Potato Genetics
Main Description
The potato is economically a very important crop in many parts of the world. All improvements through potato breeding or biotechnology must be based on a thorough knowledge of potato genetics. This book fills a major gap in the current literature for an up-to-date account of this topic and its implications for crop improvement. Written by authorities from the UK, USA, Canada, Peru, Netherlands, Germany, Sweden and Poland, this major reference work will be indispensible for workers in plant genetics, breeding and biotechnology.
Main Contents
• Production of monohaploids of Solanum tuberosum L. and their use in genetics, molecular biology and breeding, E Jacobsen and M S Ramanna
Cellular and molecular genetics
• Tissue culture, G Wenzel
• Somaclonal variation, A Kumar
• Molecular genetics, K N Watanabe
Environmental stress, morphology and quality
• Environmental stress and its impact on potato yield, M E Vayda
• Inheritance of morphological and tuber characteristics, R Ortiz and Z Huaman
• Inheritance of table and processing quality, M F B Dale and G R Mackay
Inheritance of resistance to pests and diseases
• Inheritance of resistance to nematodes, M.S. Phillips
• Inheritance of resistance to viruses, K M Swiezynski
• Inheritance of resistance to late blight, V Umaerus and M Umaerus
• Inheritance of resistance to warm-growing-season fungal diseases, J J Pavek and D L Corsini
• Inheritance of resistance to fungal diseases of tubers, R L Wastie
• Inheritance of resistance to bacterial diseases, J G Elphinstone
• Inheritance of resistance to insects and mites, K V Raman et al.
Potato breeding
• Breeding strategies for clonally propagated potatoes, J E Bradshaw and G R Mackay
• Breeding potatoes based on true seed propagation, A M Golmirzaie, P Malagamba and N Pallais
• Introgression of genes from wild species, including molecular and cellular approaches, J G Th Hermsen