Seeds: The Ecology of Regeneration in Plant Communities, 2nd edition
Main Description
This new edition of a successful text, originally published in 1992, has been thoroughly revised and updated to include recent advances. In addition, new chapters have been introduced to ensure comprehensive coverage of all aspects of seed ecology. These include evolutionary ecology of seed size, the roles of fire and of gaps in regeneration and seedling colonization. Chapters are written by internationally acknowledged experts to give a comprehensive overview of all aspects of seed ecology which will be invaluable to advanced students and researchers in seed science and plant ecology.
Advanced students and researchers in seed science and plant ecology.
• "This book is an excellent overview on recent frontiers of seed science, and can be recommended as a guide for specialists and also as a text for post-graduate students of seed ecology and physiology."
Community Ecology, Budapest, 2002
Main Contents
• Contributors
• Preface, Michael Fenner, University of Southampton, UK
• Reproductive Allocation in Plants, F A Bazzaz , Harvard University, USA, D D Ackerly, Stanford University, USA and E G Reekie, Acadia University, Canada
• The Evolutionary Ecology of Seed Size, M R Leishman, I J Wright, A Moles and M Westoby, Macquarie University, Sydney, Australia
• Maternal Effects on Seeds During Development, Y Gutterman, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Israel
• The Ecology of Seed Dispersal, M F Willson, The Nature Conservancy, Great Lakes Program, USA and A Traveset, Institut Mediterrani d’Estudis Avanηats (CSIC-UIB), Spain
• Animals as Seed Dispersers, E W Stiles, Rutgers University, USA
• Fruits and Frugivory, P Jordano, Estaciσn Biolσgica de Doρana, C.S.I.C, Spain
• Seed Predators and Plant Population Dynamics, M J Crawley, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine, Silwood Park, Ascot, UK
• Dormancy, Viability and Longevity, A J Murdoch & R H Ellis, University of Reading, UK
• The Functional Ecology of Soil Seed Banks, K Thompson, University of Sheffield, UK
• Seed Responses to Light, T L Pons, Utrecht University, The Netherlands
• The Role of Temperature in the Regulation of Seed Dormancy and Germination, R J Probert, Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew, UK
• Effect of Chemical Environment on Seed Germination, H W M Hilhorst and C M Karssen, Wageningen Agricultural University, The Netherlands
• Role of Fire in Regeneration from Seed, J E Keeley, Western Ecological Research Center, Sequoia-Kings Canyon Field Station, USA and C Fotheringham, University of California, USA
• Ecology of Seedling Regeneration, K Kitajima, University of Florida, USA and M Fenner
• The Contribution of Seedling Regeneration to the Structure and Dynamics of Plant Communities, Ecosystems and Larger Units of the Landscape, J P Grime and S H Hillier, University of Sheffield, UK
• Gaps and Seedling Colonization, J M Bullock, Winfrith Technology Centre, Dorchester, UK
• Index