The Pineapple: Botany, Production and Uses
Horticulture, tropical fruit growers.
Main Description
Aimed at researchers and professional horticulturists, this comprehensive reference book on pineapple covers all topics from botany and taxonomy to genetics, breeding, production, disease and postharvest techniques. There is currently no single up-to-date volume on the pineapple and this book fills that gap.
The contents include: history, distribution and world production; botany; breeding, genetic engineering, selection and cultivars; crop environment, temperature, water and light; propagation; cultural systems; flowering and fruit development; and pests, disease and weeds. The book will be of interest to those working in horticulture and tropical fruit growers.
Main Contents
8 colour plates
• History, Distribution and World Production K G Rohrbach, F Leal, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Colombia and G Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, IPGRI/CIAT, Colombia
• Morphology, Anatomy and Taxonomy G Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, IPGRI/CIAT, Colombia and F Leal, Universidad Central de Venezuela, Colombia
• Breeding and Variety Improvement Y K Chan, MARDI, Malaysia, G Coppens d'Eeckenbrugge, IPGRI/CIAT, Colombia and G M Sanewski, Maroochy Research Station, Australia
• Biotechnology M K Smith, H-L Ko, S D Hamill, G M Sanewski, Maroochy Research Station, Australia and M W Graham, Queensland Agricultural Biorechnology Centre, Australia
• Crop Environment, Plant Growth and Physiology E Malιzieux, AGER, CIRAD, France, F Cτte, CIRAD, France and D P Bartholomew
• Cultural System A Hepton, Dole Food Company, USA
• Plant Nutrition E Malιzieux, AGER, CIRAD, France and D P Bartholomew
• Inflorescence and Fruit Development and Yield D P Bartholomew, E Malιzieux, AGER, CIRAD, France, G M Sanewski, Maroochy Research Station, Australia and E Sinclair, Golden Circle Ltd, Australia
• Pests, Diseases and Weeds K G Rohrbach and M W Johnson, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA
• Postharvest Physiology, Handling, and Storage of Pineapple R E Paull and Ching-Cheng Chen, National Chung Hsing University, Republic of China
• Processing A S Hodgson, University of Hawaii at Manoa, USA and A Hepton, Dole Food Company, USA