The Biology of Terrestrial Molluscs
Students and professionals in invertebrate zoology, ecology and pest management
Main Description
With an estimated 35,000 species, terrestrial molluscs are one of the most successful and diverse animal groups in land-based ecosystems. These animals have long been of importance to human societies as food, medicine, crop pests, vectors of parasites, and as tools, personal ornamentation and currency in trade. This book presents a synthesis of current knowledge and research on the biology of terrestrial molluscs.
• "This books is an important compilation of up to date information that everyone working on molluscs should have access to. Gary barker's monumental first chapter should be required reading for mollusc researchers."
Robert H Cowie, Tentacle 13, January 2005
• "In summary the book provides the most comprehensive and up-to-date compendium of information on the biology of terrestrial gastropods currently available, written by leaders in their respective fields. As such it can be strongly recommended."
Bulletin of Entomological Research, Kent, October 2002
• "This book is a welcome addition to the molluscan literature and will be a valuable reference source for researchers, lecturers in malacology and post-graduate students".
African Zoology, November 2002
Main Contents
• Morphology, phylogeny and systematics, G M Barker, Landcare Research, New Zealand
• Body wall: form and function, D L Luchtel and I Deyrup-Olsen University of Washington, USA
• Sensory organs and the nervous system, R Chase, McGill University, Canada
• Radular structure and function, U Mackenstedt, Universitδt Hohenheim, Germany and K Mδrkel, Ruhr-Universitδt Bocham, Germany
• Structure and function of the digestive tract, V K Dimitriadis, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece
• Food and feeding behaviour, B Speiser, Research Institute of Organic Agriulcture (FiBL), Switzerland
• Haemolymph: blood cell morphology and function, E Furuta and K Yamaguchi, Dokkyo University School of Medicine, Japan
• Structure and functioning of the reproductive system, B Gomez, Universidad del Paνs Vasco, Spain Regulation of growth and reproduction, A Gomot de Vaufleury, Universtι de Fanche-Comtι, France
• Spermiogenesis and oogenesis, J M Healy, The University of Queensland, Australia
• Population and conservation genetics, T Backeljau, Royal Belgian Institute of Natural Sciences, Belgium, A Baur and B Baur, University of Basel, Switzerland
• Life history strategies, J Heller, The Hebrew University, Israel
• Behavioural ecology: on doing the right thing in the right place at the right time, A Cook, University of Ulster, UK
• Soil biology and ecotoxicology, R Dallinger and B Berger, Universitδt Innsbruck, Austria, R Triebskorn-Kφhler and H Kφhler, Universitat Tόbingen, Germany