Fundamentals of Beef Management
This handy guide was developed specifically for small-scale operations, and includes everything you need to know to get started in the beef cattle business. You'll find it helpful not only if you are new to the beef cattle business, but also if you have been away from the business for an extended time.
Chapters discuss:
• Beef breeds - to help you select breed characteristics that best match your environment, economic situation, and production goals
• Equipment for handling cattle and corrals
• Fencing needs - including descriptions of basic designs and construction materials
• Truck and trailer design considerations, tips for safe transportation, information on shrinkage, and legal requirements associated with transporting cattle
• Health and management of your livestock, including dehorning and castration, cattle identification, general animal health, identification and treatment of internal and external parasites, and reproduction
• Range and irrigated pasture management
• Animal nutrition and feeds that meet nutritional requirements of various classes of cattle
• Calving
• Carcass traits and how they affect the value of the beef you produce
• Record keeping, marketing, and economics, key aspects of a successful beef cattle operation
• Regulations relating to land use and zoning ordinances, waste disposal, livestock identification, the Endangered Species Act, and the Clean Water Act
Four appendixes, a glossary, and an index round out the manual and also provide more specialized information that will help keep you abreast of trends and changes in the industry.
“Fundamentals of Beef Management is practical for beef producers across the country. It goes back to the basics of beef production in a very well written, easy to read format.” - Kentucky Cattlemen's Association
"Many of my Dexter cattle customers are first time cattle owners. Fundamentals of Beef Management addresses many of their questions, and is a great marketing tool for me." - Emerald Spring Dexters
"Fundamentals of Beef Management is a concise, well-written, well-illustrated basic beef management manual. It provides a great deal of pertinent information on basic management topics. This is a good manual for the beginning cattleman, and is also a great refresher and reference for the experienced producer." - Murray Grey News