VIRUS DISEASES OF PLANTS Image Database Collection CD
Edited by O.W. Barnett
2009, CD- PC Compatible, ISBN 978-8-89054-370-2, (1 pound)
Identifying symptoms on plants are often the first indication that they are affected by a virus disease. This CD set provides an international collection of color images of virus symptoms and other associated images that emphasize virus disease symptoms and information on identification, epidemiology, losses, and control. Virus symptoms are specifically emphasized and much of the information on field identification is not available in other sources. Most of the information on plant resistance is not easily available as well, especially across several viruses affecting a single plant. VIRUS DISEASES OF PLANTS is a unique compilation that will be invaluable to educators, scientists, students, growers, and other agribusiness personnel.
VIRUS DISEASES of PLANTS: Image Database Collection CD contains 1,218 images of symptoms, vectors, viruses, viroids, and also diseases that might be confused with viruses, across a broad range of more than 120 host plants. Each image contains information about the current scientific classification of the virus based on the 8th Report of the International Committee on Taxonomy of Viruses. Names of viruses from images in older APS Compendia have been updated and the newest literature information has been incorporated. Scientists currently working on the crop viruses have written the captions for the images and assisted in editing the compilation.
Features and Benefits
Color images of virus disease symptoms with descriptions – A unique image collection of virus symptoms would be nearly impossible for an individual to collect and catalog. Each image provides a caption that includes a description of the picture, host, virus or agent name, disease name, and contributor.
Many different types of virus symptoms are included - This comprehensive collection allows scientists, educators, students and agriculturalists to review many different symptom types caused by viruses or to review specific symptom types. A number of symptoms not caused by viruses are included for comparison.
Images are searchable by various key words and can be exported into unique collections for specific uses – The images are searchable by key words such as virus name or family, symptom type, vector, common and scientific name of host, and many other terms. Allows use in custom PowerPoint™ presentations and teaching handouts. Publication on a CD allows high quality image resolution with maximum search capability.