Main Description
This volume considers ornamental bulbs, including the related storage organs of corms and tubers. An immense amount of research literature has been distilled, such that general principles are stressed throughout, but common examples are considered in some detail.
"The book will be an important contribution for the understanding of the various aspects of bulb growing, marketing and forcing. I will recommend this book to students in horticulture and researchers in the field of geophytes and it will also be of much help to workers in the ‘bulb industry’ who like to know about the fundamental characters of the products they are dealing with.” Annals of Botany, 1993
Main Contents
• Horticultural uses
• Origins, breeding and selection
• Morphology
• Physiology
• Propagation
• Bulb, corm and tuber production
• Flower production
• Pests, diseases and disorders
• Future prospects