Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants
While ornamental plants are produced mainly for their aesthetic value, the propagation and improvement of quality attributes such as leaf types, flower colour and fragrance, longevity and form, plant shape and architecture, and the creation of novel variation are important economic goals for the expanding ornamental industry. In Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants, leading researchers in the field compile step-wise protocols for rapid plant multiplication and in vitro storage of major commercially viable ornamental plants. Divided into two sections, Section A contains chapters mainly on micropropagation of cut and pot flowers with detailed protocols involving in vitro culture-explants, medium preparation, detailed medium table, shoot initiation and proliferation, root induction, in vitro plant hardening, and field transfer, and Section B delves into reviews on topics such as in vitro production of sweet peas, the status of transgenics in ornamental plants, in vitro conservation, the status of floriculture in Europe, azalea phylogeny, and thin cell layers. As part of the highly successful Methods in Molecular Biology™ series, chapters include introductions to their respective topics, lists of the necessary materials, step-by-step laboratory protocols, and notes on troubleshooting and avoiding known pitfalls.
Comprehensive and clear, Protocols for In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Plants presents key techniques that will be of great use to floriculturists, researchers, commercial companies, biotechnologists, and students dealing with ornamental plants.
Table of contents
Section A:
1. Micropropagation and Organogenesis of Anthurium andreanum Lind cv. Rubrun
Oropeza Maira, Mejías Alexander, and Teresa Edith Vargas
2. A Highly Efficient Protocol for Micropropagation of Begonia tuberous
Duong Tan Nhut, Nguyen Thanh Hai, and Mai Xuan Phan
3. Micropropagation of Vanda teres (Roxb.) Lindle
M. Firoz Alam, Pinaki Sinha, and M. Lokman Hakim
4. In Vitro Propagation Through Axillary Shoot Culture of Ranunculus asiaticus L.
Margherita Beruto
5. Micropropagation of Crataeva adansonii D.C. Prodr: An Ornamental Avenue Tree
Purnima Tyagi, P.K. Sharma, and S.L. Kothari
6. Strategies for the Micropropagation of Bromeliads
Miguel Pedro Guerra and Lirio Luiz Dal Vesco
7. Micropropagation of Poinsettia by Organogenesis
Marcos Castellanos, J. Brian Power, and Michael R. Davey
8. Micropropagation of Phalaenopsis Blume
Pinaki Sinha, M. Firoz Alam, and M. Lokman Hakim
9. Genetic Transformation of Carnation (Dianthus caryophylus L.)
Chalermsri Nontaswatsri and Seiichi Fukai
10. Matrix Supported Liquid Culture and Machine Vision Analysis of Regenerated Shoots of Gladiolus
S. Dutta Gupta and V.S. S. Prasad
11. In Vitro Propagation of Carnation (Dianthus caryophyllus L.)
Jose L. Casas, Enrique Olmos, and Abel Piqueras
12. In Vitro Propagation of Jasminum officinale L.: A Woody Ornamental Vine Yielding Aromatic Oil from Flowers
Sabita Bhattacharya and Sanghamitra Bhattacharyya
13. Micropropagation of Lysionotus pauciflorus Maxim. (Gesneriaceae)
Toshinari Godo, Yuanxue Lu, and Masahiro Mii
14. Micropropagation of Rhododendron
Tom Eeckhaut, Kristien Janssens, Ellen De Keyser, and Jan De Riek
15. In Vitro Regeneration and Multiplication of Passiflora hybrid ‘Guglielmo Betto’
Luca Pipino, Luca Braglia, Annalisa Giovannini, Giancarlo Fascella, and Antonio Mercuri
16. In Vitro Propagation of Rose
Pratap Kumar Pati, Navtej Kaur, Madhu Sharma, and Paramvir Singh Ahuja
17. In Vitro Propagation of Chrysanthemum
Diana Nencheva
18. Micropropagation of Codiaeum variegatum (L.) Blume and Regeneration Induction via Adventitous Buds and Somatic Embryogenesis
Silvia Radice
19. Methods for in vitro Propagation of Pelargonium x hortorum and Others: From Meristems to Protoplasts
Noëlle Dorion, Hatem Ben Jouira, Anthony Gallard, Anber Hassanein, Mazen Nassour, and Agnès Grapin
20. Marigold Regeneration and Molecular Analysis of Carotenogenic Genes
Alma Angélica Del Villar-Martínez, Pablo Emilio Vanegas-Espinoza, and Octavio
21. Somatic Embryogenesis in in vitro Culture of Leucojum vernum L.
Agata Ptak
22. In Vitro Propagation of Australian Native Ornamental Plant, Scaevola
Chui Eng Wong and Prem L. Bhalla
23. Micropropagation of Tulip: Production of Virus-free Stock Plants
Malgorzata Podwyszynska and Dariusz Sochacki
24. In Vitro Propagation of Ornamental Myrtus (Myrtus communis)
Barbara Ruffoni, Carlo Mascarello, and Marco Savona
25. Sunflower Propagation
M. L. Mayor, G. Nestares, T. Vega, R. Zorzoli, and L. A. Picardi
26. Clonal Propagation of Cyclamen persicum via Somatic Embryogenesis
Traud Winkelmann
Section B:
27. In Vitro Production of Sweet Peas (Lathyrus odoratus L.) Via Axillary Shoots
Sergio J. Ochatt, C. Conreux, and L. Jacas
28. In vitro Conservation and Cryopreservation of Ornamental Plants
Maurizio Lambardi, Elif Aylin Ozudogru, and Alberto Previati
29. Genetic Engineering of Novel Flower Colors in Floricultural Plants: Recent Advances via Transgenic Approaches
Masahiro Nishihara and Takashi Nakatsuka
30. Azalea Phylogeny Reconstructed by Means of Molecular Techniques
Ellen De Keyser, Valentina Scariot, Nobuo Kobayashi, Takashi Handa, and Jan De Riek
31. Status of Floriculture in Europe
Johan Van Huylenbroeck
32. Thin Cell Layers: Power-Tool for Organogenesis of Floricultural Crops
Jaime A. Teixeira da Silva