Olive Germplasm - The Olive Cultivation, Table Olive and Olive Oil Industry in Italy
The olive (Olea europaea) is increasingly recognized as a crop of great economic and health importance world-wide. Olive growing in Italy is very important, but there is still a high degree of confusion regarding the genetic identity of cultivars. This book is a source of recently accumulated information on olive trees and on olive oil industry. The objective of this book is to provide knowledge which is appropriate for students, scientists, both experienced and inexperienced horticulturists and, in general, for anyone wishing to acquire knowledge and experience of olive cultivation to increase productivity and improve product quality. The book is divided into two parts: I) the olive cultivation, table olive and olive oil industry in Italy and II) Italian catalogue of olive varieties. All chapters have been written by renowned professionals working on olive cultivation, table olives and olive oil production and related disciplines. Part I covers all aspects of olive fruit production, from site selection, recommended varieties, pest and disease control, to primary and secondary processing. Part II contains the chapter on the description of Italian olive varieties. It is well illustrated and includes 200 elaiographic cards with colour photos, graphs and tables.
• Chapter 1 Origin and History of the Olive by Catherine Marie Breton, Peter Warnock and André Jean Berville
• Chapter 2 Botanical Description by Adriana Chiappetta and Innocenzo Muzzalupo
• Chapter 3 Cultivation Techniques by Caterina Briccoli Bati, Elena Santilli, Ilaria Guagliardi and Pietro Toscano
• Chapter 4 Floral Biology: Implications for Fruit Characteristics and Yield by Adolfo Rosati, Silvia Caporali and Andrea Paoletti
• Chapter 5 Susceptibility of Cultivars to Biotic Stresses by Nino Iannotta and Stefano Scalercio
• Chapter 6 Phytosanitary Certification by Giuliana Albanese, Maria Saponari and Francesco Faggioli
• Chapter 7 Olive Tree Genomic by Rosario Muleo, Michele Morgante, Riccardo Velasco, Andrea Cavallini, Gaetano Perrotta and Luciana Baldoni
• Chapter 8 Technological Aspects of Olive Oil Production by Maurizio Servili, Agnese Taticchi, Sonia Esposto, Beatrice Sordini and Stefania Urbani
• Chapter 9 Olive Mill By-Products Management by Pietro Toscano and Francesco Montemurro
• Chapter 10 Packaging and Storage of Olive Oil by Amalia Piscopo and Marco Poiana
• Chapter 11 Sensory Analysis of Virgin Olive Oils by Innocenzo Muzzalupo, Massimiliano Pellegrino and Enzo Perri
• Chapter 12 Modern Methodologies to Assess the Olive Oil Quality by Giovanni Sindona and Domenico Taverna
• Chapter 13 Olive Oil Traceability by Enzo Perri, Cinzia Benincasa and Innocenzo Muzzalupo
• Chapter 14 Oleuropein an Olive Oil Compound in Acute and Chronic Inflammation Models: Facts and Perspectives by Domenico Britti, Daniela Impellizzeri, Antonio Procopio and Salvatore Cuzzocrea
• Chapter 15 Microbiological Aspects of Table Olives by Flora Valeria Romeo
• Chapter 16 Nutritional and Sensory Quality of Table Olives by Barbara Lanza