Western Corn Rootworm: Ecology and Management
Edited by S Vidal, Georg-August University, Goettingen, Germany; U Kuhlmann, CABI Bioscience, Delιmont, Switzerland; C R Edwards, Purdue University, W Lafayette, Indiana, USA
Pub Date: December 2004
320 pages
Researchers and advanced students in entomology and integrated crop protection
Key Features
• Presents a comprehensive overview of recent findings of WCR biology, behaviour and ecology
• Provides basic information to enable governmental organisations to deploy control strategies
• Contains contributions from a large number of leading experts from the USA and Europe
Main Description
Western Corn Rootworm, Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte, has been a major economic pest of maize in the Americas for many years. However, since the early 1990's it has become an increasing threat to crops in Europe and is expected to spread to all maize growing areas of the continent.
This book provides a comprehensive review of current knowledge of the biology and ecology of this insect pest and how it might be managed in order to limit its damage as it spreads into new agroecological areas. Cultural, biotechnical, and biological control measures are addressed, as are ecological baseline data such as population dynamics, economic thresholds and aspects of its behaviour. The book also examines the potential of plant protection techniques currently used in North America to be applied in Europe.
• "This book provides a good background on WCR and its potential to become a major European pest and is a measure of how much research has been carried out; however it also shows that the problem is still evolving and spreading."
Bob Dutton, Pest Management Science, 2005
• "The volume's information has relevance not only to currently infested areas, but also to limit this pest insect's occurrence and damage potential as it spreads into other as yet un-infested agroecological areas."
IMPnet News, 139, July 2005
Main Contents
• Invasive alien species - a threat to global biodiversity and opportunities to prevent and manage it, R Wittenberg, CABI Bioscience, Switzerland
• Monitoring of Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) in Europe 1992-2003, J Kiss, Szent Istvαn University, Hungary, C R Edwards, H Berger and P Cate, Austrian Agency for Health and Food Safety, Austria, M Cean, Central Laboratory for Phytosanitary Quarantine, Romania, S Cheek, Department for Food, Environment and Rural Affairs, UK, J Derron, Swiss Federal Research Station for Plant Production, Switzerland, H Festic, University of Sarajevo, Bosnia-Herzegovina, L Furlan, University of Padova, Italy, J Igrc-Barcic, University of Zagreb, Croatia, I Ivanova, Central Laboratory for Plant Quarantine, Bulgaria, W Lammers, Plant Protection Service, The Netherlands, V Omelyuta, Ukraine Academy of Agrarian Sciences, Ukraine, G Princzinger, Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development, Hungary, P Reynaud, INRA, France, I Sivcev, Institute for Plant Protection and Environment, Serbia, P Sivicek, Central Control and Testing Institute of Agriculture, Slovakia, G Urek, Agricultural Institute of Slovenia, Slovenia, and O Vahala, Regional Division of the State Phytosanitary Administration, Czech Republic
• A synopsis on the nutritional ecology of larvae and adults of Diabrotica virgifera virgifera (LeConte) in the New and Old World - Nouvelle cuisine for the invasive maize pest Diabrotica virgifera virgifera in Europe?, J Moeser, Georg-August University, Germany, and B E Hibbard, University of Missouri, USA
• Western Corn Rootworm, Cucurbits and Curcurbitacins, D W Tallamy, University of Delaware, USA, B E Hibbard, T L Clark, University of Missouri, USA, and J J Gillespie, Texas A&M University, USA
• Natural mortality factors acting on Western Corn Rootworm populations: A comparison between the United States and Central Europe, S Toepfer and U Kuhlmann, CABI Bioscience, Switzerland
• Movement, dispersal, and behavior of Western Corn Rootworm adults in rotated corn and soybean fields, J L Spencer and E Levine, Illinois Natural History Survey, USA, S A Isard, University of Illinois, USA, and T T Mabry, Holden Foundation Seeds, USA
• Within-field spatial variation of Northern Corn Rootworm distributions, M M Ellsbury, USDA-ARS, USA, D E Clay, S A Clay and D D Malo, South Dakota State University, USA
• Heterogeneous landscapes and variable behavior: modeling rootworm evolution and geographic spread, D W Onstad, C A Guse and D W Crowder, University of Illinois, USA
• Sampling devices and decision rule development for Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) adults in soybean to predict subsequent damage to corn in Indiana, C K Gerber, C R Edwards, L W Bledsoe and J L Obermeyer, Purdue University, USA, G Barna, Syngenta Seeds, Hungary, and R E Foster, Purdue University, USA
• Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) and the crop rotation systems in Europe, J Kiss, J Komaromi and K Bayar, Szent Istvαn University, Hungary, C R Edwards, and I Hatala-Zsellιr, Csongrαd County Plant and Soil Protection Service, Hungary
• Application of the areawide concept using semiochemical-based insecticide baits for managing the Western Corn Rootworm (Diabrotica virgifera virgifera LeConte) variant in the eastern Midwest, C K Gerber, C R Edwards, L W Bledsoe, M E Gray and K L Steffey, University of Illinois, USA, and L D Chandler, USDA-ARS, USA
• Genetically Enhanced Maize as a Potential Management Option for Corn Rootworm: YieldGardβ Rootworm Maize Case Study, D P Ward, T A DeGooyer, T T Vaughn, G P Head, M J McKee, J D Astwood and J C Pershing, Monsanto Company, USA
• Is classical biological control against Western Corn Rootworm in Europe a potential sustainable management strategy?, U Kuhlmann, S Toepfer, and F Zhang, CABI Bioscience, Switzerland
• Maize growing, maize high-risk areas and potential yield losses due to Western Corn Rootworm (D. virgifera virgifera LeConte) damage in selected European countries, P Baufeld, Department for National and International Plant Health, Germany, and S Enzian, Federal Biological Research Centre for Agriculture and Forestry, Germany