Scientific Farm Animal Production (Επιστημονική εκτροφή παραγωγικών ζώων - έκδοση στα αγγλικά)
Από: Robert Taylor, Thomas Field
Scientific Farm Animal Production, 9th Edition
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Κωδικός Προϊόντος | 013004 |
Κωδικός ISBN | 9780137010776 |
Εκδοτικός Οίκος | PEARSON |
Διαστάσεις | 20 X 25 |
Εξώφυλλο | Μαλακό |
Έτος έκδοσης | 2008 |
Σελίδες | 808 |
Συγγραφέας(εις) | Robert Taylor, Thomas Field |
Scientific Farm Animal Production, 9th Edition
The ninth edition of this best-selling book examines the biological principles, scientific relationships, and management practices of livestock production. Blending the discussion of science, disciplines and industries, it effectively introduces readers to Animal Science using a breadth and depth that is unparalleled. Following a logical organization, it first discusses animal products, then basic biological principles (growth, genetics, reproduction, nutrition, health, etc.) and finally the feeding, breeding and management of primary livestock industries. It also gives readers insight into the societal issues surrounding the livestock industry and an overview of the careers and opportunities available within the field.
1 Animal Contributions to Human Needs
Contributions to Food Needs × Contributions to Clothing and Other Nonfood
Products × Contributions to Work and Power Needs × Animals for Companionship,
Recreation, and Creativity × Human Health Research × Other Animals
2 An Overview of the Livestock and Poultry Industries
U.S. Animal Industries: An Overview × The Beef Industry × The Dairy Cattle
Industry × The Horse Industry × The Poultry Industry × The Sheep and Goat
Industry × The Swine Industry × Industry Issues and Challenges
3 Red Meat Products
Production × Products × Kosher Meats × Composition × Nutritional Considerations ×
Consumption × Marketing
4 By-Products of Meat Animals
Edible By-Products × Inedible By-Products × The Rendering Industry × Export
5 Milk and Milk Products
Milk Production × Milk Composition × Milk Products in the United States × Health
Considerations × Consumption × Marketing
6 Poultry and Egg Products
Poultry Meat and Egg Production × Composition × Poultry Products × Health
Considerations × Consumption × Marketing
7 Wool and Mohair
Growth of Hair, Wool, and Mohair × Factors Affecting the Value of Wool × Classes
and Grades of Wool × Production of Wool and Mohair × Uses of Wool and Mohair
8 Market Classes and Grades of Livestock, Poultry, and Eggs
Market Classes and Grades of Red Meat Animals × Market Classes and Grades of
Poultry Products
9 Visual Evaluation of Slaughter Red Meat Animals
External Body Parts × Location of the Wholesale Cuts in the Live Animal × Visual
Perspective of Carcass Composition of the Live Animal
10 Reproduction
Female Organs of Reproduction and Their Functions × Male Organs of
Reproduction and Their Functions × What Makes Testicles and Ovaries Function ×
Pregnancy × Parturition
11 Artificial Insemination, Estrous Synchronization, and Embryo Transfer
Semen Collecting and Processing × Insemination of the Female × Extent of
Artificial Insemination × Estrous Synchronization × Embryo Transfer
12 Genetics
Production of Gametes × Spermatogenesis × Oogenesis × Fertilization × DNA
and RNA × Genes and Chromosomes × Six Fundamental Types of Mating ×
Multiple Gene Pairs × Gene Interactions × Interactions Between Genes and
Environment × Biotechnology
13 Genetic Change Through Selection
Continuous Variation and Many Pairs of Genes × Predicting Genetic Change ×
Evidence of Genetic Change × Genetic Improvement Through Artificial
Insemination × Selection Methods × Basis for Selection
14 Mating Systems
Inbreeding × Outbreeding × Forming New Lines or Breeds
15 Nutrients and Their Functions
Nutrients × Proximate Analysis of Feeds × Digestibility of Feeds × Energy
Evaluation of Feeds × Feeds and Feed Composition
16 Digestion and Absorption of Feed
Carnivorous, Omnivorous, and Herbivorous Animals × Digestive Tract of
Monogastric Animals × Stomach Compartments of Ruminant Animals × Digestion
in Monogastric Animals × Digestion in Ruminant Animals
17 Providing Nutrients for Body Functions
Nutrient Requirements for Body Maintenance × Nutrient Requirements for ×
Growth × Nutrient Requirements for Fattening × Nutrient Requirements for
Reproduction × Nutrient Requirements for Lactation × Nutrient Requirements
for Egg Laying × Nutrient Requirements for Wool Production × Nutrient
Requirements for Work × Ration Formulation × Nutrient Requirements of
18 Growth and Development
