The Sustainable Management of Vertisols
Soil science and agricultural engineering, agricultural development
Main Description
This book is based on a workshop held in Zimbabwe, May 1999, organized by the Department of Research and Specialist Services (Zimbabwe) and the International Board for Soil Research and Management (IBSRAM). Reviewing the current state of knowledge on and the practical aspects of the management of Vertisols in Africa, this book also includes comparative chapters covering other parts of the world, such as India, Australia and Texas (USA).
• "This book provides the readers, in a summary form, with developments in cropping and soil management practices for Vertisols. It also provides a useful paradigm for action-learning and a participatory approach and natural resources research domains for Vertisols. It is recommended for those working, managing, and planning policies on Vertisols."
Ram C Dalal, Soil Science, November 2004
Main Contents
Foreword Eric T Craswell, International Board for Soil Research and Management, Thailand
Part One: Keynote and Overview Papers
• Vertisols: genesis, properties and soilscape management for sustainable development, J Deckers, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, O Spaargaren, International Soil Reference and Information Centre, The Netherlands and F Nachtergaele, Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Italy
• Soil and water conservation strategies for Vertisols: Past perspectives and challenges ahead for Africa, J Hussein, University of Zimbabwe, and M A Adey, University of Newcastle upon Tyne, UK
• Sustainable nutrient management of Vertisols, J K Syers, Naresuan University, Thailand, P Nyamudeza, Chiredzi Experimental Station, Zimbabwe and Y Ahenkorah, University of Ghana
• New tools for research and development to promote sustainable land management, E T Craswell and F Penning de Vries
Part Two: Country Papers and Natural Perspectives on the Management of Vertisols
• Vertisols management in Malawi, A D C Chilemba, Chitedze Agricultural Research Station, Malawi
• Vertisols management in South Africa, A J van der Merwe, M C de Villiers, C Bόhmann, D J Beukes and M C Walters, ARC-Institute for Soil, South Africa
• Vertisols management in the Sudan, A T Ayoub, Sudan
• Vertisols management in Tanzania, F B R Rwehumbiza, N Hatibu and H F Mahoo, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
• Vertisols management in Zambia, N Mukanda, Mt Makulu Central Research Station, Zambia and A Mapiki, Sokoine University of Agriculture, Tanzania
• Vertisols management in Zimbabwe, B Matibiri, Zimbabe Sugar Association Experiment Station, Zimbabwe, P Nyamudeza and J Hussein
• Improving the productivity of Vertisols for small-holders on the Accra Plains of Ghana, E K Asiedu, Soil Research Institute, Ghana, P Dreschsel, IBSRAM Ghana, J W Oteng, University of Ghana, and Y Ahenkorah
• From plot to watershed management: Experience in farmer participatory Vertisol technology generation and adoption in highland Ethiopia, M Jabbar and M A M Saleem, International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia and T Mamo, Ethiopian Agricultural Research Organisation, Ethiopia
Part Three: International Perspectives on the Management of Vertisols
• Low-cost animal drawn implements for Vertisol management and strategies for land use intensification, A Astatke and M Jabbar, International Livestock Research Institute, Ethiopia
• Indian Vertisols: ICRISAT’s research impact - past, present and future, R J K Myers, ICRISAT, Zimbabwe and P Pathak, International Crop Research Institute for the Semi-Arid Tropics, India
• Planning and facilitating a ‘negotiated learning and action system’: Participatory research to improve soil management practices on Indian Vertisols and Alfisols, C A King, H P Singh, G Subba Reddy, Central Research Institute for Dryland Agriculture, India and D M Freebairn, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Australia
• Research approaches to developing sustainable management practices on Australian Vertisols, R Connolly, N Dalgleish, K Coughlan and D M Freebairn, Queensland Department of Natural Resources, Australia and M E Probert, CSIRO, Australia
• The Vertisols of Texas, K N Potter, USDA-ARS, USA and T J Gerik, Texas A&M Experiment Station, USA
Part Four: Conclusions
• Research needs and opportunities, J K Syers, E T Craswell and P N Nyamudeza