Environmental Change and Geomorphic Hazards in Forests
Forestry, climatology, hydrology, soil science, geography and related geosciences.
Key Features
• The 9th title in the IUFRO Research Series.
• Roy Sidle is one of the foremost researchers in geomorphology and forestry hydrologists in the world.
• All contributors are recognised specialists in the field.
• Climate change is currently a hot topic in forestry and environmental studies.
Main Description
Environmental and climate change is affecting forests and land use in numerous ways, including increasing the risk of geomorphic hazards. Such hazards include surface erosion, desertification and related land degradation. Yet it is often difficult to distinguish between the influences of climate change from those of changing forest land use, on geomorphic hazards.This volume reviews current knowlege on these issues.
• "This is a very useful volume which includes some material on climatic change impacts that have so far received rather sparse attention from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change."
A S Goudie, Oxford
• "This book is highly recommendable for anyone interested in climate-change related issues."
Jorg Matschullat, Environmental Geology, 47, 2004
Main Contents
• Introduction, R C Sidle
• Potential impacts of climate change on streamflow and flooding in snow dominated forested basins, M S Wigmosta, and L R Leung, Pacific Northwest National Laboratory, Washington, USA
• Regional hydrologic impacts of climate change, D H Burn, Carelton University, Canada
• The potential impact of global change on surface erosion from forest lands in Asia, K F A Lo, Chinese Culture University, Taiwan and Q Cai, Chinese Academy of Sciences, China
• Climate change related to erosion and desertification: 1. Mediterranean Europe, G Roldolfi and C Zanchi, University of Florence, Italy
• Climate change related to erosion and desertification: 2. Africa, H R Beckedahl, University of Natal, South Africa
• The effects of environmental changes on weathering, gravitational rock deformation and landslides, M Chigira, Kyoto University, Japan
• Potential effects of environmental change on landslide hazards in forest environments, R C Sidle and A S Dhakal, University of British Columbia, Canada
• Natural hazards in forests: Glacier and permafrost effects as related to climate change, W Haeberli, University of Zurich, Switzerland and C Burn, Carelton University, Canada
• Global changes, mangrove forests and implications for hazards along continental shorelines, D Taylor, Trinity College, Dublin and P G Sanderson, University of Notre Dame, Western Australia
• Future directions for geomorphologic hazard analysis in forests, R C Sidle