Prenatal (Livestock) × Birth (Livestock) × Poultry × Basic Anatomy and
Physiology × Growth Curves × Carcass Composition × Age and Teeth Relationship
19 Lactation
Mammary Gland Structure × Mammary Gland Development and Function ×
Factors Affecting Milk Production × Milk Composition × Colostrum
20 Adaptation to the Environment
Major Environmental Effects × Changing the Environment × Changing the
21 Animal Health
Prevention × Detecting Unhealthy Animals × Major Diseases of Farm Animals
22 Beef Cattle Breeds and Breeding
What Is a Breed? × Major U.S. Beef Breeds × Improving Beef Cattle Through
Breeding Methods × Traits and Their Measurement × Bull Selection × Selecting
Replacement Heifers × Cow Selection × Crossbreeding Programs for Commercial
23 Feeding and Managing Beef Cattle
Cow-Calf Management × Management for Optimum Calf Crop Percentages ×
Management for Optimum Weaning Weights × Management for Low Annual Cow
Costs × Stocker-Yearling Production × Feedlot Cattle Management × Costs
and Returns
24 Dairy Cattle Breeds and Breeding
Characteristics of Breeds × Dairy Type × Improving Milk Production ×
Selection of Dairy Cows × Breeding Dairy Cattle × Sire Selection
25 Feeding and Managing Dairy Cattle
Nutrition of Lactating Cows × Nutrition of Dry Cows × Nutrition of Replacement
Heifers × Nutrition of Bulls × Calving Operations × Milking and Housing
Facilities for Dairy Cows × Milking Operations × Controlling Diseases × Costs
and Returns
26 Swine Breeds and Breeding
Characteristics of Swine Breeds × Traits and Their Measurements × Selecting
Replacement Females × Boar Selection × Effective Use of Performance Records ×
Crossbreeding for Commercial Swine Producers
27 Feeding and Managing Swine
Types of Swine Operations × Farrow-to-Finish Operations × Management of
Purchased Feeder Pigs × Market Management Decisions × Costs and Returns
28 Sheep Breeds and Breeding
Major U.S. Sheep Breeds × Breeding Sheep × Inherited Abnormalities
29 Feeding and Managing Sheep
Production Requirements for Farm Flocks × Types of Farm Flock Producers ×
Feeding Ewes × Care and Management of Farm Flocks × Facilities for Production
of Range Sheep × Managing Range Sheep × Controlling Diseases and Parasites ×
Determining the Age of Sheep by Their Teeth × Costs and Returns
30 Horse Breeds and Breeding
Breeds of Horses × Breeding Program × Conformation of the Horse × Unsoundness
and Blemishes of Horses × Gaits of Horses × Ease of Riding and Way of Going ×
Determining the Age of a Horse by Its Teeth × Donkeys, Mules, and Hinnies
31 Feeding and Managing Horses
Feeds and Feeding × Managing Horses × Housing and Equipment × Controlling
Diseases and Parasites
32 Poultry Breeding, Feeding, and Management
Breeds and Breeding × Feeding and Management × Costs and Returns
33 Goat Breeding, Feeding, and Management
Importance of Goats × Physiological Characteristics × Characteristics of Breeds
of Dairy Goats × Care and Management × Controlling Diseases and Parasites ×
The Angora Goat × The Meat Goat × The Pygmy Goat
34 Animal Behavior
Major Types of Animal Behavior × Sexual Behavior × Maternal Behavior ×
Communication Behavior × Social Behavior × Feeding Behavior × Shelter-
Seeking Behavior × Investigative Behavior × Allelomimetic Behavior ×
Maladaptive or Abnormal Behavior
35 Animal Welfare and Animal Rights
Animal Rights × Animal Welfare × Organizations × Summary
36 Making Effective Management Decisions
Managing for Lower Costs and Higher Returns × The Manager × Financial
Management × Income Tax Considerations × Estate and Gift-Tax Planning ×
Computers × Management Systems
37 Careers and Career Preparation in the Animal Sciences
Production × Science × Agribusiness × Food Industry × International
Opportunities × Management Positions × Women in Animal Science Careers ×
Future Career Opportunities × Career Preparation
38 Aquaculture
The ninth edition of this best-selling book examines the biological principles, scientific relationships, and management practices of livestock production. Blending the discussion of science, disciplines and industries, it effectively introduces readers to Animal Science using a breadth and depth that is unparalleled. Following a logical organization, it first discusses animal products, then basic biological principles (growth, genetics, reproduction, nutrition, health, etc.) and finally the feeding, breeding and management of primary livestock industries. It also gives readers insight into the societal issues surrounding the livestock industry and an overview of the careers and opportunities available within the field.
