Nematology:Advances and Perspectives Vol II: Nematode Management and Utilization
by Z X Chen, Michigan State University; S Y Chen, University of Minnesota; D W Dickson, University of Florida, USA
Pub Date: October 2004
608 pages
Invertebrate zoology, ecology and crop protection.
Main Description
Nematodes are the most abundant and diversified group in the animal kingdom, with four out of five animals on earth being nematodes. Nematology was first recognised as an independent discipline during the early part of the century and since that time has made unparalleled advances to become an integral part of biological sciences.
Written as two volumes, this title provides a broad overview of our current knowledge of nematology. The first volume addresses basic biology, while this second volume covers applied aspects of nematodes as parasites of plants, humans and other animals, or as disease vectors, and the control of pest nematodes. The contributors to this work include the world’s leading authorities from Australia, Brazil, Canada, France, New Zealand, UK and USA. It will provide essential reading for researchers and students with an interest in nematology.
• "Overall, the book is a useful summary of nematode management and utilisation and the chapters are written by leading international authorities. It will be an important volume for researchers and students, primarily in the applied area of nematode control and utilisation."
Roland Perry, Parasitology News, Feb 2005
Reviews of the two volumes:
• "With 25 chapters written authoritatively, there are probably no other two books that, together, cover such a breadth of topics on nematodes."
Marc Pilon, Trends in Parasitology, 21(7), 2005
• "I, for one, will definitely use it in my next class."
Yitzhak Spiegel, European Journal of Plant Pathology, 113, 2005
Main Contents
Plant diseases caused by nematodes, R H M Lopez, K Evans, Rothamsted Research, UK and J Bridge, CABI Bioscience, UK
Virus vectors, D J F Brown, Scottish Crop Research Institute, UK, J Zheng and X Zhou
Physiological interactions between nematodes and their host plants, H Melakeberhan, Michigan State University, USA
Insect Parasitic Nematodes, K B Nguyen and G C Smart, Jr., University of Florida, USA
Resistance to plant-parasitic nematodes, J L Starr, Texas A & M University, USA and P A Roberts
Crop rotation and other cultural practices, J M Halbrendt, Fruit Research and Ext. Center, Pennsylvania, USA and J A LaMondia, The Connecticut Ag. Expt. Station, Connecticut
Use of antagonistic plants and natural products, S Ferraz, Universidad Federal de Vicosa, Brazil
Biological control with fungal antagonists, S Chen and D W Dickson
Biological control of nematodes by bacterial antagonists, Z X Chen and D W Dickson
Biological control of insects and other invertebrates with nematodes, H Kaya and A Koppenhofer, University of California - Davis, USA
Cost-benefits of nematode management through regulatory programs, P S Lehman, Florida Department of Agriculture and Consumer Services, Gainesville, Florida, USA
Nematicides: Past and present uses, J R Rich, University of Florida, Quincy, USA, R A Dunn and J W Noling
Irradiation effects on plant-parasitic nematodes, D W Dickson