Plant-Bacteria Interactions: Strategies and Techniques to Promote Plant Growth
Here, an extremely experienced team of authors from five different continents provides a timely review of progress in the use and exploitation of soil bacteria to improve crop and plant growth. They present novel ideas on how to grow better, more successful crops, in an environmentally sound way, making this invaluable reading for those working in the pharmaceutical, biotechnological and agricultural industries.
Table of Contents
List of Contributors.
1 Ecology, Genetic Diversity and Screening Strategies of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Jorge Barriuso, Beatriz Ramos Solano, José A. Lucas, Agustín Probanza Lobo, Ana García-Villaraco, and F.J. Gutiérrez Mañero).
1.1 Introduction.
1.2 Rhizosphere Microbial Structure.
1.3 Microbial Activity and Functional Diversity in the Rhizosphere.
1.4 Screening Strategies of PGPR.
1.5 Conclusions.
1.6 Prospects.
2 Physicochemical Approaches to Studying Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (Alexander A. Kamnev).
2.1 Introduction.
2.2 Application of Vibrational Spectroscopy to Studying Whole Bacterial Cells.
2.3 Application of Nuclear -Resonance Spectroscopy to Studying Whole Bacterial Cells.
2.4 Structural Studies of Glutamine Synthetase (GS) from A. brasilense.
2.5 General Conclusions and Future Directions of Research.
3 Physiological and Molecular Mechanisms of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (PGPR) (Beatriz Ramos Solano, Jorge Barriuso Maicas, and F.J. Gutiérrez Mañero).
3.1 Introduction.
3.2 PGPR Grouped According to Action Mechanisms.
3.3 Conclusions.
3.4 Future Prospects.
4 A Review on the Taxonomy and Possible Screening Traits of Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (M. Rodríguez-Díaz, B. Rodelas, C. Pozo, M.V. Martínez-Toledo, and J. González-López).
4.1 Introduction.
4.2 Taxonomy of PGPR.
4.3 Symbiotic Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria.
4.4 Asymbiotic Plant Growth Promoting Bacteria.
4.5 Screening Methods of PGPR.
4.6 Conclusions and Remarks.
5 Diversity and Potential of Nonsymbiotic Diazotrophic Bacteria in Promoting Plant Growth (Farah Ahmad, Iqbal Ahmad, Farrukh Aqil, M.S. Khan, and S. Hayat)
5.1 Introduction.
5.2 Rhizosphere and Bacterial Diversity.
5.3 Asymbiotic Nitrogen Fixation and Its Significance to Plant Growth.
5.4 Plant Growth Promoting Mechanisms of Diazotrophic PGPR.
5.5 Interaction of Diazotrophic PGPR with Other Microorganisms.
5.6 Other Dimensions of Plant Growth Promoting Activities.
5.7 Critical Gaps in PGPR Research and Future Directions.
6 Molecular Mechanisms Underpinning Colonization of a Plant by Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria (Christina D. Moon, Stephen R. Giddens, Xue-Xian Zhang, and Robert W. Jackson).
6.1 Introduction.
6.2 Identification of Plant-Induced Genes of SBW25 Using IVET.
6.3 Regulatory Networks Controlling Plant-Induced Genes.
6.4 Spatial and Temporal Patterns of Plant-Induced Gene Expression.
6.5 Concluding Remarks and Future Perspectives.
7 Quorum Sensing in Bacteria: Potential in Plant Health Protection (Iqbal Ahmad, Farrukh Aqil, Farah Ahmad, Maryam Zahin, and Javed Musarrat)