1 Animal Contributions to Human Needs
Contributions to Food Needs × Contributions to Clothing and Other Nonfood
Products × Contributions to Work and Power Needs × Animals for Companionship,
Recreation, and Creativity × Human Health Research × Other Animals
2 An Overview of the Livestock and Poultry Industries
U.S. Animal Industries: An Overview × The Beef Industry × The Dairy Cattle
Industry × The Horse Industry × The Poultry Industry × The Sheep and Goat
Industry × The Swine Industry × Industry Issues and Challenges
3 Red Meat Products
Production × Products × Kosher Meats × Composition × Nutritional Considerations ×
Consumption × Marketing
4 By-Products of Meat Animals
Edible By-Products × Inedible By-Products × The Rendering Industry × Export
5 Milk and Milk Products
Milk Production × Milk Composition × Milk Products in the United States × Health
Considerations × Consumption × Marketing
6 Poultry and Egg Products
Poultry Meat and Egg Production × Composition × Poultry Products × Health
Considerations × Consumption × Marketing
7 Wool and Mohair
Growth of Hair, Wool, and Mohair × Factors Affecting the Value of Wool × Classes
and Grades of Wool × Production of Wool and Mohair × Uses of Wool and Mohair
8 Market Classes and Grades of Livestock, Poultry, and Eggs
Market Classes and Grades of Red Meat Animals × Market Classes and Grades of
Poultry Products
9 Visual Evaluation of Slaughter Red Meat Animals
External Body Parts × Location of the Wholesale Cuts in the Live Animal × Visual
Perspective of Carcass Composition of the Live Animal
10 Reproduction
Female Organs of Reproduction and Their Functions × Male Organs of
Reproduction and Their Functions × What Makes Testicles and Ovaries Function ×
Pregnancy × Parturition
11 Artificial Insemination, Estrous Synchronization, and Embryo Transfer
Semen Collecting and Processing × Insemination of the Female × Extent of
Artificial Insemination × Estrous Synchronization × Embryo Transfer
12 Genetics
Production of Gametes × Spermatogenesis × Oogenesis × Fertilization × DNA
and RNA × Genes and Chromosomes × Six Fundamental Types of Mating ×
Multiple Gene Pairs × Gene Interactions × Interactions Between Genes and
Environment × Biotechnology
13 Genetic Change Through Selection
Continuous Variation and Many Pairs of Genes × Predicting Genetic Change ×
Evidence of Genetic Change × Genetic Improvement Through Artificial
Insemination × Selection Methods × Basis for Selection
14 Mating Systems
Inbreeding × Outbreeding × Forming New Lines or Breeds
15 Nutrients and Their Functions
Nutrients × Proximate Analysis of Feeds × Digestibility of Feeds × Energy
Evaluation of Feeds × Feeds and Feed Composition
16 Digestion and Absorption of Feed
Carnivorous, Omnivorous, and Herbivorous Animals × Digestive Tract of
Monogastric Animals × Stomach Compartments of Ruminant Animals × Digestion
in Monogastric Animals × Digestion in Ruminant Animals
17 Providing Nutrients for Body Functions
Nutrient Requirements for Body Maintenance × Nutrient Requirements for ×
Growth × Nutrient Requirements for Fattening × Nutrient Requirements for
Reproduction × Nutrient Requirements for Lactation × Nutrient Requirements
for Egg Laying × Nutrient Requirements for Wool Production × Nutrient
Requirements for Work × Ration Formulation × Nutrient Requirements of
18 Growth and Development
Prenatal (Livestock) × Birth (Livestock) × Poultry × Basic Anatomy and
Physiology × Growth Curves × Carcass Composition × Age and Teeth Relationship
19 Lactation
Mammary Gland Structure × Mammary Gland Development and Function ×
Factors Affecting Milk Production × Milk Composition × Colostrum
20 Adaptation to the Environment
Major Environmental Effects × Changing the Environment × Changing the
21 Animal Health
