Forest Genetics
Main Description
Trees continue to maintain a unique significance in the social, ecological and economic systems of the world - as large, long-lived perennials covering 30% of land on Earth; their very nature dictates their importance. An understanding of forest genetics is essential for providing insight into the evolution, conservation, management and sustainability of both natural and managed forests.
Providing a comprehensive introduction to the principles of genetics as important to forest trees, this text integrates the varied sub-disciplines of genetics and their applications in gene conservation, tree improvement and biotechnology. Topics discussed include genetic variation in natural forest trees, the application of genetics in tree improvement and breeding programs, and genomic sciences and molecular technologies.
Main Contents
1) Forest Genetics - Concepts, Scope, History and Importance SECTION I: BASIC PRINCIPLES 2) Molecular Basis of Inheritance - Genome Organization, Gene Structure and Regulation 3) Transmission Genetics - Chromosomes, Recombination and Linkage Mendelian Genetics 4) Genetic Markers - Morphological, Biochemical and Molecular Markers 5) Population Genetics - Gene Frequencies, Inbreeding and Forces of Evolution 6) Quantitative Genetics - Polygenic Traits, Heritabilities and Genetic Correlations SECTION II: GENETIC VARIATION IN NATURAL POPULATIONS 7) Within-population Variation - Genetic Diversity, Mating Systems and Stand Structure 8) Geographic Variation - Races, Clines and Ecotypes 9) Evolutionary Genetics - Divergence, Speciation and Hybridization 10) Gene Conservation - In Situ, Ex Situ and Sampling Strategies SECTION III: TREE IMPROVEMENT 11) Tree Improvement Programs - Structure, Concepts and Importance 12) Base Populations - Species, Hybrids, Seed Sources and Breeding Zones 13) Phenotypic Mass Selection - Genetic Gain, Choice of Traits and Indirect Response 14) Genetic Testing - Mating Designs, Field Tests and Test Implementation 15) Data Analysis - Mixed Models, Variance Components and Breeding Values 16) Deployment - Open-pollinated Varieties, Full-sib Families and Clones 17) Advanced-generation Breeding Strategies - Breeding Population Size, Structure and Management SECTION IV: BIOTECHNOLOGY 18) Genomics - Discovery and Functional Analysis of Genes 19) Marker-assisted Selection and Breeding - Indirect Selection, Direct Selection and Breeding Applications 20) Genetic Engineering - Target Traits, Transformation and Regeneration
Forest Genetics will be a valuable resource for students, scientists and professionals working in forest genetics or forest management.
"This book is a must read...perfect for advanced undergraduate courses and a reference manual for professional foresters working on aspect of silviculture, forest management or forest genetics .This reviewer looks forward to using excepts for a forest genetics course abd to establish this book as a calss resource for years to come." D.F Karnosky, Michigan Technoligical University, CHOICE Magazine, May 2008