Environmental Impact of Invertebrates for Biological Control of Arthropods: Methods and Risk Assessment
Researchers in biological control, entomology, ecology and crop protection.
Main Description
This book provides an invaluable review of the current methodologies used for assessing the environmental impacts of invertebrate biological agents used to control pests in agriculture and forestry. It explores methods to evaluate post-release effects and the environmental impact of dispersal, displacement and establishment of invertebrate biological control agents. It covers methodology on screening for contaminants, the use of molecular methods for species identification and the determination of interbreeding. The book also discusses the use and application of information on zoogeographical zones, statistical methods and risk-benefit analysis. It gives practical advice on how to perform science-based risk assessments and on how to use new technology and information.
Main Contents
• Current status and constraints in the assessment of non-target effects, D Babendreier and F Bigler, and U Kuhlmann
• Selection of Non-Target Species for Host Specificity Testing, U Kuhlmann, U Schaffner, and P G Mason, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
• Host Specificity in Arthropod Biological Control, Methods for Testing and Interpretation of the Data, J C van Lenteren, Wageningen University, Netherlands, M J W Cock, CABI Bioscience, Switzerland, T S Hoffmeister, University of Bremen, Germany, and D P A Sands, CSIRO Entomology, Australia
• Measuring and Predicting Indirect Impacts of Biological control: Competition, displacement, and secondary interactions, R Messing, University of Hawaii at Manoa, B Roitberg, Simon Fraser University, Canada, and J Brodeur, Universite Montreal, Canada
• Risks of Interbreeding between species used in biological control and native species, and methods for evaluating its occurrence and impact, K R Hopper and S C Britch, Agricultural Research Service, USDA, USA, and E Wajnberg, INRA, France
• Assessing the establishment potential of inundative biological control agents, G Boivin, Agriculture et Agroalimentaire Canada, U M Kφlliker-Ott, FAL Reckenholz, Switzerland, J Bale, University of Birmingham, UK, and F Bigler
• Methods for Monitoring the Dispersal of Natural Enemies from Point Source Releases Associated with Augmentative Biological Control, N J Mills, University of California, USA, D Babendreier and A J M Loomans, Plant Protection Service, Wageningen, The Netherlands
• Risks of plant damage caused by natural enemies introduced for arthropod biological control, R Albajes, Universitat de Lleida, Spain, C Castaρι, R Gabarra and Alomar, IRTA, Spain
• methods for assessment of contaminants of invertebrate biological control agents and Associated Risks, M S Goettel and G D Inglis, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
• Post-Release Evaluation of Non-Target Effects of Biological Control Agents, B I P Barratt, AgResearch, New Zealand, B Blossey, Cornell University, USA, and H M T Hokkanen, University of Helsinki, Finland
• Molecular Methods for the Identification of biological control Agents at the species and strain level, R Stouthamer, University of California, USA
• The usefulness of the Ecoregion Concept for safer import of Invertebrate biological control Agents, M J W Cock, U Kuhlmann, U Schaffner, F Bigler and D Babendreier
• Statistical tools to improve the quality of experiments and Data Analysis for assessing non-target effects, T S Hoffmeister, D Babendreier and E Wajnberg
• Principles of environmental risk assessment with Emphasis on the New Zealand Perspective, A Moeed, ERMA New Zealand, R Hickson, Ministry of Research, Science and Technology, New Zealand and B I P Barratt,
• Environmental risk assessment: methods for comprehensive evaluation and quick scan, J C van Lenteren and A J M Loomans
• Balancing environmental risks and benefits: a Basic Approach, F Bigler and U Kφlliker-Ott