Handbook of Soil Sciences: Resource Management and Environmental Impacts, Second Edition
• Includes a new section on soil physical, chemical, and biological interfacial interactions
• Offers an interdisciplinary perspective that considers interactions across the traditional disciplines of soil science
• Provides a current view of soil databases around the world and the possibilities for distributing soil information
• Discusses principles of soil fertility and plant nutrition that affect the growth of plants and impact the environment
• Contains extensive illustrations, including an 8-page color insert
An evolving, living organic/inorganic covering, soil is in dynamic equilibrium with the atmosphere above, the biosphere within, and the geology below. It acts as an anchor for roots, a purveyor of water and nutrients, a residence for a vast community of microorganisms and animals, a sanitizer of the environment, and a source of raw materials for construction and manufacturing. To develop lasting solutions to the challenges of balanced use and stewardship of the Earth, we require a fundamental understanding of soil—from its elastic, porous three-phase system to its components, processes, and reactions.
Handbook of Soil Sciences: Resource Management and Environmental Impacts, Second Edition is the second of two volumes that form a comprehensive reference on the discipline of soil science. Completely revised and updated to reflect the current state of knowledge, this volume covers interfacial interactions between the physical, chemical, and biological regimes within the soil; the factors that control the availability of plant nutrients and microelements; interdisciplinary aspects of soil science, including salinity, sodicity, and soil erosion; and soil databases for assessing worldwide soil resources.
Critical elements addressed in each section include:
• Descriptions of concepts and theories
• Definitions, approaches, methodologies, and procedures
• Data in tabular and figure format
• Extensive references
This cohesive handbook provides a thorough understanding of soil science principles and practices based on a rigorous, complete, and up-to-date treatment of the subject matter compiled by leading scientists. It is a resource rich in data, offering professional soil scientists, agronomists, engineers, ecologists, biologists, naturalists, and students their first point of entry into a particular aspect of the soil sciences.
Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interfacial Interactions
Introduction; Pan Ming Huang and Antonio Violante
The Role of Synchrotron Radiation in Elucidating the Biogeochemistry of Metal(loids) and Nutrients at Critical Zone Interfaces; Donald L. Sparks and Matthew Ginder-Vogel
Clay–Organic Interactions in Soil Environments; Guodong Yuan and Benny K.G. Theng
Nanoscale Science and Technology in Soil Science; Patricia A. Maurice
Impacts of Environmental Nanoparticles on Chemical, Biological, and Hydrological Processes in Terrestrial Ecosystems; Nikolla P. Qafoku
Enzymatic Activity as Inf luenced by Soil Mineral and Humic Colloids and Its Impact on Biogeochemical Processes; L. Gianfreda, M.A. Rao, and M. Mora
Biogeochemical, Biophysical, and Biological Processes in the Rhizosphere; Philippe Hinsinger, Davey L. Jones, and Petra Marschner
Mineralogical, Physicochemical, and Microbiological Controls on Soil Organic Matter Stabilization and Turnover; Ingrid Kögel-Knabner and Markus Kleber
Impact of Soil Physical, Chemical, and Biological Interactions on the Transformation of Metals and Metalloids; Antonio Violante, M. Pigna, V. Cozzolino, and Pan Ming Huang
Soil Physicochemical and Biological Interfacial Processes Governing the Fate of Anthropogenic Organic Pollutants; Kun Yang and Baoshan Xing
Impact of Soil Physicochemical and Biological Reactions on Transport of Nutrients and Pollutants in the Critical Zone; Jon Chorover
Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition
Introduction; James J. Camberato
Bioavailability of N, P, K, Ca, Mg, S, and Si; Nanthi Bolan, Ross Brennan, Dedik Budianta, James J. Camberato, Ravi Naidu, William L. Pan, Andrew Sharpley, Donald L. Sparks, and Malcolm E. Sumner
Soil Acidity and Liming; T. Jot Smyth
Soil Fertility Evaluation; J. Thomas Sims and Joshua McGrath
Fundamentals of Fertilizer Application; David B. Mengel and George W. Rehm
Nutrient and Water Use Efficiency; Kefyalew Girma and William Raun
Nutrient Interactions in Soil Fertility and Plant Nutrition; William L. Pan
Interdisciplinary Aspects of Soil Science
Introduction; G.J. Levy
Saline and Boron-Affected Soils; R. Keren
Sodicity; Guy J. Levy
Soil Water Repellency; Stefan H. Doerr and Richard A. Shakesby
Biogeochemistry of Wetlands; P.W. Inglett, K.R. Reddy, W.G. Harris, and E.M. D’Angelo
Acid Sulfate Soils; L.A. Sullivan, R.T. Bush, E.D. Burton, C.J. Ritsema, and M.E.F. van Mensvoort
Water Erosion; Dino Torri and Lorenzo Borselli
Wind Erosion; D.W. Fryrear
Land Application of Wastes; David M. Miller and W.P. Miller
Conservation Tillage; Paul W. Unger and Humberto Blanco-Canqui
Soil Quality; Stephanie A. Ewing and Michael J. Singer
Soil Databases
Introduction; Marion F. Baumgardner
Qualitative and Quantitative Aspects of World and Regional Soil Databases and Maps; Freddy O. Nachtergaele, Vincent W.P. van Engelen, and Niels H. Batjes
United States Soil Survey Databases; Jim R. Fortner and Alan B. Price
Integrated Digital, Spatial, and Attribute Databases for Soils in Brazil; Carlos Eduardo Pellegrino Cerri, Carlos Gustavo Tornquist, Martial Bernoux, Miguel Cooper, Gerd Sparovek, Maria de Lourdes Mendonça-Santos, and Carlos Clemente Cerri
Development and Use of Soil Maps and Databases in China; Gan-Lin Zhang and Yun-Jin Wu
Soil Geographic Database of Russia; Sergey A. Shoba, Vyacheslav A. Rozhkov, Irina O. Alyabina, Varvara M. Kolesnikova, Inga S. Urusevskaya, Erik N. Molchanov, Vladimir S. Stolbovoi, Boris V. Sheremet, and Dmitry E. Konyushkov
Learning about Soil Resources with Digital Soil Maps; Darrell G. Schulze, Phillip R. Owens, and George E. Van Scoyoc
Soil Databases in Africa; D.G. Paterson and N.M. Mushia