Reproduction in Farm Animals, 7th Edition
When you’re looking for a comprehensive and reliable text on large animal reproduction, look no further! the seventh edition of this classic text is geared for the undergraduate student in Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine.
In response to reader feedback, Dr. Hafez has streamlined and edited the entire text to remove all repetitious and nonessential material. That means you'll learn more in fewer pages.
Plus the seventh editing is filled with features that help you grasp the concepts of reproduction in farm animals so you'll perform better on exams and in practice:
• condensed and simplified tables, so they're easier to consult
• an easy-to-scan glossary at the end of the book
• an expanded appendix, which includes graphic illustrations of assisted reproduction technology
Table of Contents
Part I: Functional Anatomy of Reproduction.
Chapter 1. Anatomy of Male Reproduction (E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 2. Anatomy of Female Reproduction (B. Hafez and AE.S.E. Hafez).
Part II: Physiology of Reproduction.
Chapter 3. Hormones, Growth Factors, Reproduction (E.S.E. Hafez, M.R. Jainudeen, and Y. Rosnina).
Chapter 4. Reproductive Cycles (E.S.E. Hafez and B. Hafez).
Chapter 5. Folliculogenesis, Egg Maturation, and Ovulation (E.S.AE. Hafez and B.Hafez).
Chapter 6. Transport and Survival of Gametes (E.S.E. Hafez and B.Hafez).
Chapter 7. Spermatozoa and Seminal Plasma (D.L. Garner and E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 8. Fertilization and Cleavage (E.S.E. Hafez and B. Hafez).
Chapter 9. Implantation (R.D. Geisert and J.R. Malayer).
Chapter 10. Gestation, Prenatal Physiology, and Parturition (M.R. Jainudeen and E.S.E. Hafez).
Part III: Reproductive Cycles.
Chapter 11. Cattle and Buffalo (M.R. Jainudeen and E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 12. Sheep and Goats (M.R. Jainudeen, H. Wahid, and E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 13. Pigs (L.L. Anderson).
Chaper 14. Horses (E.S.E. Hafez and B. Hafez).
Chapter 15. Llamas and Alpacas (J.B. Sumar).
Chapter 16. Reproduction in Poultry: Male and Female (D.P. Forman, J.D. Kirby, and J.A. Proudman).
Part IV: Reproductive Failure.
Chapter 17. Reproductive Failure in Females (M.R. Jainudeen adn E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 18. Reproductive Failure in Males (M.R. Jainudeen and B. Hafez).
Part V: Physiopathology Mechanisms.
Chapter 19. Reproductive Behavior (B. Hafez and E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 20. Genetics of Reproductive Failure (Y. Rosnina, M.R. Jainudeen, and E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 21. Genetic Engineering of Farm Mammals (C.A. Pinkert ).
Chapter 22. Pharamcotoxiclogic Factors and Reproduction (A.E. Archibong and S.E. Abdelgadir).
Chapter 23. Immunology of Reproduction (P.J. Hansen).
Chapter 24. Molecular Biology of Reproduction (R. Juneja and S.S. Koide).
Part VI: Assisted Reproductive Technology.
Chapter 25. Semen Evaluation (R.L. Ax, M.R. Dally, B.A. Didin, R.W. Lenz, C.C. Love, D.D. Varner, B. Hagez, and M.E. Bellin).
Chaper 26. Artificial Insemination (R.L. Ax, M.R. Dally, B.A. Didion, R.W. Lenz, C.C. Love, D.D. Varner, B. Hafez and M.E. Bellin).
Chapter 27. X and Y Chromosome-Bearing Spermatozoa (AE.S.E. Hafez and B. Hafez).
Chapter 28. Pregnancy Diagnosis (M.R. Jainudeen adn E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 29. Ovulation Induction, Embryo Production and Transfer (M.R. Jainudeen, H. Wahid, and E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 30. Preservation and Cryopreservation of Gametes and Embryos (E.S.E. Hafez).
Chapter 31. Micromanipulation of Gametes and Embryos: In Vitro Fertilization and Embryo Transfer (IVF/ET) (B. Hafez and E.S.E. Hafez).
Glossary of Common Abbreviations.
Appendix I: Chromosome Numbers of Bovinae, Equinae, and Caprinae Species.
Appendix II: Chromosome Numbers and Reproductive Ability in Equine, Bovine, and Caprine Hybrids.
Appendix III: Preparation of Physiologic Solutions.
Appendix IV: Technique for Determining Spermatozoal Concentration Using a Hemacytometer.
Appendix V: Preparation of Sperm Stains.
Appendix VI: Preparation of Trypsin for Zona-Free Hamster Ova.
Appendix VII: Evaluation of Chromosomes of Ova.
Appendix VIII: Book/IVF Companies.
Appendix IX: In Vitro Fertilization by Microinjection.