Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Third Edition
Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Third Edition is completely updated and provides food science professionals and students the most thorough grain science information available. Much has changed in cereal science and technology since the second edition was published in 1994 therefore a total edit, update, and development of current views was performed as well as additions on important uncovered topics to create this new third edition. Each chapter was critically reviewed, updated, and reorganized to include current up-to-date material.
Principles of Cereal Science and Technology, Third Edition discusses the structure and components of the cereal grains in depth. In addition, the storage and processing of the various cereals into intermediate products (flour, semolina, starch, gluten) or finished products (bread, cookies, pasta, beer, breakfast cereals, and feeds) are described in detail.
Enzyme technology and enzyme applications in cereal processing and cereal based food systems have advanced throughout the years. This new edition includes up-to-date information on specific starch and non-starch polysaccharide and lipid degrading enzymes, plus their day to day use to improve processing and/or final quality. Other changes in this third edition include: the view on starch rheological behavior, the introduction of the concept of enzyme resistant starch, current views on bread firming, and the relationship of pasta product quality both to raw material characteristics as well as to processing conditions. The book also includes a profound revision of the sections on gluten proteins and how their functionality in breadmaking is impacted by ascorbic acid, as well as new information on industrial gluten starch separation, and the effects of gluten proteins on cookie and cake quality.
This book is essential for those new to the cereals area and is an excellent sourcebook for experienced professionals. Students will get a firm and broad background in cereal science. Professionals utilizing grain-based ingredients in food products or those with responsibility for sourcing, testing, or maintaining quality grains will find this new edition extremely informative and useful. Those with technical background but no training in cereals as well as those with a limited technical training can quickly come up to speed by reading this book.
Chapter 1
Structure of Cereals
Pearl Mille
Suggested Reading
Chapter 2
Starches from Cereals
Composition of Granular Starch
Organization of the Starch Granule
Starch in Excess Water Systems
Starch in Limited Water Systems
Starch-Degrading Enzymes
Modified Starches
Resistant Starches
Conversion of Starch to Sweeteners
Suggested Reading
Chapter 3
Proteins of Cereals
Protein Structure
Classification of Cereal Proteins
Properties of the Osborne Protein Groups
Wheat Proteins
Proteins in Other Cereals
Enzymes Hydrolyzing Protein
Protease Inhibitors
Suggested Reading
Chapter 4
Minor Constituents
Nonstarch Polysaccharides
Cereal Nonstarch-Polysaccharide-Hydrolyzing Enzymes and Their Inhibitors
Mono-, Di-, and Oligosaccharides
Phytic Acid and Phytase
Enzymes Affecting Lipids
Vitamins and Minerals
Suggested Reading
Chapter 5
Rheology of Doughs and Batters
Wheat Flour Dough: A Viscoelastic System
Rheological Measurements on Wheat Flour Doughs
Rheology of Wheat Flour Batters
Rheological Measurements on Wheat Flour Batters
Suggested Reading
Chapter 6
Glass Transition and Its Role in Cereals
Glass Transitions
Glass Transitions in Cereals
Importance of Glass Transitions in Cereal Products
Glass Transitions of Sugar Solutions
Suggested Reading
Chapter 7
Storage of Cereals
Basic Types of Storage
Moisture Management for Safe Storage
Drying of Cereals
Grain Respiration
Functional Changes and Indices of Deterioration
Microflora and Mycotoxins
Suggested Reading
Chapter 8
Dry Milling
Unit Operations Before Milling
Common Wheat Roller Milling
Roller Milling of Grains Other than Common Wheat
Decortication or Attrition Milling
Suggested Reading
Chapter 9
Wet Processing for Production of Maize, Wheat, and Rice Starches and Their Co-Products
Maize Starch Production Wheat Starch Production
Rice Starch Production
Production of Oil from Cereals
Suggested Reading
Chapter 10
Rice and Oat Processing
Rice Processing
Oat Processing
Suggested Reading
Chapter 11
Malting and Brewing
The Malting Process
Beer Production
Distilled Products
Suggested Reading
Chapter 12
Yeast-Leavened Products
Quality of Breadmaking Flour
Breadmaking Formulas and Systems
Straight-Dough Breadmaking
Other Types of Leavened Products
Suggested Reading
Chapter 13
Chemically Leavened Products
Chemical Leavening
Cookie Types
Cookie Flour Quality
Phenomena During Cookie-Making
Suggested Reading
Chapter 14
Pasta and Noodles
Suggested Reading
Chapter 15
Breakfast Cereals
Cereals That Require Cooking
Ready-to-Eat Cereals
Suggested Reading
Chapter 16
Snack Foods
Maize-Based Products
Wheat-Based Products
Suggested Reading
Chapter 17
Basics of Feed Manufacturing
Alternatives to Grinding
Fish and Crustacean Feeds
Suggested Reading