Evaluating Indirect Ecological Effects of Biological Control
Biological control, pest management, ecology
Main Description
A major concern for biological control has always been the risk of indirect unwanted effects on the ecology of other organisms. Our understanding of the ecological and evolutionary processes underlying these effects has until now been limited and experimental methods sometimes lacking. This book presents the key papers from of the first International Organisation for Biological Control global symposium, held in Montpellier, France, in October 1999. It addresses the issues and concerns involved in biological control, and assesses the current status of evaluation of the ecological effects.
Main Contents
• Indirect ecological effects in biological control: the challenge and the opportunity, J K Waage, CABI Bioscience, Ascot, UK
• Indirect interactions, community modules, and biological control: A theoretical perspective, R D Holt, University of Kansas, USA and M E Hochberg, Universitι de Montpellier, France
• Research needs concerning non-target impacts of biological control introductions, K R Hopper, USDA, USA
• Food webs, risks of alien enemies and reform of biological control, D R Strong, University of California, USA and R W Pemberton, USDA, USA
• Evaluation of non-target effects of pathogens used for management of arthropods, M S Goettel, Agriculture & Agri-Food Canada and A E Hajek, Cornell University, USA
• Insect biological control and non-target effects: A European perspective, L D Lynch, CABI Bioscience, Ascot, UK et al.
• Biological control in Africa and its possible effects on biodiversity, P Neuenschwander and R Markham, International Institute of Tropical Agriculture, Nigeria
• Rhinocyllus conicus: Initial evaluation and subsequent ecological impacts in North America, A Gassmann, CABI Bioscience Centre Switzerland and S M Louda, University of Nebraska, USA
• Risk analysis and weed biological control, W M Lonsdale, D T Briese and J M Cullen, CSIRO Entomology, Australia
• Incorporating biological control into ecologically based weed management, R L Sheley and M J Rinella, Montana State University, USA
• The scope and value of extensive ecological studies in the broom biological control programme, S V Fowler, Landcare Research, Auckland, New Zealand et al.