Crop Variety Improvement and its Effect on Productivity: The Impact of International Agricultural Research
Edited by R E Evenson, Economic Growth Center, Yale University, USA; D Gollin, Economic Growth Center, Yale University, USA
544 pages
Researchers and policy makers in plant breeding, agricultural and development economics.
Main Description
This volume reports on the productivity impacts of varietal improvement research conducted at a number of international centres affiliated with the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research. Such centres have been at the forefront of a 40-year effort to breed new varieties of the world’s staple food crops. The volume is the main product of a study initiated and supported by the Impact Assessment and Evaluation Group (now Standing Panel on Impact Assessment) of the CGIAR. Descriptive data and econometric models are used to evaluate the impact of research on eleven crops and in three country case studies (Brazil, China and India).
"An important reference work for plant breeders throughout the world." James Watson, Expl Agric.40, 2004
Main Contents
Part I: Introduction and Methodology
• Study design and scope, R E Evenson and D Gollin
• Crop genetic improvement in developing countries: Overview and summary, R E Evenson and D Gollin
• Objectives and methodology: Crop genetic improvement studies, R E Evenson and D Gollin
Part II: Crop Studies
• Wheat, P W Heisey, USDA-Economic Research Service, Washington DC, USA, M A Lantican and H J Dubin, CIMMYT, Mexico
• International research and genetic improvement in rice: Evidence from Asia and Latin America, M Hossain, IRRI, Makati City, Philippines, D Gollin, et al
• Ecological diversity and rice varietal improvement in West Africa, T J Dalton, University of Maine, Orono, USA and R G Guei, WARDA, Cote D’Ivoire
• Impacts of CIMMYT maize breeding research, M Morris, CIMMYT, Mexico, M Mekuria and R Gerpacio
• Impact of IITA germplasm improvement on maize production in West and Central Africa, V M Manyong, IITA, Nigeria, J G Kling, Oregon State University, USA, et al
• Impacts of genetic improvement in sorghum, U K Deb and M C S Bantilan, ICRISAT, Andhra Pradesh, India
• Impacts of genetic enhancement in pearl millet, M C S Bantilan and U K Deb, ICRISAT, Andhra Pradesh, India
• The impact of international and national investment in barley germplasm improvement in the developing countries, A Aw-Hassan, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria and K Shideed, IPA Agricultural Research Center, Iraq, et al
• The impact of CIAT’s genetic improvement research on beans, N L Johnson, D Pachico, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, et al
• Economic impact of international and national lentil improvement research in developing countries, K Shideed, IPA Agricultural Research Center, Iraq, A Aw-Hassan, ICARDA, Aleppo, Syria, et al
• Impacts of genetic improvement in groundnut, M C S Bantilan, U K Deb and S N Nigam, ICRISAT, Andhra Pradesh, India
• Potato genetic improvement in developing countries and CIP’s role in varietal change, T Walker, CIP, Lima, Peru, Y P Bi, Shandong Academy of Agricultural Sciences, China, et al
• The impact of IARC genetic improvement programs on cassava, N L Johnson, CIAT, Cali, Colombia, V M Manyong, IITA, Nigeria, et al
Part III: Country Studies
• Objectives and methodology for country studies, R E Evenson
• The impact of investments in agricultural research on total factor productivity in China, S Rozell, S Jin, University of California, USA, et al
• Crop genetic improvement impacts on Indian agriculture, J W McKinsey, North Easton, MA, USA and R E Evenson
• Brazil, A F D Avila, EMPRAPA, Brazil, R E Evenson, et al
Part IV: Synthesis
• Modern variety (MV) production: A synthesis, R E Evenson
• Production impacts of crop genetic improvement (CGI), R E Evenson
• The economic consequences of CGI programs, R E Evenson and M Rosegrant, International Food Policy Research Institute, Washington DC, USA