Heat Treatment
Theory, Techniques and Applications
Heat treatment is a method used to alter the physical, and sometimes chemical, properties of a material. Heat treatment involves the use of heating or chilling, normally to extreme temperatures, to achieve a desired result such as hardening or softening of a material. Techniques in heat treatment include annealing, case hardening, precipitation strengthening, tempering and quenching. This new book reviews current research in the study of heat treatments including the heat treatment of vitrified grinding wheels; fog-quenching after heat treatments for big cylindrical parts in rolling mills; an analysis of the yield strength and of the aging and quenching heating temperature in aluminum alloys; heat treatment of 18% nickel maraging steels and the thermal treatment of wood at high temperatures as an alternative environment friendly wood modification technology.
Table of Contents:
Preface pp. i-xii
Heat Treatment of Vitrified Grinding Wheels, pp. 1-50
(M. J. Jackson, MET, College of Technology, Purdue University, West Lafayette, Indiana)
The Potential for Cost and Weight Reduction in Transport Applications Through the Use of Heat Treated Aluminum High Pressure Diecastings, pp. 51-78
(R.N. Lumley, CSIRO Light Metals Flagship, Melbourne, Australia)
Quenching under Fog Conditions: Theory, Technique and Application on Rolling Mills, pp. 79-106
(Dan Gelu Galusca, Alina-Adriana Minea, Technical University "Gh Asachi" lasi, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty, Romania)
AlCu2,5Mg Alluminum Alloy Heat Treatment: Theory, Techniques and Applications, pp. 107-139
(Alina-Adriana Minea, Dan Gelu Galusca, Technical University "Gh Asachi" lasi, Materials Science and Engineering Faculty, Romania)
Practical Heat Treatment, pp. 141-159
(Hulya Demiroren, Mustafa Aksoy, University of Firat, Faculty of Technology, Department of Metallurgy, Elazig, Turkey, and others)
Heat Treatment of 18% Nickel Maraging Steels, pp. 161-177
(M. Nageswara Rao, Senior Professor Emeritus, School of Mechanical & Building Sciences, VIT University, Vellore, Tamil Nadu, India)
Recipe Adaptation and New Recipe Development for High Temperature Heat Treatment of North American Wood Species, pp. 179-199
(Duygu Kocaefe, Ramdane Younsi, Sandor Poncsak, Yasar Kocaefe, Research Group on the Thermotransformation of Wood (GRTB), Department of Applied Sciences, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Chicoutimi, Quebec, Canada)
A High Thermal Treatment of Wood: A Basic Theory and Numerical Modeling ^, pp. 201-223
(R. Younsi, D. Kocaefe, S. Poncsak, X. huang & S. Saha, University of Quebec at Chicoutimi, Department of Applied Sciences, 555, University bvd., Chicoutimi(QC), Canada)
Heat Treatment Stimulation of the Magnetic Nanoparticles Formation in Borate Glasses Doped with Transition Elements ^, pp. 225-239
(I. Edelman, O. Ivanova, R. Ivantsov, S. Stepanov, V. Zaikovskiy, Kirensky Institute of Physics, Siberian Branch of RAS, 660036 Krasnoyarsk, Russia, and others)
Influence of heat treatment on dislocation-divalent impurity interaction in KCl:Sr2+ single crystals ^, pp. 241-261
(Y. Kohzuki, Oshima National College of Maritime Technology, 1091-1 Komatsu, Suo-Oshima-cho, Oshima-gun, Yamaguchi 742-2193, Japan)
Precipitation and growth of gamma-prime phase in Ni-base supealloys ^, pp. 262-292
(A. M. Ges, O. Fornaro and H. A. Palacio, Instituto de Física de Materiales Tandil, Universidad Nacional del Centro de la Provincia de Buenos Aires, Pinto 399 (B7000GHG) Tandi, Argentina)
Index pp. 293-299