Advanced Technologies For Meat Processing
• Details information on advanced processing technology such as gene technology for production
• Explains advanced control technology for rapid online control systems that use spectroscopic and real time PCR
• Describes efficient, state-of-the-art packaging technologies
• Provides research on the most recent developments in the functional properties of meat and meat products
• Presents numerous tables and figures that illustrate pertinent processing concepts
In recent years, the meat industry has incorporated important technological advances that, to this point, have not been addressed in a single source. Comprehensive and authoritative, Advanced Technologies for Meat Processing presents developments concerning the quality, analysis, and processing of meat and meat products.
Co-Edited by Fidel Toldra - Recipient of the 2010 Distinguished Research Award from the American Meat Science Association
Featuring contributions from a panel of international experts, the book details technologies used in the meat processing chain. It describes important processing methodologies such as gene technology, automation, irradiation, hot boning, high pressure, vacuum-salting, enzymes, starters, and bacteriocins.
The book begins by exploring various production systems that include the use of modern biotechnology, automation in slaughterhouses, and rapid non-destructive on-line detection systems. It proceeds to describe different new technologies such as decontamination, high pressure processing, and fat reduction. The book then examines functional meat compounds such as peptides and antioxidants and the processing of nitrate-free products and dry-cured meat products. It also discusses bacteriocins that fight against meat-borne pathogens and the latest developments in bacterial starters for improved flavor in fermented meats. It concludes with a discussion of packaging systems of the final products.
Bioengineering of Farm Animals: Meat Quality and Safety,
Morse B. Solomon, Janet S. Eastridge, and Ernest W. Paroczay
Gene Technology for Meat Quality, John L. Williams
Automation for the Modern Slaughterhouse, Graham Purnell and Mark Loeffen
Hot-Boning of Meat: A New Perspective, Declan J. Troy
New Spectroscopic Techniques for Online Monitoring of Meat Quality, Kjell Ivar Hildrum, Jens Petter Wold, Vegard H. Segtnan, Jean-Pierre Renou, and Eri Dufour
Real-Time PCR for the Detection of Pathogens in Meat, Petra Wolffs and Peter Rådström
Meat Decontamination by Irradiation, D. U. Ahn, E. J. Lee, and A. Mendonca
Application of High Hydrostatic Pressure to Meat and Meat Processing, Atsushi Suzuki, Ken Kim, Hiroyuki Tanji, Tadayuki Nishiumi,and Yoshihide Ikeuchi
Hydrodynamic Pressure Processing to Improve Meat Quality and Safety, Morse B. Solomon, Martha N. Liu, Jitu R. Patel, Brian C. Bowker,and Manan Sharma
Functional Properties of Bioactive Peptides Derived From Meat Proteins, Keizo Arihara
New Approaches for the Development of Functional Meat Products, Francisco Jiménez-Colmenero, Milagro Reig, and Fidel Toldrá
Processing of Nitrite-Free Cured Meats, Ronald B. Pegg and Fereidoon Shahidi
Biochemical Proteolysis Basis for Improved Processing
of Dry-Cured Meats, Fidel Toldrá
Vacuum Salting Treatment for the Accelerated Processing of Dry-Cured Ham, Jose M. Barat, Raul Grau, Pedro Fito, and Amparo Chiralt
The Use of Bacteriocins Against Meat-Borne Pathogens, Teresa Aymerich, Margarita Garriga, Anna Jofré, Belén Martín,
and Josep M. Monfort
Latest Developments in Meat Bacterial Starter, Talon Régine and Leroy Sabine
Modified Atmosphere Packaging, Joseph G. Sebranek and Terry A. Houser
Perspectives for the Active Packaging of Meat Products, Véronique Coma