Natural Resources Management in African Agriculture: Understanding and Improving Current Practices
Agricultural economics, development studies, tropical agriculture (crop and soil science).
Key Features
• synthesizes existing information on the adoption of natural resource management investments and strategies for agriculture in Sub-Saharan Africa
• critically examines current analytical methods
• generates research and policy recommendations
Main Description
This book consists of selected, edited and revised papers from a workshop held at ICRAF (International Centre for Research in Agroforestry) in July 2000.
• "Altogether the volume is an important collation of the recent changes in approach in natural resources management research and the challenges for the future".
New Agriculturist
• "This volume presents a focused and comprehensive approach to the problem of achieving sustainable agricultural intensification in Africa."
Alex Winter-Nelson, Journal of African Economies, Volume 11, 4
• "The book offers valuable case studies, well written and analysed, on a wide range of situations... Researchers and students will appreciate finding in one volume a wide range of well-presented methods for studying adoption of NRM technology."
Anne Floquet, Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture 42(3), 2003
Main Contents
• The Challenge of Stimulating Adoption of Improved Natural Resource Management Practices in African Agriculture, C B Barrett and D R Brown, Cornell University, USA, F Place, and A A Aboud
Part I Farmers' Objectives and Learning Processes
• Social Capital and Social Learning in the Process of Natural Resource Management, J Pretty, University of Essex, UK and L Buck, Cornell University, USA
• The Limits of Knowledge: Securing Rural Livelihoods in a Situation of Resource Scarcity, P E Peters, Harvard University, USA
• Determinants of Farmers' Adoption and Adoption of Alley Farming Agroforestry Technology in Nigeria, A A Adesina, The Rockefeller Foundation, Zimbabwe and J Chianu, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria
• Farmers as Co-developers and Adopters of Green Manure Cover Crops in West and Central Africa, G Tarawali, B Douthwaite and N C de Haan, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria and S A Tarawali, International Livestock Research Institute, Nigeria
Part II Willingness and Capacity to Make Long Term Investments
• Sustainable Management of Private and Communal Lands in Northern Ethiopia, B Gebremedhin, International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia and S M Swinton, Michigan State University, USA
• Poverty and Land Degradation: Peasants' Willingness to Pay to Sustain Land Productivity, S T Holden and B Shiferaw, Agricultural University of Norway
• Input Use and Conservation Investments among Farm Households in Rwanda: Patterns and Determinants, D C Clay, V Kelly, T Reardon, Michigan State University, USA, and E Mpyisi, Rwanda Ministry of Agriculture
• Agroforestry Adoption Decisions, Structural Adjustment and Gender in Africa, C H Gladwin, University of Florida, USA, J S Peterson, D Phiri, World Vision, Zambia and R Uttaro
Part III Economic Incentives and the Importance of the Resource Base
• Liquidity and Soil Management: Evidence from Madagascar and Niger, T J Wyatt, International Crops Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Niger
• Smallholder Farmers' Use of Integrated Nutrient Management Strategies: Patterns and Possibilities in Machakos District of Eastern Kenya, H A Freeman, International Crops Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, Niger and R Coe, International Centre for Research in Agroforestry, Kenya
• Agroforestry for Soil Fertility Replenishment: Evidence on Adoption Processes in Kenya and Zambia, F Place, S Franzel, J DeWolf, R Rommelse, F Kwesiga, A Niang and B Jama, ICRAF, Kenya
• Evaluating Adoption of New Crop-livestock-soil Management Technologies using Georeferenced Village-level Data: The Case of Cowpea in the Dry Savannas of West Africa, P Kristjanson, I Okike, S A Tarawali, R Kruska, International Livestock Research Institute, Kenya, V M Manyong and B B Singh International Institute for Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria
• Contradictions in Agricultural Intensification and Improved Natural Resource Management: Issues in the Fianarantsoa Forest Corridor of Madagascar, M S Freudenberger, Landscape Development Interventions Program, Madagascar and K S Freudenberger, Land Tenure Centre, USA
Part IV The Agroecological, Institutional and Policy Context
• Synergies Between Natural Resource Management Practices and Fertilizer Technologies: Lessons from Mali, V Kelly, M Lamine Sylla, Natural Resource Management, Mali, M Galiba, Sasakawa Global 2000 for Mali and Burkina, and D Weight, Michigan State University, USA
• Soil and Water Conservation in Semi-arid Tanzania: Government Policy and Farmers’ Practices, N Hatibu, E A Lazaro, H F Mahoo and F B R Rwehumbiza, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
• Initiatives to Encourage Farmer Adoption of Soil Fertility Technologies for Maize-based Cropping Systems in Southern Africa, M Mekuria and S R Waddington, CIMMYT-Zimbabwe
• A Bio-economic Model of Integrated Crop-livestock Farming Systems: The Case of Ginchi Watershed in Ethiopia, B N Okumu, Cornell University, USA, M A Jabbar, International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia, D Colman and N Russell, University of Manchester, UK
• Nutrient Cycling in Integrated Plant-animal Systems: Implications for Animal Management Strategies in Smallholder Farming Systems, L Ndlovu, University of The North, South Africa and P H Mugabe, University of Zimbabwe
• Natural Resource Technologies for Semi-arid Regions of Sub-Saharan Africa, B I Shapiro, International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-arid Tropics (ICRISAT), Mali and J H Sanders, Purdue University, USA
Part V Toward Improved Natural Resource Management in African Agriculture
• Technology Development and Dissemination for Improved Natural Resource Management in African Agriculture, F Place, B Swallow, J Wangila, A A Aboud and C B Barrett
• Agricultural and Economic Policy for Improved Natural Resource Management in African Agriculture C B Barrett, A A Aboud, F Place, J Lynam, The Rockefeller Foundation, Kenya and T Reardon, Michigan State University, USA