Have you ever thought how would it be if you could see an ancient protagonist? How would it be if you could meet someone from that era? Something that you can feel, touch or smell? From ancient Rome, from ancient Egypt, from ancient Greece, from ancient Israel, there is a protagonist which is over 2000 years old that is still alive! Yes it's true! This is the Olive Tree! An evergreen protagonist for many societies, cultures, nations. Use the Olive Tree and you will have a healthy life. Plant an Olive Tree and you will benefit your family as well. Establish an Olive Orchard and you will benefit the world around you! My father, used to say about the olive tree and the olive oil; ''An investment for you, your children, your children's children and beyond...
'' That's all about this book. Dive in and you will find various primordial factors that have to be taken into consideration when Establishing and managing an Olive Orchard. ''Olea omnium plantarum prima'' J.M. Columella, 50 A.D.