Microbiological Analysis of Red Meat, Poultry and Eggs
• Analyzes key aspects of microbiological analysis
• Examines the validation of analytical methods and quality assurance in the laboratory
• Evaluates current and developing legislation in the European Union
• Discusses the significance of Escherichia coli 0157 and other VTEC
Red meat, poultry and eggs are, or have been, major global causes of foodborne disease in humans and are also prone to microbiological growth and spoilage. Consequently, monitoring the safety and quality of these products remains a primary concern. Microbiological analysis is an established tool in controlling the safety and quality of foods. Recent advances in preventative and risk-based approached to food safety control have reinforced the role of microbiological testing of foods in food safety management.
In a series of chapters written by international experts, the key aspects of microbiological analysis, such as sampling methods, use of fecal indicators, current approached to testing of foods, detection and enumeration of pathogens, and microbial identification techniques, are described and discussed. Attention is also given to the validation of analytical methods and Quality Assurance in the laboratory. Because of their present importance to the food industry, additional chapters on current and developing legislation in the European Union and the significance of Escherichia coli 0157 and other VTEC are included.
Written be a team of international experts, Microbiological Analysis of Red Meat, Poultry and Eggs is certain to become a standard reference in the important area of food microbiology.
Professor Geoff Mead is internationally renowned for his research on microbiological aspects of poultry production and processing.
Microbiological Testing in Food Safety and Quality Management, C. de Blackburn
Control Systems Used in Food Industry
Role of Microbiological Testing
Applying Microbiological Testing
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Legislation for Red Meat, Poultry and Eggs: Which Way Forward? M. Fogden
Codex Alimentarius (Food Code)
Regulation in the EU
EU Regulation on Microbiological Criteria
Annex I: Criteria
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Escherichia coli0157 and Other VTEC in the Meat Industry, I.D. Ogden
Pathogenic Potential
Key Outbreaks of E. coli 0157 and Other VTEC
Occurrence in Red Meat and Poultry
Regulatory Measures
Laboratory Methods of Isolation and Identification
Industry Measures
Consumer Responses
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Faecal Indicator Organisms for Red Meat and Poultry, G.C. Mead
Origins and Terminology of the Indicator Concept
Enterobacteriaceae, Coliforms, and E. coli
Monitoring Faecal Contamination of Meat
Other Indicator Organisms
Use of E. coli for Determining Cross-Contamination
Sources of Further Information
Spoilage Organisms of Red Meat and Poultry, J.E.L. Corry
Microflora of Raw Meat Immediately after Slaughter (Red Meat and Poultry)
Factors Affecting Flora Development and Changes Leading to Spoilage
Spoilage of Vacuum-Packed Red Meat of Normal pH Due to Psychtophilic of Psychotropic Clostridium spp
Bone Taint
Spoilage of Uneviscerated Poultry
Effect of Storage Temperature on Spoilage
Metabolic Products Responsible for Spoilage
Isolation and Identification of Spoilage Organisms
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information
Sampling of Red Meat, C.O. Gill
Purposes of Routine Microbiological Sampling
Target Organisms
Sampling Plans
Sampling Sites
Methods of Sampling
Detection Methods and Enumeration of Bacteria
Interpretation of Data
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information
Sampling methods for poultry-meat products, G.C. Mead
Origins and Distribution of Carcass Contaminants
Microbial Attachment to Skin and Other Carcass Surfaces
Sampling Carcasses in the Processing Plant
Methods of Sampling Carcasses
Sampling of Frozen Meat
Cut Portions and Other Raw Products
Cooked, Ready-to-Eat Products
Pooling Samples
Sample Handling and Transportation
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information and Advice
Microbiological Monitoring of Cleaning and Disinfection in Food Plants, J.F. Rigarlsford
Sources of Product Contamination
Development of a Testing Programme
Testing Plant Surfaces
Rapid Methods
Air Testing
Data Illustration and Limit Values
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information
Microbiological analysis of eggs and egg products, J.E.L. Corry
Shell Eggs
Bulk Liquids
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information
Detection and enumeration of pathogens in meat, poultry and egg products, E. de Boer
Cultural Methods
Rapid Methods
Factors in the Choice of Technique
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information
Techniques for identifying foodborne microorganisms, S.M. Russel and P.C. Vasvada
Handling and Storage of Isolates
Storage of Isolates
Preliminary Examination of Isolates
Identification Systems
Commonly-Used Selective and Differential Media
Automated Microbial Identification
Systems for Typing Isolates Following Identification
Genetic Methods for Typing Bacterial Strains
Validation of analytical methods used in food microbiology, M. Utyebdaele
Definition of Performance Characteristics
Validation Protocols
Use of Validation Schemes for Evaluating the Performance of Alternative Levels
Application of Validated Methods in Accredited Laboratories
Future Trends
Sources of Further Information
Quality Assurance in the food microbiology laboratory, R. Wood
Legislation and Codes for Practice
Internal Quality Control
Quality Assurance Requirements: Analytical Methods
Criteria for Valid Methods of Analysis
Method Validation through Proficiency Testing
Measurement Uncertainty for the Microbiologist