Forest Policy for Private Forestry
Edited by L D Teeter, Auburn University, Alabama, USA; B Cashore, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA; D Zhang, Auburn University, Alabama, USA
Pub Date: December 2002
352 pages
Forestry, natural resource economics and policy
Key Features
• The emergence of a new paradigm for public involvement in private forestry
• The challenges of sustainability
• Certification programmes
• Country experiences from the Americas, Europe, Africa and Asia
Main Description
There is currently great concern about the sustainability of forestry and the contribution of private forestry towards this aim. The need to better understand the impact of different policy choices on private forestry has never been more important. This book includes a selection of peer-reviewed papers from a conference held in Atlanta in March 2001.
• "This book provides interesting insights and analyses on some key general issues related to private forestry at the beginning of the 21st century."
Jean-Paul Lanly, The International Forestry Review, 7(2), 2005
• "This book offers a spectrum of ideas, and potential policy options, which are immensely valuable for all students of private forestry."
Mike Bulfin, Irish Forestry, 60(1-2), 2003
Main Contents
Part 1 - Changing philosophies of forest management
• Forestry in the long sweep of history, C S Binkley, Hancock Timber Resource Group, Boston, MA, USA
• International dialogue on forests: impact on national policies and practices, J S Maini, United Nations Forum on Forests, New York, USA
• New trends in forest policy and management: An emerging postmodern approach? J Schelhas, USDA Forest Service, Tuskegee University, AL, USA
• Utilizing issue network analyses to assess potential policy implications of sustainable forest management in the United States, S O Moffat, USDA Forest Service, New Orleans, LA, USA, F W Cubbage, North Carolina State University, USA, T P Holmes, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, NC, USA and E O'Sullivan, North Carolina State University, USA
• Private sector participation on public forestlands: challenges and policy issues, B N Ganguli, Chittranjan Park, New Delhi, India
• Planning private native forest use in Australia, R D Spencer, M F Ryan, P K Tickle and C I Howell, Bureau of Rural Sciences, Kingston, ACT, Australia
Part 2 - Challenges abound - Designing and implementing policies for private forestry
• The three impediments: time, fire and taxes, G H Weyerhaeuser, Jr., Weyerhaeuser Company, WA, USA
• Global initiatives, public policies and private forestry in Bolivia: lessons to date and remaining challenges, G F Taylor II, US Agency for International Development, VA, USA, J Nittler, and I Kraljevic, Chemonics International, Washington DC, USA
• Today and tomorrow of private forestry in Central and Eastern Europe, J Siry, North Carolina State University, USA
• Redesigning forest policy tools under a transitional economy setting, M Polyakov and L Teeter, Auburn University, AL, USA
• Private land and public goods: process lessons from habitat conservation planning, D Ostermeier and D Keele, University of Tennessee, Knoxville, USA
• Ensuring the application of sound forest practices on private forests: challenges facing the design and implementation of state compliance monitoring programs, M A Kilgore, P V Ellefson and M J Phillips, University of Minnesota, USA
• Spatial assessment of a voluntary forest conservation program in North Carolina, K Cassingham, US Geological Survey, Raleigh, NC, USA, E Sills, North Carolina State University, USA, S Pattanayak, and C Mansfield, Research Triangle Institute, NC, USA
Part 3 - Sustainable forestry economics
• Policy developments affecting demand, supply and international trade of forest products - A European perspective, B Solberg, Agricultural University of Norway, Norway
• Private forest management and investment in the US South: alternative future scenarios, R J Alig, D M Adams, J R Mills, B J Butler and R J Moulton, USDA Forest Service, USA
• An economy-wide assessment of a forest carbon policy in the USA, G Y Wong, J R R Alavalapati, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, USA, and R J Moulton, USDA Forest Service, Research Triangle Park, NC, USA
• Forestry implications of agricultural short-rotation woody crops in the United States, P J Ince, USDA Forest Service Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, USA and A N Moiseyev, European Forest Institute, Joensuu, Finland
• Management of the forest biodiversity: feasibility, efficiency and limits of a contractual regulation, A Stenger and D Normandin, Laboratoire d’Economie Forestiθre, Nancy, France
• Case studies examining the economic impacts of new forest practices regulations on NIPF landowners, K Zobrist and B Lippke, University of Washington, Seattle, WA, USA
• Effect of the federal estate tax on rural land holdings in the US, J Greene, USDA Forest Service Southern Research Station, New Orleans, USA, T Cushing, F & W Forestry Services, Inc., Albany, GA, USA, S Bullard, Mississippi State University, USA and T Beauvais, USDA Forest Service, Washington DC, USA
• Global trade liberalization and forest product trade patterns, J Gan, Texas A & M University, USA and S Ganguli, Tuskegee University, AL, USA
Part 4 - Perspectives on forest certification
• Gaining leverage: NGO influence on certification institutions in the forest products sector, E N Sasser, Duke University, Durham, NC, USA
• Firm choices on sustainable forestry forest certification: the case of JD Irving Lumber Company, J Lawson, Auburn University, AL, USA and B Cashore, Global Institute for Sustainable Forest Management, New Haven, CT, USA
• Improving forest management through the supply chain: an assessment of wood procurement management systems in the forest products industry, S Harris and R Germain, State University of New York, Syracuse, NY, USA
• Perspectives on forest certification: a survey examining differences among the US Forest Sectors views of their forest certification alternatives, G Auld, University of British Columbia, Canada, B Cashore, Yale University, New Haven, CT, USA and D Newsom, Smart Wood, Richmond, Vermont, USA
• Certification: a comparison of perceptions of corporate and non-industrial private forestland owners in Louisiana, R P Vlosky, Louisiana State University, Baton Rouge, LA, USA and J E Granskog, USDA Forest Service, New Orleans, LA, USA
• Forest certification in the heart of Dixie: a survey of Alabama landowners, D Newsom, Smart Wood, Richmond, Vermont, USA, B Cashore, G Auld and J E Granskog, USDA Forest Service, New Orleans, LA, USA