Agroforestry in Europe
Current Status and Future Prospects
While recent EU Rural Development policy clearly recognises the economic, ecological, and social advantages of agroforestry systems, to date the implementation of such systems remains poor throughout most of Europe. In light of this, this collection of peer-reviewed papers brings together some of the most important current research in European agroforestry, and evaluates the current scope and future potential of agroforestry across the EU.
While the majority of Europe’s agroforestry practices are currently focused in the Mediterranean, this volume draws together examples from a wide range of countries – including Greece, Spain, the UK, Hungary, Germany, Italy, the Netherlands, Switzerland, France and Slovenia. The book also covers a range of agroforestry types, including silvopastoralism – Europe’s predominant form of agroforestry – as well as alley cropping, forest farming, silvoarable systems and the use of trees for shelter. Through these examples the book also discusses the potential roles for these traditional land management systems in addressing both environmental issues such as water quality, biodiversity conservation, desertification, ecosystem services and socioeconomic issues such as rural population stabilization.
Augmented by detailed reviews of the main elements of European agroforestry and the issues that face it, this timely collection of research papers provides a valuable reference both for advanced students and researchers interested in a wide range of issues around land use, rural development, natural resource management, landscape ecology, and conservation across Europe, and for the agroforestry community – including research and extension organizations – worldwide.
Foreword.- Preface.- List of Reviewers.-
Part A: INTRODUCTION. 1. Definitions and components of agroforestry practices in Europe; M.R. Mosquera-Losada et al.- 2. Classifications and functions of agroforestry systems in Europe; J.H. McAdam et al.- 3. Agroforestry systems in Europe: productive, ecological and social perspectives; A. Rigueiro-Rodríguez et al.- 4. Farmer perceptions of silvoarable systems in seven European countries; A.R. Graves et al.-
Part B: EUROPEAN MEDITERRANEAN AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS. 5. Traditional agroforestry systems and their evolution in Greece; V.P. Papanastasis et al.- 6. Silvopastoral systems in Portugal – Current status and future prospects; M. Castro.- 7. The function, management and persistence of Dehesas; G. Moreno, F.J. Pulido.- 8. Silvopastoral systems in the Northeastern Iberian Peninsula. A multifunctional perspective; P. Casals et al.- 9. Agroforestry systems in Southeastern Spain; E. Correal et al.- 10. Role of livestock grazing in sustainable use, fire prevention and naturalization of marginal ecosystems of southeastern Spain (Andalusia); A.B. Robles et al.- 11. Role of various woody species in Spanish Mediterranean forest and scrubland as food resources for Spanish ibex (Capra pyrenaica Schinz) and red deer (Cervus elaphus L.); T. Martínez.- 12. Agroforestry systems in Italy: traditions towards modern management; A. Pardini.- 13. Economics of multiple use cork oak woodlands: two case studies of agroforestry systems; P. Campos et al.- 14. European black truffle: its potential role in agroforestry development in the marginal lands of Mediterranean calcareous mountains; S. Reyna-Domench, S. García-Barreda.-
Part C: EUROPEAN ATLANTIC AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS. 15. Assessment of the extent of agroforestry systems in Europe and their role within transhumance systems; R.G.H. Bunce et al.- 16. Agroforestry in the Netherlands; A. Oosterbaan, A.T. Kuiters.- 17. The potential for silvopastoralism to enhance biodiversity on grassland farms in Ireland; J.H. McAdam, P.M. McEvoy.-
Part D: EUROPEAN CONTINENTAL PANNONIAN AND ALPINE AGROFORESTRY SYSTEMS. 18. Wood pastures in Germany; T. Luick.- 19. The Swiss mountain wooded pastures: patterns and processes; A. Buttler et al.- 20. Silvopastoralism in Slovenia: management of intensive land use systems; M.Vidrih et al.- 21. The traditions, resources and potential of forest growing and multipurpose shelterbelts in Hungary; V. Takács, N. Frank.-