Molluscs as Crop Pests
Edited by G M Barker, Landcare Research Hamilton, New Zealand
Pub Date: March 2002
400 pages
Zoology, ecology, crop protection
Main Description
Mollusc species currently constitute a major threat to sustainable agriculture. This threat is associated with cultivation of new crops, intensification of agricultural production systems and the spread through human trade and travel of species adapted to these modified environments. In some crops their significance is only now becoming apparent with the decline in the importance of other pest groups which can be effectively controlled.
The book focuses on: toxicology of chemicals; deployment of molluscicides in baits; specific crop situations worldwide; current pest status of mollusc species and progress towards development of solutions.
• "This book is a must-have for researchers studying gastropods and should be acquired by libraries of tertiary institutions offering programmes that deal with plant pest control". "Enterprises and governmental organizations involved in plant pest control will find the book useful also, because it deals extensively with techniques that can be used to control molluscs".
Biological Agriculture and Horticulture, November 2002
• "There is a wealth of information here that is accessible to everyone, from the lay reader to students and researchers. The extensive reference lists provide access to more detailed experimental studies".
William O C Symondson, Crop Protection 22, 2003
Main Contents
• Introduction
• Chemical control of terrestrial gastropods, I Henderson and R Trieskorn
• Molluscicidal baits for control of terrestrial gastropods, S Bailey
• Achatina fulica Bowdich and other Achatinidae as pests in tropical agriculture, S K Raut and G M Barker
• Vaginulidae in Central America, with emphasis on the bean slug Sarasinula plebeia (Fischer), A Rueda et al.
• Apple snails (Ampullariidae) as agricultural pests: their biology, impacts and management,R Cowie
• Helicidae and Hygromiidae as pests in cereal crops and pastures in Southern Australia, G Baker
• Planorbidae and Lymnaeidae as pests of rice, with particular reference to Isidorella newcombi (Adams & Angus), M Stevens
• Urocyclus flavescens Keferstein (Urocyclidae) as a pest of banana in South Africa, K de Jager
• Bradybaena similaris (de Fιrussac) (Bradybaenidae) as a pest in grapevines of Taiwan, C P Chang
• Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Milacidae as pests in West European sunflower and maize, G Hommay
• Helicidae and Hygromiidae as pests in Australian and South African grapevines, G Sanderson and W Sirgel
• Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Milacidae as pests in West European cereals, D Glen and R Moens
• Agriolimacidae and Arionidae as pests in conservation-tillage soybean and corn cropping in North America, R Hammond and R Byers
• Bradybaena ravida (Benson) (Bradybaenidae) in cereal-cotton rotations of Jingyang County, Shaanxi Province, China, Chen De-niu et al.
• Agriolimacidae and Arionidae as pests in lucerne and other legumes in forage systems of northeastern North America, R Byers
• Gastropods as pests in vegetable and ornamental crops in Western Europe, G Port and A Ester
• Integrated management of Cantareus aspersus (Mόller) (Helicidae) as a pest of citrus in California, N Sakovich
• Gastropods as pests in New Zealand pastoral agriculture, with emphasis on Agriolimacidae, Arionidae and Milacidae, G Barker
• Agriolimacidea, Arionidae and Milacidae as pests in West European oilseed rape, R Moens and D M Glen