Methods and Approaches in Forest History
Edited by M Agnoletti, University of Florence, Italy; S Anderson, Forest History Society, Durham, North Carolina, USA
Pub Date: July 2000
304 pages
Forestry, history, geography.
Main Description
A companion to Forest History: International Studies on Socioeconomic and Forest Ecosystem Change which includes over 20 papers from the same conference held in Florence in 1998. This volume focuses on the different approaches and methods adopted in the study of forest history. The interdisciplinary nature of these studies is emphasized, bringing in the different perspectives of anthropologists, botanists, ecologists, foresters, historians, geneticists and geographers. This volume demonstrates the rich diversity of approaches and methods to forest history.
• "The book contains a comprehensive index and is superbly printed and bound. Its place will be mainly in university and other libraries where it will provide an important reference for future forest history work".
P J Wood, The International Forestry Review, September 2002
• "The book contains a comprehensive index and is superbly printed and bound. Its place will be mainly in university and other libraries where it will provide an important reference for future forest history work".
International Forestry Review, September 2002
Main Contents
• Introduction: the Development of Forest History Research, M Agnoletti
• Changing Roles of the Forest History Society: New Approaches to Environmental History in North America, S Anderson
• How Professional Historians Can Play a Useful Role in the Study of an Interdisciplinary Forest History, C Ernst, Institut fόr Neuere Geschichte, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitδt Mόnchen, Munich, Germany
• Putting Flesh on the Carbon-Based Bones of Forest History, M Williams, Department of Geography, University of Oxford, UK
• Forest Management from Positivism to the Culture of Complexity, O Ciancio and S Nocentini, Universitΰ di Firenze, Florence, Italy
• Economic Areas and Forest Nature: Search for Forest Images and the Understanding of Nature in the Past, B Selter, Forstliche Dokumentationsstelle der Landesforstverwaltung, Arnsberg, Germany
• The Age and Size of Hazel (Corylus avellana L.) Stools of Nεtφ Island, Εland Islands, SW Finland, C-A Hζggstrφm, Department of Ecology and Systematics, University of Helsinki, Finland
• The Study of Charcoal Burning Sites in the Apennine Mountains of Liguria (NW Italy) as a Tool for Forest History, C Montanari, P Prono, and S Scipioni, Istituto di Botanica, Universitΰ di Genova, Genova, Italy
• Local Economic History, Environmental History and Forest History: Some Swedish Experiences and Suggestions, S Gaunitz, Department of Economic History,Umeε University, Sweden
• Socioeconomical and Ecological Aspects of Coppice Woods History in the Lower Vosges (France) and the Black Forest (Germany), R Ostermann and A Reif, Waldbau-Institut, Fakultδt der Universitδt Frieburg, Frieburg, Germany
• The Forest History of Boreal Sweden A Multidisciplinary Approach, L Φstlund and O Zackrisson, Department of Vegetation Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeε, Sweden
• Preindustrial Forests in Central Europe as Objects of Historical-Geographical Research, W Schenk, Geographisches Institut der Universitδt Tόbingen, Germany
• Methods Towards Studying Historical Changes in Forest and Landscape Patterns: a Comparison Between Two Nearby Socioeconomic Contexts, V Robiglio, Universitΰ di Firenze, Florence, Italy
• Temporal and Spatial Changes in a Boreal Forest Landscape: GIS Applications, A-L Axelsson, Department of Forest Vegetation Ecology, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Umeε, Sweden
• Comparing Damages: Italian and American Concepts of Restoration, M Hall, Institute for Environmental Studies, University of Wisconsin, Madison, USA
• Searching for Common Ground: Reconstructing Landscape History in East Africas Eastern Arc Mountains, C A Conte, Utah State University, Department of History, Logan, USA
• The Alnoculture System in the Ligurian Eastern Apennines: Archive Evidence, S Bertolotto and R Cevasco, Dipartimento di Storia Moderna e Contemporanea, Universitΰ di Genova, Genova, Italy
• Between Nature and Culture: the Contribution of Anthropology to Environmental Study, P Clemente and N Breda, Universitΰ La Sapienza Roma, Dipartimento di Glottoantropologia, Rome, Italy and V Lapiccirella-Zingari, Chambery, France
• Prehistoric Cultures and the Development of Woodlands, H Kόster, Universitδt Hannover, Institut fόr Geobotanik, Hannover, Germany
• Integration Between Genetic and Archaeobotanical Data in a Study on the Evolutionary History of Pinus halepensis Mill. Populations in Southern Italy, S Puglisi, Consoglio Nazionale delle Richereche, Bari, Italy, G Fiorentino, Institut de Botanique, Montpellier, France, R Lovreglio and V Leone, Dipartimento di Produzione Vegetale, Universitΰ della Basilicata, Potenza, Italy
• Xylology and Forest History, E Corona, Facoltΰ di Agraria DISAFRI, Universitΰ degli Studi della Tuscia, Viterbo, Italy
• Bristlecone Pines and Tales of Change in the Great Basin, M P Cohen, Language and Literature Department, Southern Utah University, Cedar City, USA
• Biodiversity and Forest Management: From Biodiversity to Geochronodiversity, P Arnould, M Hotyat and L Simon, Center for Biogeography-Ecology, Fontenay-Saint-Cloud, France
• Temporal Differences in Forest History at Two Sites in Eastern North America, G B Blank, Department of Forestry, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, USA