Nematode Behaviour
Edited by R Gaugler, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA; A L Bilgrami, Aligarh Muslim University, India
Pub Date: June 2004
432 pages
Researchers in nematology, plant pathology, entomology, invertebrate zoology, animal behaviour, soil ecology, crop protection, evolutionary biology and parasitology
Key Features
• Brings together the fragmented literature of nematology into a single comprehensive volume
• Explains and compares principles and mechanisms of various aspects of behaviour of plant, animal and insect-parasitic, predatory and bacterial feeding nematodes
• Discusses and compares physical, chemical, biological, physiological, genetic and molecular aspects of nematode behaviours
Main Description
Nematode worms are among the most ubiquitous organisms on earth. They include free-living forms as well as parasites of plants, insects, humans and other animals. In recent years there has been an explosion of interest in nematode biology, including the area of nematode behaviour. The latter has, however, until now, not been synthesized into a single comprehensive volume.
Nematode Behaviour seeks to redress this imbalance by providing the first comprehensive review of current knowledge of the behaviour of nematodes. Key topics including locomotion and orientation, feeding and reproductive behaviour, and biotic and abiotic interactions are reviewed by leading authorities from the USA, UK, India and New Zealand.
• "The book should certainly be held in the library of any institution where nematodes are studied in any detail. I suspect it will also find a home in the personal refrence collection of any researchers whose work occasionally touches the field of nematode behaviour. It is good value for the money."
John Jones, Nematology, 6(6), 2004
• "The book is an invaluable reference for those working on nematodes, each chapter has its own bibliography with numerous, up-to-date references. The overall presentation of the book is excellent. The editors must be complimented in organizing and editing an interesting and well-presented book."
Odette Rohfritsch, International Journal of Ecology and Environmental Sciences, 2005
• "This book is generally stimulating, up-to-date, and will provide a good resource for those searching for research projects."
Kerrie Davies & Val Kempster, Australian Nematology Newsletter, 16(2), July 2005
Main Contents
• Introduction and Overview
• Ecological and Behavioural Adaptations, Gregor W. Yeates, Landcare Research, New Zealand
• Locomotion Behaviour, A.H. Jay Burr, Simon Fraser University, Canada, and A. Forest Robinson, USDA-ARS, USA
• Orientation Behaviour, Ekaterini Riga, Washington State University, USA
• Feeding Behaviour, Anwar L. Bilgrami and Randy Gaugler, Rutgers University, USA
• Reproductive Behaviour, Robin N. Huettel, Auburn University, USA
• Ageing and Developmental Behaviour, E.E. Lewis and E.E. Perez, Virginia Tech, USA
• Osmoregulatory and Excretory Behaviour, Denis J. Wright, Imperial College of Science London, UK
• Physiological and Biochemical Basis of Behaviour, Roland N. Perry, Rothamsted Research, UK, and Aaron Maule, Queen’s University Belfast, UK
• Molecular Basis for Behaviour, Maureen M. Barr, and Jinghua Hu, University of Wisconsin-Madison, USA
• Biotic Interactions, Patricia Timper, USDA-ARS, USA, and Keith G. Davies, Rothamsted Research, UK
• Abiotic Factors, Mary E. Barbercheck, Pennsylvania State University, USA, and Larry Duncan, University of Florida, USA
• Population Dynamics, Brian Boag, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK, and Gregor W. Yeates, Landcare Research, New Zealand
• Survival Strategies, David A. Wharton, University of Otago, New Zealand