The Pomegranate
"The book entitled "The Pomegranate" contains work carried out on aspects like introduction, uses and composition. The main trust is laid on plant genetic resources, its evaluation, breeding and improvement, commercial varieties, cultural management, which includes chapters, like climate and soil requirement, nursery management and propagation along with economics, flowering, fruiting, Bahar management, water management, integrated nutrient management, high density plantation, canopy management, fruit thinning, chemical regulation, staggering of crop, rejuvenation of old orchard, disorders, pest and disease management, post harvest management and value addition, export and management for export along with pesticide residue standards for export with glossary of terms.
The book will be use to researchers, students and farmers to overcome the problems faced by the crop and to boost the productivity and utility of the crop."
Foreword. Preface. 1. Introduction. 2. Varietal improvement. 3. Plant genetic resources and its evaluation. 4. Plant propagation and nursery management. 5. Cultural management. 6. Water management. 7. Nutrient management. 8. High density Orcharding and canopy management. 9. Orchard rejuvenation. 10. Crop regulation, root distribution and intercropping. 11. Post harvest management. 12. Disorders. 13. Export. 14. Pests and diseases management. Glossary. Bibliography. Annexures. Index.