Forestry and Environmental Change: Socioeconomic and Political Dimensions
Advanced students and researchers in forestry, climate change and natural resource economics.
Main Description
Drawing on a host of international case-studies, this detailed book examines the interactions between forestry and environmental change, from a social, economic and political perspective. It presents novel insights into little-studied topics such as the influence of forest reserves on timber prices, the relationship between forestry and aboriginal populations, the certification of forest management and wood products, and the issues facing forests in transition countries. It also brings together the latest thinking on a wide range of topics including deforestation in temperate and tropical forests, the application of forest zoning as an alternative to multiple use forestry, capital management, establishment of large-scale reserves in temperate and boreal forests and social revolutions in forest management.
Main Contents
• The importance for forestry of changes in the socio-economic environment, J L Innes and H F Hoen
• The emerging role of forest quality in setting perspectives in forest management, N Dudley, Equilibrium Consultants, UK
• Making value compromises in an efficient economy: efficiency as value dialogue, M Farmer, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA, and A Randall, Ohio State University, USA
• An intergenerational perspective on effects of environmental changes: Discounting the future's viewpoint, C Price, University of Wales, UK
• Deforestation processes in temperate and tropical forests - an economic perspective, O Hofstad, Agricultural University of Norway, Norway
• The application of forest zoning as an alternative to multiple use forestry, C R Nitschke, University of British Columbia, Canada, and J L Innes
• Capital management - the forests in countries in transition - welfare impacts, P Csσka, Ministry of Agriculture and Regional Development, Hungary
• Certification of forest management and wood products, J L Innes and G M Hickey
• How will new large-scale nature reserves in temperate and boreal forests affect the global structural wood products sector? J M Perez-Garcia, University of Washington, USA
• The establishment of large-scale reserves in temperate and boreal forests: some experiences of the US and prospects for Finland, R A Sedjo, Resources for the Future, Washington, USA
• The new planning approach and criteria used for sustainable forest management in Turkey, ά Asan, University of Istanbul, Turkey
• Application of criteria and indicators for sustainable forest management to a GIS-based multiple criteria decision making approach for forest conservation planning in the Kinabalu Region, Sabah, Malaysia, M H Phua and M Minowa, University of Tokyo, Japan
• Social revolutions in forest management, J Romm, University of California, USA
• Recent developments in decision analysis for forest management, G A Mendoza, University of Illinois, USA