Poultry Meat Processing, Second Edition
• Continues its reputation as the most current, comprehensive text on the poultry meat processing
• Explores the complex mix of biology, chemistry, engineering, marketing, and economics involved in poultry processing
• Provides significant updates on packaging technology, risk assessment, and quality evaluation
• Features new chapters on nutrition, sanitation, equipment design, meat quality, poultry by-products, and animal welfare
When the first edition of Poultry Meat Processing was published, it provided a complete presentation of the theoretical and practical aspects of poultry meat processing, exploring the complex mix of biology, chemistry, engineering, marketing, and economics involved. Upholding its reputation as the most comprehensive text available, Poultry Meat Processing, Second Edition is thoroughly expanded and updated.
Understand the Theoretical and Practical Aspects of Processing Poultry From Farm to Fork
Now containing even more illustrations, this completely revised second edition features:
• Three new chapters - Nutritive Value of Poultry Meat, Coproducts and By-products from Poultry Processing, and Poultry Processing Under Animal Welfare and Organic Standards in the U.S.
• New techniques for assessing poultry meat tenderness, equivalency scales for sensory and instrumental tenderness measurements, and calculations for marination
• Significant updates on primary, secondary, and further processing to reflect changes in the processing industry
This extremely informative textbook covers the gamut of poultry processing, including live bird production, muscle protein functionality, processing plant operations (primary, secondary, and further processing), quality and safety of poultry products, inspection systems, and wastewater management. It provides the steps and conditions used in poultry processing and discusses why they are necessary. In addition to its academic use, this valuable work serves as an essential reference for researchers, industry personnel, and extension specialists and agents seeking to expand their knowledge.
Introduction to poultry meat processing
Alan R. Sams and Christine Z. Alvarado
Preslaughter factors affecting poultry meat quality
Julie K. Northcutt and R. Jeff Buhr
First processing: Slaughter through chilling
Alan R. Sams and Shelly R. McKee
Second processing: Parts, deboning, and portion control
Alan R. Sams and Casey M. Owens
Poultry meat inspection and grading
Sacit F. Bilgili
Paul L. Dawson
Meat quality: Sensory and instrumental evaluations
Brenda G. Lyon, Clyde E. Lyon, Jean-François Meullenet, and Young S. Lee
Microbiological pathogens: Live poultry considerations
Billy M. Hargis, David J. Caldwell, and J. Allen Byrd
Poultry-borne pathogens: Plant considerations
Michael A. Davis, Manpreet Singh, and Donald E. Conner
Spoilage bacteria associated with poultry
Scott M. Russell
Functional properties of muscle proteins in processed poultry products
Denise M. Smith
Formed and emulsion products
Jimmy T. Keeton and Wesley N. Osburn
Coated poultry products
Casey M. Owens
Mechanical separation of poultry meat and its use in products
Glenn W. Froning and Shelly R. McKee
Marination, cooking, and curing of poultry products
Douglas P. Smith and James C. Acton
Quality assurance and process control
Douglas P. Smith
Nutritive value of poultry meat
Leslie D. Thompson
Processing water and wastewater
William C. Merka
Coproducts and by-products from poultry processing
Rubén O. Morawicki
Poultry processing under animal welfare and organic standards in the United States
Anne Fanatico
A brief introduction to some of the practical aspects of the kosher and halal laws for the poultry industry
Joe M. Regenstein and Muhammad Munir Chaudry