Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Crops
Table of contents (23 chapters)
Viral Diseases
Pages 3-31
Moriones, Enrique (et al.)
Bacterial Diseases
Pages 33-54
Catara, Vittoria (et al.)
Fungal Diseases
Pages 55-100
Bardin, Marc (et al.)
Insect and Mite Pests
Pages 101-146
Knapp, Markus (et al.)
Pages 147-174
Sorribas, Francisco Javier (et al.)
Integrated Pest Management Methods and Considerations Concerning Implementation in Greenhouses
Pages 177-193
van Lenteren, Joop C. (et al.)
Epidemiology and Population Dynamics: Modelisation, Monitoring and Management
Pages 195-230
Marchand, Geneviève (et al.)
Diagnostics and Identification of Diseases, Insects and Mites
Pages 231-258
Spadaro, Davide (et al.)
Host Plant Resistance to Pests and Pathogens, the Genetic Leverage in Integrated Pest and Disease Management
Pages 259-283
Lefebvre, Véronique (et al.)
Cultural Methods for Greenhouse Pest and Disease Management
Pages 285-330
Kruidhof, H. Marjolein (et al.)
Seed and Propagative Material
Pages 331-354
Munkvold, Gary P. (et al.)
Soil and Substrate Health
Pages 355-383
Gamliel, A.
Biocontrol Agents Against Diseases
Pages 385-407
Bardin, Marc (et al.)
Biological Control Agents for Control of Pests in Greenhouses
Pages 409-439
van Lenteren, Joop C. (et al.)
Chemical and Natural Pesticides in IPM: Side-Effects and Application
Pages 441-454
Gullino, Maria Lodovica (et al.)
Implementation of Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouses: From Research to the Consumer
Pages 457-485
Riudavets, J. (et al.)
Pages 487-511
Castañé, Cristina (et al.)
Sweet Peppers
Pages 513-535
Messelink, Gerben J. (et al.)
Pages 537-566
Messelink, Gerben J. (et al.)
IPM for Protecting Leafy Vegetables Under Greenhouses
Pages 567-595
Gard, Benjamin (et al.)
Implementation of IPDM in Strawberries and Other Berries
Pages 597-624
Dara, Surendra K.
Integrated Pest and Disease Management in Greenhouse Ornamentals
Pages 625-679
Daughtrey, Margery (et al.)
Implementation of IPDM in Greenhouses: Customer Value as Guideline
Pages 681-691
Buurma, J. S. (et al.)