Applied Semantic Web Technologies
The rapid advancement of semantic web technologies, along with the fact that they are at various levels of maturity, has left many practitioners confused about the current state of these technologies. Focusing on the most mature technologies, Applied Semantic Web Technologies integrates theory with case studies to illustrate the history, current state, and future direction of the semantic web. It maintains an emphasis on real-world applications and examines the technical and practical issues related to the use of semantic technologies in intelligent information management.
The book starts with an introduction to the fundamentals—reviewing ontology basics, ontology languages, and research related to ontology alignment, mediation, and mapping. Next, it covers ontology engineering issues and presents a collaborative ontology engineering tool that is an extension of the Semantic MediaWiki. Unveiling a novel approach to data and knowledge engineering, the text:
• Introduces cutting-edge taxonomy-aware algorithms
• Examines semantics-based service composition in transport logistics
• Offers ontology alignment tools that use information visualization techniques
• Explains how to enrich the representation of entity semantics in an ontology
• Addresses challenges in tackling the content creation bottleneck
Using case studies, the book provides authoritative insights and highlights valuable lessons learned by the authors—information systems veterans with decades of experience. They explain how to create social ontologies and present examples of the application of semantic technologies in building automation, logistics, ontology-driven business process intelligence, decision making, and energy efficiency in smart homes.
Applied Semantic Web Technologies: Overview and Future Directions; Vijayan Sugumaran and Jon Atle Gulla
Ontology: Fundamentals and Languages; Rajendra Akerkar
Toward Semantic Interoperability between Information Systems; Mariela Rico, Maria Laura Caliusco, Maria Rosa Galli, and Omar Chiotti
AlViz: A Tool for Ontology Alignment Utilizing Information Visualization Techniques; Monika Lanzenberger and Jennifer Sampson
SRS: A Hybrid Ontology Mediation and Mapping Approach; Saravanan Muthaiyah and Larry Kerschberg
An Ontology Engineering Tool for Enterprise 3.0; Elena Simperl, Stephan Wölger, Katharina Siorpaes, Tobias Bürger, Michael Luger, and Sung-Kook Han
Learning of Social Ontologies in WWW: Key Issues, Experiences, Lessons Learned, and Future Directions; Konstantinos Kotis and Andreas Papasalouros
Relation Extraction for Semantic Web with Taxonomic Sequential Patterns; Sebastian Blohm, Krisztian Buza, Lars Schmidt - Thieme, and Philipp Cimiano
Data-Driven Evaluation of Ontologies Using Machine Learning Algorithms; Dae-Ki Kang
Automatic Evaluation of Search Ontologies in the Entertainment Domain Using Natural Language Processing; Michael Elhadad , David Gabay, and Yael Netzer
Adding Semantics to Decision Tables: A New Approach to Data and Knowledge Engineering?; Yan Tang, Robert Meersman, and Jan Vanthienen
Semantic Sentiment Analyses Based on Reputations of Web Information Sources; Donato Barbagallo, Cinzia Cappiello, Chiara Francalanci, and Maristella Matera
Semantics and Search; Jon Atle Gulla, Jin Liu, Felix Burkhardt , Jianshen Zhou, Christian Weiss, Per Myrseth, Veronika Haderlein, and Olga Cerrato
Toward Semantics-Based Service Composition in Transport Logistics; Joerg Leukel and Stefan Kirn
Ontology-Driven Business Process Intelligence; Jon Espen Ingvaldsen
Semantics for Energy Efficiency in Smart Home Environments; Slobodanka Tomic, Anna Fensel, Michael Schwanzer, Mirna Kojic Veljovic, and Milan Stefanovic