years 606
Rohana Subasinghe and Nathanael Hishamunda
26.1 Introduction 606
26.2 Recent trends in aquaculture development and major challenges 606
26.3 Aquaculture development slows down, but it continues to grow 609
26.4 Marine resources and aquafeeds 611
26.5 Environmental and social aspects 612
26.6 Diversifi cation and expansion 613
26.7 Communication and networks 614
26.8 Aquaculture insurance 615
26.9 Unexplored opportunities 615
26.10 Conclusions 615
Index 617
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Product Code | 008406 |
ISBN Code | 9781405188586 |
Publisher | WILEY |
Author(s) | John S. Lucas, Paul C. Southgate |
Binding | Paperback |
Dimensions | 19 X 25 |
Pages | 648 |
Pub. Year | 2012 |
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