Prevention × Detecting Unhealthy Animals × Major Diseases of Farm Animals
22 Beef Cattle Breeds and Breeding
What Is a Breed? × Major U.S. Beef Breeds × Improving Beef Cattle Through
Breeding Methods × Traits and Their Measurement × Bull Selection × Selecting
Replacement Heifers × Cow Selection × Crossbreeding Programs for Commercial
23 Feeding and Managing Beef Cattle
Cow-Calf Management × Management for Optimum Calf Crop Percentages ×
Management for Optimum Weaning Weights × Management for Low Annual Cow
Costs × Stocker-Yearling Production × Feedlot Cattle Management × Costs
and Returns
24 Dairy Cattle Breeds and Breeding
Characteristics of Breeds × Dairy Type × Improving Milk Production ×
Selection of Dairy Cows × Breeding Dairy Cattle × Sire Selection
25 Feeding and Managing Dairy Cattle
Nutrition of Lactating Cows × Nutrition of Dry Cows × Nutrition of Replacement
Heifers × Nutrition of Bulls × Calving Operations × Milking and Housing
Facilities for Dairy Cows × Milking Operations × Controlling Diseases × Costs
and Returns
26 Swine Breeds and Breeding
Characteristics of Swine Breeds × Traits and Their Measurements × Selecting
Replacement Females × Boar Selection × Effective Use of Performance Records ×
Crossbreeding for Commercial Swine Producers
27 Feeding and Managing Swine
Types of Swine Operations × Farrow-to-Finish Operations × Management of
Purchased Feeder Pigs × Market Management Decisions × Costs and Returns
28 Sheep Breeds and Breeding
Major U.S. Sheep Breeds × Breeding Sheep × Inherited Abnormalities
29 Feeding and Managing Sheep
Production Requirements for Farm Flocks × Types of Farm Flock Producers ×
Feeding Ewes × Care and Management of Farm Flocks × Facilities for Production
of Range Sheep × Managing Range Sheep × Controlling Diseases and Parasites ×
Determining the Age of Sheep by Their Teeth × Costs and Returns
30 Horse Breeds and Breeding
Breeds of Horses × Breeding Program × Conformation of the Horse × Unsoundness
and Blemishes of Horses × Gaits of Horses × Ease of Riding and Way of Going ×
Determining the Age of a Horse by Its Teeth × Donkeys, Mules, and Hinnies
31 Feeding and Managing Horses
Feeds and Feeding × Managing Horses × Housing and Equipment × Controlling
Diseases and Parasites
32 Poultry Breeding, Feeding, and Management
Breeds and Breeding × Feeding and Management × Costs and Returns
33 Goat Breeding, Feeding, and Management
Importance of Goats × Physiological Characteristics × Characteristics of Breeds
of Dairy Goats × Care and Management × Controlling Diseases and Parasites ×
The Angora Goat × The Meat Goat × The Pygmy Goat
34 Animal Behavior
Major Types of Animal Behavior × Sexual Behavior × Maternal Behavior ×
Communication Behavior × Social Behavior × Feeding Behavior × Shelter-
Seeking Behavior × Investigative Behavior × Allelomimetic Behavior ×
Maladaptive or Abnormal Behavior
35 Animal Welfare and Animal Rights
Animal Rights × Animal Welfare × Organizations × Summary
36 Making Effective Management Decisions
Managing for Lower Costs and Higher Returns × The Manager × Financial
Management × Income Tax Considerations × Estate and Gift-Tax Planning ×
Computers × Management Systems
37 Careers and Career Preparation in the Animal Sciences
Production × Science × Agribusiness × Food Industry × International
Opportunities × Management Positions × Women in Animal Science Careers ×
Future Career Opportunities × Career Preparation
38 Aquaculture
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Σχετικές κατηγορίες
Κωδικός Προϊόντος | 013004 |
Κωδικός ISBN | 9780137010776 |
Εκδοτικός Οίκος | PEARSON |
Διαστάσεις | 20 X 25 |
Εξώφυλλο | Μαλακό |
Έτος έκδοσης | 2008 |
Σελίδες | 808 |
Συγγραφέας(εις) | Robert Taylor, Thomas Field |
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