The Regulation of Agricultural Biotechnology
Biotechnology, law and agricultural economics
Main Description
The regulatory systems in place prior to the development and expansion of agricultural biotechnology are still responding to this new form of technology. Such systems include trade law, intellectual property law, contract law, environmental regulations and biosafety regulations.
This book reviews these regulatory changes and consists of 24 chapters developed from papers presented at a conference of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, held in Italy in July 2002. It primarily considers the relationship between these changes and innovation, market development and international trade.
• "This is a 'must read' book for supporters of the many different views on biotechnology, who will gain a better understanding of the problems and viewpoints of others if they read it in totality. The editors and their contributors must be congratulated on an excellent publication."
W H Macfarlane Smith, Experimental Agriculture, 41, 2005
• "Science policy makers will find the text useful, as issues such as genomic research funding and post-commercial regulation of the genetically modified material are dealt with in great detail. Various chapters offer a fascinating insight into how the USA/EU argument has developed and how it may be resolved. Such clarity makes for a curiously readable text for all of those involved in the industry and those those wishing to read a pragmatic account of how the agricultural biotechnology industry is likely to be shaped in the near future."
D Tabah, Biologist, July 2005
Main Contents
Part I: Introduction and Overview
• Regulation of GM Crops: Shaping an International Regime, R L Paarlberg, Harvard University, USA, R F Hopkins and L Ladewski, Swarthmore College, PA, USA
Part 2: Evolving Regulation Systems
• The Evolving GMO Food Trade Policy Debate: Towards a Global Regulatory Regime? P Katz, P Macdonald, Crowell & Moring LLP, Washington DC, USA and G Mackenzie, Crowell & Moring, Brussels, Belgium
• International Proposals to Regulate Intellectual Property Rights in Plant Genetic Resources, M Blakeney, Queen Mary College, University of London, UK
• Genetically Engineered Food Labelling: Global Policy Polarization, L Zepeda, University of Wisconsin, USA
• Conflict and Consensus-building: International Commercial Policy and Agricultural Biotechnology, J E Hobbs, W A Kerr, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, J D Gaisford, University of Calgary, Canada, et al.
• The Rationale behind WTO Agreements and Agricultural GMO Controversy, A Sorrentino, Universita di Bari, Italy and R Esposti, Universita di Ancona, Italy
• Trade Restrictions on Genetically Engineered Foods: The Application of the TBT Agreement, D Heumueller and T Josling, Stanford University, USA
Part 3: Regulation and Innovation
• Environmental Liability and Research and Development in Biotechnology: a Real Options Approach, O Knudsen, The World Bank, Washington DC, USA and P L Scandizzo, Roma, Italy
• Should the Public Sector Conduct Genomics R&D? A Naseem, The State University of New Jersey, USA and J F Oehmke, Michigan State University, USA
• The Case for Differentiated Appropriability in Intellectual Property Rights for Plant Varieties, F van Tongeren, and D Eaton, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands
• Biotechnology and Developing Countries: the Struggle over Intellectual Property Rights and Implications for Biodiversity Conservation, O Janni, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Italy
• Intellectual Property Strategy in the Context of Inter-organizational Relations: the Case of International Agricultural Research, E Binenbaum, Adelaide University, Australia and P G Pardey, University of Minnesota, USA
Part 4: Regulations, Market Structures and Innovation
• R&D Incentives for GM Seeds: Restricted Monopoly, Non-market Effects, and Regulation, R D Weaver, Pennsylvania State University, USA
• Agricultural Biotech R&D Structure: Cyclical or Not? J F Oehmke, C A Wolf, Michigan State University, USA, et al.
• The Innovation System in Agro-food Biotechnology - is it European? K Menrad and T Reiss, Fraunhofer Insatitute for Systems and Innovation Research, Germany
• How Firm Characteristics Influence Innovative Activity in Agricultural Biotechnology, C Klotz-Ingram, D Schimmelpfennig, Economic Research Service, Washington DC, USA, A Naseem, The State University of New Jersey, USA, et al.
Part 5: Regulation and Market Development
• Dynamic Pricing of GM Crop Traits, R Perrin and L Fulginiti, University of Nebraska, USA
• Identity Preservation, Segregation and Traceability: Marketplace Features and Uses, S Smyth and P W B Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
• Segmentation of GMO and non-GMO Soybean Markets under Identity Preservation Costs and Government Price Supports, T G Schmitz, Arizona State University, USA, C B Moss, University of Florida, USA and A Schmitz, Arizona State University, USA
• EU Traceability and the US Soybean Sector, G K Price, F Kuchler and B Krissoff, Economic Research Centre, Washington DC, USA
• Segregation of Non-biotech Maize and Soybeans: Who Bears the Cost? W Lin and D D Johnson, Economic Research Centre, Washington DC, USA
Part 6: Economic Impacts
• Future impact of new technologies : three scenarios, their competence gaps and research implications, H Harmsen, A-M Sonne and B B Jensen, MAPP Centre, Denmark
• Ex Ante Welfare Effects of Agricultural Biotechnology in the European Union: the Case of Transgenic Herbicide Tolerant Sugarbeet, M Demont and E Tollens, Katholieke Universiteit, Leuven, Belgium
• The Economic Impacts of Agricultural Biotechnology on International Trade, Consumers, and Producers : the Case of Maize and Soybeans in the USA, A P Barkley, Kansas State University, USA