International Trade and Policies for Genetically Modified Products
Students and researchers in biotechnology, socioeconomics.
Main Description
Based on the 2004 meeting of the International Consortium on Agricultural Biotechnology Research, this book examines the controversial issues surrounding international trade in, and policies for, genetically modified products and agricultural biotechnology. It covers analytical studies, the labelling of genetically modified products in a global trading environment, empirical trade studies, commercialized products of biotechnology and trade pattern effects, spillover dimensions, mergers, acquisitions and flows of agbiotech intellectual property, intellectual property rights, applied general equilibrium trade models and opposition to genetically modified wheat and global food security.
Main Contents
• Editors' Overview, R E Evenson and V Santaniello
Part 1: Analytical Studies
• Biotechnology Risks and Project Interdependence, O K Knudsen, The World Bank, USA and P L Scandizzo, Facoltΰ de Economia Universitΰ, Italy
• Restricted Monopoly R & D Pricing: Uncertainty, Irreversibility and Non-Market Effect, R D Weaver, Pennsylvania State University, USA and J Wesseler, Wageningen University, The Netherlands
• Biotechnology and the Emergence of Club Behavior in Agricultural Trade, M Tothova and J F Oehmke, Michigan State University, USA
• The Labelling of Genetically Modified Products in a Global Trading Environment, S Scandizzo, Corporacion Andina de Fomento, Venezuela
Part 2: Empirical Trade Studies
• Tree Biotechnology: Regulation and International Trade, R A Sedjo, Resources for the Future, USA
• Commercialized Products of Biotechnology and Trade Pattern Effects, S Smyth, W A Kerr and K A Davey, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
Part 3: Spillover Dimensions
• The Coexistence of GM and non-GM Arable Crops in the EU: Economic and Market Considerations, G Brookes, Canterbury, UK
• Research Spillovers in Biotech Industry: The Case of Canola, R S Gray, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, S Malla, University of Lethbridge, Canada and K Tran, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
• Mergers, Acquisitions and Flows of Agbiotech Intellectual Property, D Schimmelpfennig and J King, USDA, Washington, USA
• The Impact of Regulation on the Development of New Products in the Food Industry, K Menrad, University of Applied Sciences of Weihenstephan and K Blind, Fraunhofer Institute for Systems and Innovation Research (ISI), Germany
Part 4: Intellectual Property Rights
• Patents Versus Plant Varietal Protection, D Eaton and F van Tongeren, Wageningen University and Research Centre, The Netherlands
• Governing Innovative Science: Challenges Facing the Commercialization of Plant-Made Pharmaceuticals, S Smyth, G G Khachatourians and P W B Phillips, University of Saskatchewan, Canada
• Are GURTs Needed to Remedy Intellectual Property Failures and Environmental Problems with GM Crops? G Budd, Grains Research and Development Corporation, Australia
Part 5: Applied General Equilibrium Trade Models
• Economic Effects of Producing or Banning G.M. Crops, J Flatau and P M Schmitz, University of Giessen, Germany
• • Opposition to Genetically Modified Wheat and Global Food Security, F Haggui, University of Saskatchewan, Canada, P W B Phillips and R S Gray
• International Impacts of Bt Cotton Adoption, G B Frisvold, R Tronstad, University of Arizona, Tucson, USA and J M Reeves, Cotton Incorporated, USA