Swine Nutrition, Second Edition
• Presents the nutritional requirements of swine at all stages of growth
• Discusses changes in swine genetics
• Covers developments on feed additives for pigs
• Contains contributions from members of the North Central Regional Committee on Swine Nutrition (NCR-42) and the Committee on Nutritional Systems for Swine to Increase Reproductive Efficiency (S-145)
• Addresses the environmental impact of swine production
With 42 chapters authored by leading international experts, Swine Nutrition: Second Edition is a comprehensive reference that covers all aspects of the nutrition of pigs. It is equally suitable as an advanced undergraduate and graduate textbook as well as a reference for anyone working in any aspect of pig production.
The book begins with a general coverage of the characteristics of swine and the swine industry with emphasis on the gastrointestinal tract. It then describes the various classes of nutrients and how these nutrients are metabolized by swine and the factors affecting their utilization. The next section covers the practical aspects of swine nutrition from birth through gestation and lactation in sows and to the feeding of adult boars. The nutritional aspects of the various feedstuffs commonly fed to swine are covered in the following section. The final chapters of the book are devoted to coverage of various techniques used in swine nutrition research.
Of Pigs and People, W.G. Pond and X. G. Lei (Cornell University)
General Characteristics of the U.S. Swine Industry, G.R. Hollis and S.E. Curtis (University of Illinois)
Anatomy of the Digestive System and Nutritional Physiology, J.T. Yen (USDA, Clay Center, NE)
Protein, Fat, and Bone Tissue Growth in Swine, C.F.M. de Lange (University of Guelph), S.H. Birkett (University of Guelph), and P.C.H. Morel (Massey University, New Zealand)
Energy Utilization in Swine Nutrition, R.C. Ewan (Iowa State University)
Fat in Swine Nutrition, M.J. Azain (University of Georgia)
Nonstarch Polysaccharides and Oligosaccharides in Swine Nutrition, C.M. Grieshop (University of Illinois), D.E. Reese (University of Nebraska), and G.C. Fahey, Jr. (University of Illinois)
Amino Acids in Swine Nutrition, A.J. Lewis (University of Nebraska)
Bioavailability of Amino Acids in Feedstuffs for Swine, V.M. Gabert (University of Illinois), H. Jørgensen (Danish Institute of Agricultural Sciences), and C.M. Nyachoti (University of Manitoba)
Calcium, Phosphorus, Vitamin D, and Vitamin K in Swine Nutrition, T.D. Crenshaw (University of Wisconsin)
Sodium, Potassium, Chloride, Magnesium, and Sulfur in Swine Nutrition, J.F. Patience and R.T. Zijlstra (Prairie Swine Centre, Saskatchewan)
Trace and Ultratrace Elements in Swine Nutrition, G.M. Hill (Michigan State University) and J.W. Spears (North Carolina State University)
Vitamin A in Swine Nutrition, C.S. Darroch (University of Tennessee)
Selenium and Vitamin E in Swine Nutrition, D.C. Mahan (The Ohio State University)
Water-Soluble Vitamins in Swine Nutrition, C.R. Dove (University of Georgia) and D.A. Cook (Cargill)
Bioavailability of Minerals and Vitamins, D.H. Baker (University of Illinois)
Water in Swine Nutrition, P.A. Thacker (University of Saskatchewan)
Antimicrobial and Promicrobial Agents, G.L. Cromwell (University of Kentucky)
Performance-Enhancing Substances, C.D. Wray-Cahen (USDA, Beltsville, MD)
Feed Intake in Growing-Finishing Pigs, M. Ellis and N.R. Augspurger (University of Illinois)
Use of Ingredient and Diet Processing Technologies to Produce Quality Feeds for Pigs, J.D. Hancock and K.C. Benkhe (Kansas State University)
Effects of Facility Design on Behavior and Feed and Water Intake, M.C. Brumm (University of Nebraska) and H.W. Gonyou (Prairie Swine Centre, Saskatchewan)
Thermal Environment and Swine Nutrition, J. Noblet, J. Le Dividich, and J. Van Milgen (INRA, France)
Nutrition and Immunology of Swine, R.W. Johnson (University of Illinois), J. Escobar (University of Illinois), and D.M. Webel (United Feeds, Sheridan, IN)
Mycotoxins and Other Antinutritional Factors in Swine Feeds, E. van Heugten (North Carolina State University)
Intestinal Bacteria and Their Influence on Swine Growth, H.R. Gaskins (University of Illinois)
Swine Nutrition and Environmental Pollution and Odor Control, E.T. Kornegay (Virginia Tech) and M.W.A. Verstegen (Wageningen, Netherlands)
Swine Nutrition, the Conversion of Muscle to Meat, and Pork Quality, E.P. Berg (University of Missouri)
Nutrient Effects on Gene Expression, J.L. Miner (University of Nebraska), A.S. Robertson (Pfizer, Groton, CT), and K.L. Houseknecht (Pfizer, Groton, CT)
Feeding Neonatal Pigs, T.L. Veum (University of Missouri) and J. Odle (North Carolina State University)
Feeding the Weaned Pig, C.V. Maxwell, Jr. (University of Arkansas) and S.D. Carter (Oklahoma State University)
Feeding Growing-Finishing Pigs, T.R. Cline and B.T. Richert (Purdue University)
Feeding Gilts During Development and Sows During Gestation and Lactation, N.L. Trottier (Michigan State University) and L.J. Johnston (University of Minnesota)
Feeding of Developing and Adult Boars, B. Kemp and N.M. Soede (Wageningen, Netherlands)
Cereal Grains and By-Products for Swine, T.E. Sauber and F.N. Owens (Optimum Quality Grains, Des Moines, IA)
Protein Supplements, L.I. Chiba (Auburn University)
Miscellaneous Feedstuffs, R.O. Myer and J.H. Brendemuhl (University of Florida)
Swine Modeling, P.S. Miller (University of Nebraska) and C.C. Calvert (University of California)
Statistical Techniques for the Design and Analysis of Swine Nutrition Experiments, D.K. Aaron and V.W. Hays (University of Kentucky)
Digestion and Balance Techniques in Pigs, O. Adeola (Purdue University)
Techniques for Measuring Body Composition of Swine, A.D. Mitchell (USDA, Beltsville, MD) and A.M. Scholz (Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munich, Germany)
Blood Sampling and Surgical Techniques, J.T. Yen (USDA, Clay Center, NE)