The Economics of Organic Farming: An International Perspective
Main Description
Organic (ecological ) farming, with its emphasis on sustainable agro-ecosystem management and the use of locally-derived, renewable resources, offers potential solutions to some of the key problems faced by the agricultural sectors of industrialized countries. Many European governments now provide direct financial support for organic farming in recognition of its contribution to current policy objectives, including environmental protection, conservation of non-renewable resources, controlling over-production and the reorientation of agriculture towards areas of market demand.
Drawing on studies from the UK, USA, Canada, Australia, Germany, Denmark and Switzerland, this book provides the first comprehensive international review of the economics of organic farming. The factual information and empirical data from the studies reported make this book a valuable resource for researchers. Policy analysts, professional advisors and students in agricultural economics, management and agri-environmental policy.
Main Contents
Part 1: Organic farming concepts, history and research issues
• Organic farming: sustainable agriculture in practice, N Lampkin
• The development of the organic industry and market: an international perspective, W B Tate
• Researching organic farming systems, N Lampkin
• Organic farming and society: an economic perspective, D Bateman
Part 2: Organic farming as a business
• The physical and financial performance of organic farming systems in Britain, N H Lampkin
• Economics of organic farming in Britain, N Lampkin
• Economics of organic farming in Germany, S Padel and U Zerger
• Economics of organic farming in Denmark, A Dubgaard
• Economics of organic farming in Switzerland, I Mόhlebach and J Mόglebach
• Economics of organic farming in Canada, J Henning
• Economics of organic and low-input farming in the United States, M Anderson
• Economics of organic farming in Australia, E Wynen
• Farm level performance of organic farming systems: an overview, S Padel and N Lampkin
Part 3: Converting to organic farming - the economics of the transition process
• Changes in physical and financial performance during conversion to organic farming: case studies of two English dairy farms, N Lampkin
• Case studies of farms converting to organic agriculture in Germany, B Freyer, R Rantzau, H Vogtmann
• Conversion to low-input farming systems in Pennsylvania, USA: an evaluation of the Rodale
• Economics of conversion to organic farming: cross-sectional analysis of survey data in Germany, S Dabbert
• Conversion to organic farming: an overview, S Padel and N Lampkin
Part 4: Widespread conversion to organic farming: modelling the regional impacts
• Comparative analysis of future development paths for agricultural production systems in Germany, U Zerger and H Bossel
• Impacts of widespread conversion to organic agriculture in the state of Baden-Wόrttemberg, Germany, J Braun
• Estimating the impact of widespread conversion to organic farming on land use and physical output in the United Kingdom, N Lampkin
• Input-output modelling of organic farming and the rural economy of England and Wales, P Midmore
• Modelling the impact of widespread conversion to organic farming: an overview, P Midmore and N Lampkin
Part 5: Organic farming and agricultural policy
• Policy issues and impacts of government assistance for conversion to organic farming: the Danish experience, A Dubgaard and H Holst
• Agricultural policy and impacts of national and regional government assistance for conversion to organic farming in Switzerland, O Schmid
• Financial assistance for conversion to organic farming in Germany under the European Community’s extensification programme, L Schulze Pals, J Braun, S Dabbert
• Organic farming and agricultural policy in western Europe: an overview, N Lampkin and S Padel