The seminal text Plant Virology is now in its fifth edition. It has been 10 years since the publication of the fourth edition, during which there has been an explosion of conceptual and factual advances. The fifth edition of Plant Virology updates and revises many details of the previous edition while retaining the important earlier results that constitute the field's conceptual foundation. Revamped art, along with fully updated references and increased focus on molecular biology, transgenic resistance, aphid transmission, and new, cutting-edge topics, bring the volume up to date and maintain its value as an essential reference for researchers and students in the field. Features: thumbnail sketches of each genera and family groups; genome maps of all genera for which they are known; genetic engineered resistance strategies for virus disease control; latest understanding of virus interactions with plants, including gene silencing; interactions between viruses and insect, fungal, and nematode vectors; and over 300 full-color illustrations.
Section I Introduction
Chapter 1: Introduction
Chapter 2: Nomenclature and Classification of plant viruses
Chapter 3: Structure and assembly
Chapter 4: Symptoms and host range
Chapter 5: Agents resembling or altering virus diseases
Section II Virus-Plant-Vector; Molecular mechanisms and interactions
Chapter 6: Genome composition, organization and gene expression
Chapter 7 Replication of plant viruses
Chapter 8 Origins and Evolution of Plant Viruses
Chapter 9 Virus-plant interactions: RNA silencing
Chapter 10: Movement of viruses within plants
Chapter 11 Virus-plant interactions in non-permissive and permissive hosts
Chapter 12 Plant to plant movement
Section III Applied aspects
Chapter 13 Assay, detection, and diagnosis and diagnosis of plant viruses
Chapter 14 Ecology, epidemiology and control of plant viruses
Chapter 15 Plant viruses and technology
Section IV Plant virus viromics
Chapter 16 Plant virus viromics: involvement of genomes of three organisms - virus, host, vector
Appendix A Profiles of Families and Genera of Plant Viruses
Appendix B Plant Virus biological properties
Appendix C Plant virus genomes
Appendix D Plant virus acronyms