Valuing Mediterranean Forests: Towards Total Economic Value
Edited by M Merlo, University of Padua, Italy; L Croitoru, University of Padua, Italy
Pub Date: April 2005
448 pages
Students, practitioners and policy-makers in forestry, environmental and natural resource economics.
Key Features
• Draws attention to the less well-known economic benefits of Mediterranean forests
• Brings together a large amount of existing and new data and information into a coherent analytical framework
• Provides recommendations for improving sustainable forest policy and management
Main Description
This book provides a comprehensive analysis of the economic value of Mediterranean forests, including not only the more obvious benefits (e.g. timber), but also the less commonly-measured public goods (e.g. tourism and conservation) that these forests provide. It brings together forest valuations at the national level from eighteen Mediterranean countries, based on extensive local data collection, and thus allows comprehensive analyses within countries as well as comparative analyses across countries. Forest benefits were classified within the Total Economic Value (TEV) framework. The book describes the valuation techniques used and examines ways to overcome the problems encountered. The book explores the research findings in the context of the institutions and policies that affect Mediterranean forests and proposes new policy approaches for improving forest policies and management at the national, regional and local levels. It is also shown how the methodologies used can be applied to other regions.
Main Contents
• Introduction, M Merlo and L Croitoru
Part I. Mediterranean forest values
• The state of Mediterranean forests, M Merlo, and P Paiero, University of Padua, Italy
• Concepts and methodology: a first attempt towards quantification, M Merlo and L Croitoru
• Mediterranean forest values, L Croitoru and M Merlo
Part II. Country situations
• Morocco, M Ellatifi, Department of Water, Forests and Desertification Control, Morocco
• Algeria, A Nιdjahi and M Zamoum, National Institute of Forest Research, Algeria
• Tunisia, H Daly-Hassen, National Institute of Research on Rural Engineering, Water and Forestry, Tunisia, and A Ben Mansoura, Arab Center for Studies of Arid Zones and Drylands, Syria
• Egypt, L Croitoru
• Palestine, R Ghattas, N Hrimat and J Isaac, Applied Research Institute Jerusalem, West Bank
• Israel, A Gafni, Jewish National Fund, Israel
• Lebanon, E Sattout, S Talhouk and N Kabbani, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
• Syria, I Nahal and S Zahoueh, Aleppo University, Syria
• Turkey, M F Tόrker, Karadeniz Technical University, Turkey, M Pak, Kahramanmaras Sόtηόimam University, Turkey, and A Φztόrk, Kaftas University, Turkey
• Cyprus, Department of Forests, Cyprus
• Greece, V Kazana, Technological Education Institute of Kavala, Greece, and A Kazaklis, Centre for Integrated Environmental Management, Greece
• Albania, K Dano, Directorate of Forests and Pastures, Albania
• Croatia, R Sabadi, University of Zagreb, Croatia, and D Vuletic and J Gracan, Forest Research Institute, Croatia
• Slovenia, R Mavsar, L Kutnar and M Kovac, Slovenian Forestry Institute, Slovenia
• Italy, L Croitoru, P Gatto, University of Padua, Italy, M Merlo and P Paiero
• France, C Montagnι, J-L Peyron, A Niedzwiedz and O Colnard, Laboratoire d'Economie Forestiere, UMR ENGREF/INRA, France
• Spain, P Campos Palacin, Institute of Economics and Geography, Madrid, Spain, E Sanjurjo, Instituto Nacional de Ecologia, Mιxico, and A Caparros, Institute of Economics and Geography, Madrid, Spain
• Portugal, A M S C Mendes, Portuguese Catholic University, Portugal
Part III. Towards a Mediterranean forests multipurpose policy
• Institutional and policy implications in the Mediterranean region, P Gatto and M Merlo
• Decentralization and participation: key challenges for Mediterranean public forest policy, E Rojas Briales, Polytechnic University of Valencia, Spain
• The need for an international agreement on Mediterranean forests, A M S C Mendes