7.1 Introduction.
7.2 Acyl-HSL-Based Regulatory System: The Lux System.
7.3 QS and Bacterial Traits Underregulation.
7.4 QS in Certain Phytopathogenic Bacteria.
7.5 Quorum-Sensing Signal Molecules in Gram-Negative Bacteria.
7.6 Interfering Quorum Sensing: A Novel Mechanism for Plant Health Protection.
7.7 Conclusion.
8 Pseudomonas aurantiaca SR1: Plant Growth Promoting Traits, Secondary Metabolites and Crop Inoculation Response (Marisa Rovera, Evelin Carlier, Carolina Pasluosta, Germán Avanzini, Javier Andrés, and Susana Rosas)
8.1 Plant Growth Promoting Rhizobacteria: General Considerations.
8.2 Secondary Metabolites Produced by Pseudomonas.
8.3 Coinoculation Greenhouse Assays in Alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.).
8.4 Field Experiments with P. aurantiaca SR1 in Wheat (Triticum aestivum L.).
8.5 Conclusions.
9 Rice–Rhizobia Association: Evolution of an Alternate Niche of Beneficial Plant–Bacteria Association (Ravi P.N. Mishra, Ramesh K. Singh, Hemant K. Jaiswal, Manoj K. Singh, Youssef G. Yanni, and Frank B. Dazzo).
9.1 Introduction.
9.2 Landmark Discovery of the Natural Rhizobia–Rice Association.
9.3 Confirmation of Natural Endophytic Association of Rhizobia with Rice.
9.4 Association of Rhizobia with Other Cereals Like Wheat, Sorghum, Maize and Canola.
9.5 Mechanism of Interaction of Rhizobia with Rice Plants.
9.6 Importance of Endophytic Rhizobia–Rice Association in Agroecosystems.
9.7 Mechanisms of Plant Growth Promotion by Endophytic Rhizobia.
9.8 Summary and Conclusion.
10 Principles, Applications and Future Aspects of Cold-Adapted PGPR (Mahejibin Khan and Reeta Goel).
10.1 Introduction.
10.2 Cold Adaptation of PGPR Strains.
10.3 Mechanism of Plant Growth Promotion at Low Temperature.
10.4 Challenges in Selection and Characterization of PGPR.
10.5 Challenges in Field Application of PGPRs.
10.6 Applications of PGPRs.
10.7 Prospects.
11 Rhamnolipid-Producing PGPR and Their Role in Damping-Off Disease Suppression (Alok Sharma).
11.1 Introduction.
11.2 Biocontrol.
11.3 Damping-Off.
11.4 Rhamnolipids.
11.5 Quorum Sensing in the Rhizosphere.
11.6 Conclusions and Future Directions.
12 Practical Applications of Rhizospheric Bacteria in Biodegradation of Polymers from Plastic Wastes (Ravindra Soni, Sarita Kumari, Mohd G.H. Zaidi, Yogesh S. Shouche, and Reeta Goel).
12.1 Introduction.
12.2 Materials and Methods.
12.3 Results and Discussion.
12.4 Conclusions.
13 Microbial Dynamics in the Mycorrhizosphere with Special Reference to Arbuscular Mycorrhizae (Abdul G. Khan).
13.1 The Soil and the Rhizosphere.
13.2 Rhizosphere and Microorganisms.
13.3 Conclusion.
14 Salt-Tolerant Rhizobacteria: Plant Growth Promoting Traits and Physiological Characterization Within Ecologically Stressed Environments (Dilfuza Egamberdiyeva and Khandakar R. Islam).
14.1 Introduction.
14.2 Diversity of Salt-Tolerant Rhizobacteria.
14.3 Colonization and Survival of Salt-Tolerant Rhizobacteria.
14.4 Salt and Temperature Tolerance.
14.5 Physiological Characterization of Rhizobacteria.
14.6 Plant Growth Stimulation in Arid Soils.
14.7 Biomechanisms to Enhance Plant Growth.
14.8 Conclusions.
14.9 Future Directions.
15 The Use of Rhizospheric Bacteria to Enhance Metal Ion Uptake by Water Hyacinth, Eichhornia crassipe (Mart) (Lai M. So, Alex T. Chow, Kin H. Wong, and Po K. Wong).
15.1 Introduction.
15.2 Overview of Metal Ion Pollution.
15.3 Treatment of Metal Ions in Wastewater.
15.4 Biology of Water Hyacinth.
15.5 Microbial Enhancement of Metal Ion Removal Capacity of Water Hyacinth.
15.6 Summary.