Plant Parasitic Nematodes in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, 2nd Edition
Students and researchers in crop protection and plant nematology.
Key Features
• The definitive global reference work on its subject
• A book that combines theory and practice, concentrating on nematode species that lower crop yields
• Includes fully revised chapters, contributions from many new authors, and an extended number of illustrations
Main Description
This book examines all aspects of practical plant nematology in subtropical and tropical agriculture. The second edition has been fully revised and updated to take into consideration developments that have taken place since the publication of the first edition in 1990. It covers all the major food and cash crops that are of economic significance in the tropics and subtropics. It provides practical guidance on methods of extraction, processing and diagnosis of different plant and soil nematodes and on integrated pest management. The information in this book is supported by abundant illustrations, including 128 colour photographs.
• "This is essentially a practical book that will be immensely useful to agriculturists, extension workers, teachers and students, especially those working in subtropical and tropical agriculture."
Roland N Perry, Parasitology, 131, 2005
• "Most sustainable methods of nematode management must be adapted to local conditions and this will require a very large increase in nematological expertise in many parts of the tropics. This book is a key text support that important process.
B Kerry, Tropical Agriculture Association Newsletter, December 2005
Main Contents
• Foreword
• Preface to 1st Edition, J N Sasser
• Reflections on Nematology in Subtropical and Tropical Agriculture, M Luc, J Bridge and R A Sikora
• Identification, Morphology and Biology of Plant Parasitic Nematodes, D J Hunt, CABI Bioscience, Egham, UK, M Luc, and R H Manzanilla-Lσpez, Rothamsted Research, UK
• Methods for Extraction, Processing and Detection of Plant and Soil Nematodes, D J Hooper, Lymington, UK, J Hallmann, Federal Biological Research Center for Agriculture and Forestry Nematology, Germany, and S Subottin, Russian Academy of Sciences
• Nematode Parasites of Rice, J Bridge, R A Plowright, Soil Association, UK, and D Peng, Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China
• Nematode Parasites of Cereals, A H McDonald, ARC-Grain Crops Institute, Republic of South Africa, and J M Nicol, International Wheat and Maize Improvement Center, Turkey
• Nematode Parasites of Solanum Potato, M L Scurrah, Lima, Peru, B Niere, Biologische Bundesanstalt fόr Land- und Forstwirtschaft, Germany, and J Bridge
• Nematode Parasites of Tropical Root and Tuber Crops, J Bridge, D L Coyne, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria, and C K Kwoseh, University of Science and Technology, Ghana
• Nematode Parasites of Food Legumes, R A Sikora, N Greco, CNR Istituto per la Protezione delle Piante, Italy, and J F V Silva, Embrapa, Brazil
• Nematode Parasites of Vegetables, R A Sikora, and E Fernαndez, Instituto de Investigaciones de Sanidad Vegetal, Cuba
• Nematode Parasites of Peanut, D W Dickson, University of Florida, USA, N A Minton, US Department of Agriculture, and D De Waele, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium
• Nematode Parasites of Citrus, L W Duncan, University of Florida, USA
• Nematode Parasites of Subtropical and Tropical Tree and Fruit Crops, F E El-Borai, Agricultural Research Organization, Israel, and L W Duncan
• Nematode Parasites of Coconut and other Palms, R Griffith, Natural Resource Development Institute, West Indies, R M Giblin-Davis, University of Florida, USA, P K Koshy and V K Sosamma, Central Plantation Crops Research Institute, India
• Nematode Parasites of Coffee and Cocoa, V P Campos, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Brazil, and L Villain, CIRAD TA, France
• Nematode Parasites of Tea, N C Gnanapragasam, Hatton, Sri Lanka, and K M Mohotti, Tea Research Institute of Sri Lanka
• Nematode Parasites of Bananas and Plantains, S R Gowen, University of Reading, UK, P Quιnιhervι, Pτle de Recherche Agronomique de la Martinique, France, and R Fogain, Centre Africain de Recherche sur Bananiers et Plantains, Cameroon
• Nematode Parasites of Sugarcane, P Cadet, Institute de Recherche pour le Dιvelopment, France and V W Spaull, South African Sugar Association Experiment Station
• Nematode Parasites of Tobacco, C S Johnson, Southern Piedmont AREC, USA, J Way, Tobacco Research Board, Zimbabwe, and K R Barker, North Carolina State University, USA
• Nematode Parasites of Pineapple, B S Sipes, University of Hawaii, USA, E P Caswell-Chen, University of California, Davis, J-L Sarah, CIRAD/UMR BGPI, France, and W J Apt
• Nematode Parasites of Cotton and other Tropical Fibre Crops, J L Starr, Texas A & M University, USA, R G Carneiro and O Ruano, Instituto Agronτmico do Paranα, Brasil
• Nematode Parasites of Spices, Condiments and Medicinal Plants, P K Koshy, R Pandey, Central Institute of Medicinal and Aromatic Plants, India, and S J Eapen, Indian Institute of Spices Research, India
• Management Practices: An Overview of Integrated Nematode Management Technologies, R A Sikora, J Bridge and J L Starr
• Plate Section
• Appendix A: Nematicides, R A Sikora
• Appendix B: Nematode Genera and Species, M Luc