Valuing Crop Biodiversity: On-Farm Genetic Resources and Economic Change
Students, researchers and professionals in agricultural and resource economics, and plant biodiversity, breeding and genetics.
Main Description
This book examines the challenges faced by farmers trying to maintain crop biodiversity in developing and transitional economies. Using a collection of empirical case studies of farmers and crop scientists across a range of agricultural economies and income levels, it presents economic tools and methods for valuing and managing crop biodiversity. It discusses the economic benefits of crop biodiversity for farmers and suggests ways in which crop biodiversity can be supported by national policies. The book provides an indispensable 'tool kit' for all those concerned with the development of strategies to facilitate sustainable management and conservation of crop genetic diversity for future generations.
Main Contents
• Preface, J von Braun and E Frison
Part I: Introduction
• Concepts, Metrics, and Plan of the Book, M Smale
Part II: Private Value: Stated Preferences of Farmers
• Crop valuation and farmer response to change: Implications for in situ conservation of maize in Mexico, G Dyer, CIECO, Mexico
• Farmer demand for agricultural biodiversity in Hungary's transition economy: A Choice experiment approach , E Birol and A Kontoleon, University of Cambridge, UK, and M Smale
• Demand for attributes and on farm conservation of coffee in Ethiopia, E Wale, Alemaya University, Ethiopia and J Mburu, University of Bonn, Germany
Part III: Private Value: Revealed Preferences of Farmers
• Missing markets, migration and crop biodiversity in the Mexican milpa system: A household farm model, M E Van Dusen, Berkeley, California, USA
• Determinants of cereal diversity on household farms in the highlands of northern Ethiopia, S Benin, IFPRI, Uganda, M Smale and J Pender, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA
• Demand for cultivar attributes and the biodiversity of bananas in Uganda , S Edmeades, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA, M Smale, and D Karamura, INIBAP, Uganda
• Farmer management of agricultural biodiversity in Hungary's transition economy, E Birol, M Smale and Α Gyovai, Institute for Agrobotany, Hungary
• Rural development and the diversity of potatoes on farms in Cajamarca, Peru, P Winters, American University, USA, L H Hintze, Inter-American Development Bank, USA, and O Ortiz, International Potato Center, Peru
Part IV: Public Values, Villages and Institutions
• Managing rice biodiversity on farms: The choices of farmers and breeders in Nepal, D Gauchan, Nepal Agricultural Research Council, Nepal, M Smale, N Maxted and M Cole, University of Birmingham, UK
• Determinants of cereal diversity in villages of Northern Ethiopia, B Gebremedhin, International Livestock Research Institute (ILRI), Ethiopia, M Smale and J Pender
• Social institutions and seed systems: the diversity of fruits and nuts in Uzbekistan, E Van Dusen, E Dennis, Indiana University, USA, M Lee, J Ilyasov, S Treshkin IPGRI-CWANA, Uzbekistan, and M Smale
• Village seed systems and the biological diversity of millet crops in southern India, L Nagarajan, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA, and M Smale
• Seeds supply and on farm demand for diversity: a case study of Eastern Ethiopia , L Lipper, R Cavatassi, FAO, Rome, Italy and P Winters
• Institutions, stakeholders, and the management of crop genetic sources on Hungarian family farms, G Bela, B Balαzs, Institute of Environmental and Landscape Management, Hungary, and G Pataki, St Istvan University, Hungary
• Cooperatives, wheat diversity and crop productivity in southern Italy, S Di Falco, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA and C Perrings, University of York, UK
Part V: Conclusions
• Scope, limitations and future directions, M Smale, L Lipper and P Koundouri, University of Reading, UK
• An annotated bibliography of published literature about the economics of conserving crop biological diversity on farms, P Zambrano, IFPRI, Washington DC, USA, and M Smale