Tradeoffs or Synergies? Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment
Edited by D R Lee, Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA; C B Barrett, Department of Agricultural, Resource and Managerial Economics, Cornell University, Ithaca, New York, USA
Pub Date: November 2000
560 pages
Economic and agricultural development, environmental and forest management and policy, international policy analysis.
Main Description
The need to increase food production, enhance economic growth and reduce poverty in an environmentally sustainable context is an issue of growing importance. This book addresses the linkages and tradeoffs involved in solving such key challenges.
"...this book is a very good reference for researchers, policy makers and postgraduate students who are interested in the 'tradeoff versus synergies' debate." Padma Lal, Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, March 2003
Main Contents
• Preface
• Introduction: Changing Perspectives on Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment, D R Lee, P J Ferraro and C B Barrett
Part I: Balancing Food Production, Economic and Environmental Goals: Concepts and Methods
• The Doubly Green Revolution, G Conway
• Population, Agricultural Land Use and the Environment in Developing Countries, R E Bilsborrow and D L Carr
• The Economics of Biodiversity Loss and Agricultural Development in Low-Income Countries, C Perrings
• Farm Household Intensification Decisions and the Environment, S Pagiola and S Holden
• When Does Technological Change in Agriculture Promote Deforestation?, A Angelsen and D Kaimowitz
• Bioeconomic Models for Ecoregional Development: Policy Instruments for Sustainable Intensification, R Ruben, A Kuyvenhoven and G Kruseman
• Tradeoffs in Agriculture, the Environment and Human Health: Decision Support for Policy and Technology Managers, C C Crissman, J M Antle, and J J Stoorvogel
Part II: Empirical Studies of Tradeoffs and Synergies in Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and the Environment
• Balancing Regional Development Priorities to Achieve Sustainable and Equitable Agricultural Growth, P Hazell and S Fan
• Pathways of Development in the Hillsides of Honduras, J Pender, S J Scherr and G Duron
• Implications of Resource Use Intensification for the Environment and Sustainable Technology Systems in the Central African Rainforest, J Gockowski, G B Nkamleu, and J Wendt
• Agricultural Intensification, Deforestation and the Environment: Assessing Tradeoffs in Sumatra, Indonesia, T P Tomich, M van Noordwijk, S Budidarsono, A Gillison, T Kusumanto, D Murdiyarso, F Stolle and A M Fagi
• Intensifying Small-Scale Agriculture in the Western Brazilian Amazon: Issues, Implications and Implementation, S Vosti, J Witcover, C Line Carpentier and S Oliviera (with collaborators)
• Integrated Bioeconomic Land Use Models: An Analysis of Policy Issues in the Atlantic Zone of Costa Rica, R A Schipper, H G P Jansen, B A M Bouman, H Hengsdijk, A Nieuwenhuyse, and F Sαenz
• Land Tenure and the Management of Land and Trees, K Otsuka and F Place
• Sustainable Agriculture and Natural Resource Management in India’s Semiarid Tropics, J Kerr, G Pangare, V Lokur Pangare and P J George
Part III: Evaluating Tradeoffs and Synergies: Technology, Institutions and Policies
• Soil Fertility, Small-farm Intensification and the Environment in Africa, P A Sanchez, B Jama, A I Niang and C A Palm
• Interactions Under Intensifying Production, S J Staal, S Ehui and J Tanner
• Sustainable versus Unsustainable Agricultural Intensification in Africa: Focus on Policy Reforms and Market Conditions, T Reardon, C B Barrett, V Kelly and K Savodogo
• Intensive Food Systems in Asia, P L Pingali and M W Rosegrant
• Biodiversity and Agricultural Development: The Crucial Institutional Issues, J A McNeely
• Moving Beyond Integrated Conservation and Development Projects (ICDPs) to Achieve Biodiversity Conservation, K Brandon
• Balancing Development and Environmental Goals Through Community-Based Natural Resource Management, N T Uphoff
• Achieving Agricultural Intensification, Economic Development and Environmental Goals: Tradeoffs and Synergies, D R Lee, C B Barrett, P Hazell, and D Southgate